Unit 6
Unit 6
Unit 6
Social Control
Meaning and definition of social
problems (disorder and deviance)
and social control.
Social Problems (Meaning and Definition):
Deviance Crime
• Deviance is when there is a • Crime implies any illegal act
non-conformity concerning or omission, which amounts
the well established social to the violation of the law,
and cultural norms and often prosecuted by the
principles. state and punishable by law
• Documentation Not • written or documented Well
• Control by Social • Control by Police and
organizations and groups. judiciary.
• Not severe • Severe
social control (Meaning and Definition):
• social control attempts by society to regulate people’s
thoughts and behavior criminal justice system the
organizations—police, courts, and prison officials— that
respond to alleged violations of the law.
• Social control refers to the foundation of social order as well
as to the definition of and response to crime and/or deviance.
• The concept was initially introduced in sociology to refer
broadly to the foundations of social order, especially in
societies that were undergoing rapid social change and
exhibited an increasingly individualist values system
• Ogburn and Nimkoff have said that social control refers to
the patterns of pressure which society exerts to maintain
order and established rules.
Types of Social Control:
1. Formal social control:
This type of social control is exercised by known and
deliberate agencies of social control, such as law,
punishment, army, Constitution etc. Man is forced to
accept these forms of social control. Generally these
forms are exercised by secondary groups.
2. Informal social control:
These agencies of Social Control have grown according
to the needs of the society. Folk ways, mores,
customs, social norms etc. fall under this category of
social control. Generally primary institutions exercise
this type of social control.
Means/ Mechanism of Social Control :