8606 Assingment 2
8606 Assingment 2
8606 Assingment 2
Roll no cb648473
Assignment 02
The word deviance connotes odd or unbearable conduct, but in the sociological sense
of the word, deviance is simply any violation of society’s norms. Deviance can range
from something minor, such as a traffic violation, to something major, such as murder.
social deviance is the conduct that violates social values, producing anger, and a
desire for punishment in a significant segment of the society or culture. Deviance has
four social functions. Nonconformity clarifies our cultural values, and deviance helps to
define our morality. And thirdly, nonconformity helps to unify society. And finally, fourth,
deviance encourages social change.
They would argue that deviance is a necessary part of the method by which social order
is achieved and maintained. From this position, deviant conduct serves to remind the majority of
the socially agreed upon rules, norms, and taboos, which reinforces their value and thus social
Deviance is conduct that violates social norms and arouses negative
reactions. ...
Durkheim said deviance performs several important jobs for society. ...
Biological explanations of deviance assume that deviants differ biologically from
no deviants. ... Deviance is any conduct that violates social norms, and is usually of
sufficient severity to warrant disapproval from the majority of society. Deviance can be
criminal or non‐criminal. The sociological discipline that deals with crime (conduct that
violates laws) is criminology (also known as criminal justice).
b) In your opinion which social control agents are influential in our society and why?
Definition Social Control refers to societal and political mechanisms or methods that
regulate individual and group behavior, leading to conformity and compliance to the
rules of a given society, state, or a social group. It is the mean by which members of a
society attempt to induce each other to comply with the societal norms. Social controls
influence behavior constantly because they are internalized and come into play every
time a person has a deviant impulse. Social control is general method of regulating the
behavior of individuals in a society through accepted social norms. It is a way to
channelize the behavior of individuals in a society so that they conform to the accepted
code of conduct. Social control is defined as “the way in which the entire social order
coheres and maintains itself, operates as a whole, as changing equilibrium”. This Social
control refers to the way society controls our behavior, either through norms and
practices or through the state and its compelling force. The regulation of behavior in
society, whether of individuals or of groups is undertaken in two ways: a) By adhering to
establish norms and values of society; and b) By the use of force.
The term “social control” is generally used by sociologists to refer to this first kind of
regulation. Individuals differ in their interests and capacities. If each individual is allowed
unrestricted freedom to act and behave, it may lead to anarchy and disorder in the
society. The resultant conflicts, frequent and persistent, would be a constant drain on
society’s energy and efficiency. As an analogy, we could consider traffic movement on
roads in the absence of any traffic rules and traffic signals, etc. it is easy to imagine the
chaos that would rule the roads and the unending traffic jams that would follow. If we
add to it the frustration of the drivers and their heated tempers, it is easy to understand
that the end result is totally undesirable. The fact that
traffic rules help to maintain order and efficient movement of vehicle is only due to the
presence of control. Sociologists attribute many purposes of social control. The aim of
social control is to bring about conformity in a particular group or society. At times, out
of sheer ignorance, individuals could act in a manner that may or may not benefit them.
But certainly society’s interests lie at the collective level. There are other situations
when the individual is perfectly aware of the ill effects of his actions on the society but
he continues with his behavior because it increases his welfare. For instance, in an
industry where the owner is fully aware of the harmful effects of pollution but does not
install pollution control device because he wants to maximize his profits at the cost of
safeguarding the collective interests. Society seeks to regulate the individual behavior.
The purpose of social control is to regulate the interests of the both the individual and
the group in a way that is beneficial to both. The situation in society would be no
different if there was no accepted mode of behavior. Individuals, therefore, have to be
made to co-exist in a manner that benefits them as well as the groups they comprise of
social control becomes a necessity for the following reasons: a) To maintain the old
order: For continuity and uniformity of a social group, it is important that the old social
order is maintained. This function is fulfilled by the family. The old members of the
family initiate and socialize the young ones into their traditions, value patterns and
accepted forms of behavior. b) To regulate individual behavior: Individuals vary in
their ideas, interests, attitudes, habits, etc. Even children of the same parents think and
behave differently. Thus their behavior needs to be regulated in accordance with the
established norms which would lead to uniformity and solidarity of the group. c) To
check cultural maladjustment: Society is changing at a rapid pace. The changes
threaten to uproot the existing social system and replace it with a new system. There is
a need for greater social control in order to distinguish between good and bad and to
retain one’s sense of balance and judgment.
Forms of Social Control in primary groups, the relationships are close, direct and
intimate. Social Control is often maintained by informal mechanism, i.e. customs,
traditions, folkways, mores and religions. These are adopted means by informal groups.
Sociologists identify two basic forms of social controls: 1. Internalization of norms and
values, and 2. External sanctions, which can be either positive (rewards) or negative
(punishment) Social control theory began to be studied as a separate field in the early
20thcentury. The means to enforce social control can be either formal or informal.
Sociologist Edward A. Ross argued that belief systems exert a greater control on
human behavior than laws imposed by government, no matter what form the beliefs
take. 1. Informal Social Control The social values that are present in individuals are
products of informal social control. It is exercised by a society without explicitly stating
these rules and is expressed through customs, norms, and mores. Individuals are
socialized whether consciously or subconsciously. During informal sanctions, ridicule or
ostracism can cause a straying towards customs. The person internalizes these mores
and norms. Traditional society uses mostly informal social control fixed in its customary
culture relying on the socialization of its members. Informal social control, or the
reactions of individuals and groups that bring about conformity to norms and laws,
includes peer and community pressure, bystander intervention in a crime, and
collective responses such as citizen patrol groups. Informal sanctions may include
shame, ridicule, sarcasm, criticism and disapproval. In extreme cases sanctions may
include social discrimination and exclusion. This implied social control usually has more
effect on individuals because they become internalized and thus an aspect of
personality. Informal sanctions check ‘deviant’ behavior. An example of a negative
sanction comes from a scene in the Pink Floyd film ‘The Wall,’ whereby the young
protagonist is ridiculed and verbally abused by a high school teacher for writing poetry
in a mathematics class. (Another example: About a boy, who hesitates to jump from a
high springboard, is possible to say, that he is effeminate. By the fact, that he finally
jumps, he escapes from this denotation. His behavior is conditionally controlled by a
shame, which is unpleasant. As with formal controls, informal controls reward or punish
acceptable or unacceptable behavior (i.e., deviance). Informal controls are varied and
differ from individual to individual, group to group and society to society. For example, at
a women’s institute meeting, a disapproving look might convey the message that it is
inappropriate to flirt with the minister. In a criminal gang, on the other hand, a stronger
sanction applies in the case of someone threatening to inform to the police. Informal
mechanisms of social control include established and accepted institutions relating to
socialization, education, family, marriage and religion etc. It is executed through
informal sanctions, which may be positive or negative. Positive sanctions include smile,
a nod of approval, rewards and promotions, etc. for instance, good performance in an
examination may be rewarded with a bicycle or a watch by parents. Negative sanctions
include a frown, criticism, physical threats and punishments. The unruly behavior in
school may result in detention or severe punishment is an example of negative
sanction. It must be mentioned here that with the variety in our ways of living, the
means of social control also vary. Social control is specific to the group or the society in
which it is exercised. Informal mechanisms of control vary accordingly. Besides family,
informal social control is also exercised by other social institutions, like neighborhood,
kin groups, clan and village, etc.
The school must play an active part to relate itself with the society. There are many
educative forces in the society, e.g. places of historical interest, temple, church, mosque
and remnants of human civilization. These forces may act as educator to the young
people. In order to create a relationship between school and society, the school can
organize educational excursion. Again, the relation between the two can be
consolidated if school can assemble different agencies of education and organize
cultural program where students, teachers, parents and the other members of the
society will take part. Socialization and acculturation among all, particularly different
sections of the society, will enrich learners’ society. 1. Keep Pace in Social Needs
Society is an ever changing entity that is need of today. It may have no relevance in the
society of tomorrow. All the changes occur in social life are associated with the changes
of human need. A school has to keep pace with the changing society and to do that the
curriculum should be reviewed regularly keeping in mind the change in social demand
and needs. 2. Selection of Rules for Society
School directs the society, reforms the society and ensure the progress of the society by
analyzing the principles and rules and selecting only those which have some good
effects on society. If the school fails to do it, the society will become a stagnant
organization. 3. Moral and Intellectual Development of Students
Schools are established in many societies of the world so as to instill in the pupils those
skill’s which will afford them the opportunity of taking their rightful positions in the
society; but this function cannot be adequately accomplished without the assistance of
the home because both the home and the school perform complimentary functions in
the moral and intellectual development of the child. This means that the child cannot be
educated in a vacuum or in isolation. 4. Development of Personality
For a child to be educated there must be interaction between him and his physical and
social environment. By this we mean that education is the development of personality. It
is something which goes on both inside and outside the home and in the school. In
other words, education is an activity of the whole community. 5. Transmission of the
Cultural Values
have noted above that education is a means through which the cultural values of a
particular society are transmitted from one generation to another. Through this method,
the society is able to achieve basic social conformity and ensure that its traditional
values, beliefs, attitudes and aspirations are maintained and preserved. Effects of
Community on School
The heart of place and community based education claim to increased student
achievement. Dewey observed that in the absence of a strong connection between
school and the life, children leads outside the classroom, educators must set “painfully
to work, on another tack and by a variety of means, to arouse in the child an interest in
school studies”. Today community involvement has taken on renewed significance in
configurations and discussions of school improvement. Federal, state and local
educational legislation, political slogans, professional addresses and casual
conversation as about schooling are likely to include references to the role or
responsibility of the community. Proponents of community involvement in schools
emphasize its importance for effective school functioning, economic competitiveness,
student well-being and community health and development. When describing the effects
of community involvement on effective school functioning, proponents most often focus
on the mounting responsibilities placed on schools by a nation whose student’s
population is increasingly placed at risk.
To help educators use the Glossary as a school communications tool, we created the
following guide. While the recommendations are focused on schools, any educational
institution or organization will be able to apply the strategies. If we have overlooked
anything, please let us know by submitting your suggestions here.
Link to entries on your website or blog. If you are explaining a new school-improvement
initiative, whether it’s project-based learning or professional learning communities, consider
including links to Glossary entries on your website or school blog. Explaining the technical
nuances of a new strategy in accessible language can take a lot of time and thought, and it
often proves to be trickier than it appears. If our entries are relevant and useful to your
school-communications work, let us do some of the work for you. You can link specific
terms on your website or direct visitors to our entries if they want to learn more about a
particular concept or strategy.
Incorporate entries into social media. Does your school have a Facebook page? Do you
tweet? If so, consider posting or tweeting Glossary entries from time to time as a way to
build greater understanding of specific school-improvement ideas. For many people, social
media have become their primary sources of news and networking, and it’s where they are
regularly exposed to new ideas, readings, videos, resources, and innovations. And because
people can like posts or retweet, social media helps to spread ideas through personal
relationships, professional networks, and communities.
Reuse and repurpose Glossary content. All of our entries have been published under a
Creative Commons license, which means that schools are free to reuse, republish, and
repurpose all of our content, including excerpts, provided that the following guidelines are
followed: (1) the Glossary of Education Reform and Great Schools Partnership should be
credited as the original source of the content; (2) the republished or repurposed content
cannot be sold or used commercially in any way; and (3) modifications to the content are
allowed (even encouraged), but all modified content must also carry a Creative Commons
license so that others can republish and repurpose it. That’s right: Go ahead and use our
content if it helps you out! To acknowledge the Glossary, simply use the CC license that
appears at the bottom of an entry or add you can add the line “Adapted [or Republished]
from the Glossary of Education Reform by the Great Schools Partnership” beneath on your
website content or print materials (adding links where appropriate). Learn more about CC
licenses →
Print and email entries. Do you have an upcoming community forum, orientation program,
or event for parents and families? Consider distributing—through printed handouts, email,
newsletters, or other publications—any entry or selection of text that serves your school’s
communication needs. Increasing understanding of new and proposed initiatives can lead to
greater community support for your work. We have worked hard to create understandable
introductions to complex topics, so go ahead and use them if they help.
Brief your school board and elected officials. In every school community, local
elected representatives—whether they are school-board members, city
officials, or state legislators—are among your most vital constituents and
supporters. Making sure these community leaders truly understand what your
school is doing—and why it matters for students—is one of the most important
jobs school leaders have. Consider using or adapting our entries as needed
when briefing your school board and local officials about new or proposed
strategies. AS teachers, our primary goal for our students is to promote learning, inspire
them to bring out their best and help them become productive members of the community.
Some teachers are more popular than others among students. These teachers become
popular by building good relationships with their students, and by treating them with respect.
However, this ideal situation would not be possible without the help and support of all
school stakeholders.
Stakeholders are individuals or groups who have an interest or concern for the school. They
include parents, school administrators, board members, local government officials, alumni
and socio-civic groups who contribute to the development of the school community.
Thus, a healthy relationship between the teachers and stakeholders is important, as this will
enable everybody to harmoniously work together, which will have a positive impact on the
In fact, the community as a whole is the biggest stakeholder in its education system. This is
because local schools educate future employees, business owners and community leaders.
A solid education program builds a stronger community by preparing students to be fruitful
community members.
For example, a stakeholder’s input and relationship with other stakeholders are important in
the planning, implementation and evaluation of, say, health promotion and education
programs in schools. Their personal perceptions and understanding can help motivate
children in the school environment.
Parents, on the other hand, can support and influence the adoption and implementation of a
solid school curriculum. In addition, the parents can help monitor and evaluate the
implementation of the curriculum by keeping abreast with the performance of their children,
particularly by monitoring their homework activities.
Furthermore, the parents can help teachers by monitoring the conduct and social
development of their children at home, especially for children with special education needs.
As teachers, we know we are dealing with fragile beings. Adolescence, for example, brings
insecurities. Individuals at this age are pulling away from adults. Being accepted by their
peers is the key to develop their self-esteem. When children feel good about themselves,
it’s much easier to motivate them to become academically proficient.
To fulfill our goals of developing successful students, teachers must work together with
school stakeholders in planning and building a school community where children thrive as
they enhance their learning capabilities.
Q.3 a)describe the role of communication skillsin teaching learning method?
What is ‘communication’? According to the Concise Oxford Dictionary the word means
‘the act of imparting, especially news’, or ‘the science and practice of transmitting
information’. These definitions clearly show the link between ‘teaching’ and
‘communication’: teachers are constantly imparting new knowledge, or transmitting
information. Hurley has shown us that communication is a complex method at any stage
of this method things may go wrong, making the communication less effective. For
instance, the sender may not express what s/he wants to say clearly; or the room may
be noisy; or the receiver may not understand the words the sender is using. To be
effective, teachers have to try to minimize these barriers to communication. We do this
in a number of ways – for example, by making sure that the room is quiet and well lit; by
speaking slowly and clearly; by only using words which the students should be able to
understand. However, the most important way to overcome the barriers is two-way
communication. This means getting regular feedback from the receivers (the students in
this case): are they really understanding what we are trying to put across? Teachers
must communicate clearly, so students, parents and co-workers understand
classroom goals and can work together to accomplish academic tasks. Even
though teachers still need strong verbal and nonverbal skills, they must also act
as collaborators and coordinators. As an educator, you’ll not only present
lectures, you’ll also find and organize educational materials that require
technology. It’s your job to guide classroom activities, so students understand
what’s expected and can successfully complete assignments. Patient,
Straightforward Directors Students need teachers who patiently, yet firmly, explain
guidelines, policies, expectations, requirements and objectives. Instructions must be
clear and well-structured, so there’s no mistake as to classroom rules or assignments.
You must consistently teach core concepts and reinforce desired outcomes, so students
accomplish their targeted goals for the year. Kindness, friendliness, fairness and
respect are key elements to a successful and productive classroom. Make sure
students understand your expectations and encourage
Communication had been developing even in the earlier days by the use of telephone
and the use of radio and telegraph in the purpose of exchanging messages to distant
places. Today, in Pakistan the population has telephones as a means of necessity.
Cellular phones are also now very effective and efficient not just as an accessory but as
a guide to everyday living of people. There are many applications that could be installed
into this small gadget that could give many uses. Example of these applications is
having a dictionary in the phone which is very helpful as guide, and also the conversion
of many measurements.
1. Lifestyle
People are greatly affected to the progress of technology that even everyone’s lifestyle
also changes. People live differently to how they are used to in the past years. When
technology is very reachable and human beings are very much willing to adapt this kind
of technology, change is not a very impossible path. Technology had greatly improved
the way people are living. It develops the standard of living. Every action of men relates
a specific machine that could help men one way or another. Examples of these are
computers to which people are doing almost the electronic works. For leisure times, as
also discussed in our Future Technology subject, entertainment concerning the gaming
console is of now in high definition that it is almost like life like that you can easily be
addicted to it. The music industry is also in greater pace in development. More and
more develop machines are now more capable of handling greater amount of data in
terms of music files. Gadgets are also handling many features like having a screen for
viewing the music video. Technology also affects people in many different ways.
Example of this is how people work.
Before, many businesses are doing most of its transactions using only paper to list the
day to day operations as well as the billings. Systems are now being developed and
highly utilized by businesses to make their methods more effective than the old-style
ways of doing it. Doing business is also possible even if not having a physical
presentation. Anyone can transact methods online as long as he or she has a credit
card or digital money. The web offers many things that one could possibly imagine, from
business to advertising and also to communication and gaming. Businesses consist of
buying things online and selling products. Advertising also are in line to the businesses.
Anyone can also book flights through the use of the internet. Learning had been also in
the verge of fully developing the use of technology by having its e- learning strategy.
More and more students are now having forums and discussion using the internet.
Classes are having their learning in the web. It is not necessary to be physically present
in the classroom to be said you are doing great in school. This is also another way to
which we can say that technology had greatly affect the way the society behaves
nowadays. Because of the changes that are brought about by technology, people are
conforming to it to be able to stay in way with how technology is moving. 2. Cause of
Skill Shortage is Complex
Skill shortages could be traced back to the faulty educational system, myopic policy of
labor export and persistent technical change. Educational flaws stemmed up from poor
curriculum, inadequate teacher’s training, and low public and private investment in
education. The task of dealing with skill shortage is less urgent compared to the
depression of labor surplus. Of course with fast-changing technologies demand for new
skills would render some existing skills obsolete. 3. Industrialization
In Pakistan, the growth of industries has contributed to the growth of cities. Urbanization
denotes a diffusion of the influence of urban centers to the rural surrounding areas.
Urbanization can be described as a method of becoming urban moving to cities
changing from agriculture to other pursuits common to cities and relating change of
behavior patterns. Hence, only when a large proportion of inhabitants in an area come
to cities urbanization is said to occur. Urbanization has become a world phenomenon
today. An unprecedented growth has taken place not only in the number of great cities
but also in their size. As a result of industrialization people have started moving towards
the industrial areas in search of employment. Due to this the industrial areas developed
into towns and cities.
b) do you think teachers personality can be a source of motivation for their students? Give
A student who is extrinsically motivated looks at the learning activity as something they
have to do so that they can get a reward or not be punished. It is also believed
that motivation to learn is determined or affected by modeled conduct and
communication of parents and teachers. Children develop an idea about learning
in their home setting.
Q.5 a) explain the technological change which has taken place in the last decade?
product from technology. If all would be counted to discuss all the effects of technology
to how society now changes would have a long list of items. People are now discovering
things that are to address their needs. Even communication is now very effective that
distance is not an issue anymore. Even of greater distance, many people are able to be
in touch with each other. Technology changes society by changing our environment to
which we in turn, adapt. This change is usually in the material environment, and the
adjustment we make to the changes often modifies customs and social
institutions. Educational Technology and Change Educational technology, the
incorporation of information technology into the learning experience, is a term that
continues to evolve alongside technological advancements in the field. Educational
technology has played a major part in improving the learning outcomes of individuals by
personalizing the learning experience. The immediate responsiveness of computer
based programs, and the self-paced private learning environment that educational
technology warrant seeks to promote higher levels of motivation among students
worldwide. It has also provided greater access to education such as in the case of
increased accommodation for students with severe physical disabilities and for students
living in remote locations. E-learning refers to the specific kind of learning experienced
within the domain of educational technology, which can be used in or out of the
classroom. Distance learning, computer-based training, and social networking tools are
just a few examples of e-learning. Tools like Tinged (http://www.tigweb.org/tiged)
combine engaging social networking technologies with citizenship and global education.
Implementing such tools in the classroom addresses the pressing need for today’s
youth to be more aware of their global environment. In our school’s technology is
playing its role. Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT)
defines educational technology as “the study and ethical practice of facilitating learning
and improving performance by creating, using and managing appropriate technological
methods and resources” (Richey, Silber, & Ely, 2008). Technology of education is most
simply and comfortably defined as an array of tools that might prove helpful in
advancing student learning and may be measured in how and why individuals behave.
Gone are the days when the teacher stood in the front of the classroom and lectured
while students simply took notes. Today the classroom is an interactive world where the
teacher as well as the student is engaged with technology. Because today’s young
people are hooked up and plugged in all of the time, whether it is with text messaging,
iPods, social networking websites and more, it is important that teachers find a way to
engage them on a technology level. Technology in the classroom is doing just that
keeping students stimulated by using the latest and greatest inventions in computers
and digital media. Instructional Technique and Technologies
Problem based learning, project-based learning, and inquiry-based learning are active
learning educational technologies used to facilitate learning as well as leaning in social
context. Technology which includes physical and method applied science can be
incorporated into project, problem, inquiry-based learning as they all have a similar
educational philosophy. All three are student centered, ideally involving real-world
situations in which students are actively engaged trendy critical thinking doings. The
method that students are encouraged to employ is considered to be a technology.
Classic examples of technologies used by teachers and Educational Technologists
include Bloom’s Taxonomy and Instructional Design.
The child is now aware that parents and teachers are talking the same language and there is more
commitment on all sides. If I or the parent wish to converse in private, that is an option at the end of
the conference. –Sue Welch, Quincy, IL I take the "sandwich" approach.
Slice of Bread 1: Start off with positive feedback (authentic praise of something they did
recently) Examples: “By the way, John, I have to hand it to you on that deal you closed
yesterday…that goes a long way towards helping us reach our goal.”
The “Meat of the Matter”: Provide your constructive criticism. Be brief (yet clear and
thorough) in your delivery of the meat of the matter — the criticism you want to share.
The 2nd Slice of Bread: End on a positive note. Ideas on how to end with positivity include.
Communicate Before a Conference. Regular communication with parents
throughout the year can prevent issues down the road so that there is not as much
to discuss at a single conference.
Have an Agenda. The common goal of all parent-teacher conferences is to
benefit the students and both parties are valuable resources in accomplishing this.
Come Prepared. Teachers should have examples of student work available for reference at
every parent-teacher conference. Rubrics and teacher guides that outline grade-level
expectations can also be helpful.
Be Prepared for Upset Parents. Every teacher will face an angry parent at some point.