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Lecture DW 021

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Data Warehousing
for BS(CS)

Lecture 1-2: DW & Need for DW

Khurram Shahzad

Department of Computer Science

Course Objectives
 At the end of the course you will (hopefully) be able to answer the
 Why exactly the world needs a data warehouse?
 How DW differs from traditional databases and RDBMS?
 Where does OLAP stands in the DW picture?
 What are different DW and OLAP models/schemas? How to implement and
test these?
 How to perform ETL? What is data cleansing? How to perform it? What are
the famous algorithms?
 Which different DW architectures have been reported in the literature? What
are their strengths and weaknesses?
 What latest areas of research and development are stemming out of DW

Course Material
 Course Book
 Paulraj Ponniah, Data Warehousing Fundamentals, John Wiley

& Sons Inc., NY.

 Reference Books
 W.H. Inmon, Building the Data Warehouse (Second Edition),
John Wiley & Sons Inc., NY.
 Ralph Kimball and Margy Ross, The Data Warehouse Toolkit
(Second Edition), John Wiley & Sons Inc., NY.

 Implementation/Research on important concepts.
 To be submitted in groups of 2 students.
 Include
1. Modeling and Benchmarking of multiple warehouse schemas
2. Implementation of an efficient OLAP cube generation algorithm
3. Data cleansing and transformation of legacy data
4. Literature Review paper on
 View Consistency Mechanisms in Data Warehouse
 Index design optimization
 Advance DW Applications
 May add a couple more

Lab Work

 Lab Exercises. To be submitted individually

Course Introduction
 What this course is about?
 Decision Support Cycle
Planning – Designing – Developing - Optimizing – Utilizing

Course Introduction

Information Sources Data Warehouse OLAP Servers Clients

Server (Tier 2) (Tier 3)
(Tier 1)
e.g., MOLAP
Semistructured Analysis
Sources Data serve
extract Query/Reporting
load serve
e.g., ROLAP
DB’s serve Data Mining

Data Marts

Operational Sources (OLTP’s)
 Operational computer systems did provide information to run day-to-day
operations, and answer’s daily questions, but…
 Also called online transactional processing system (OLTP)
 Data is read or manipulated with each transaction
 Transactions/queries are simple, and easy to write
 Usually for middle management
 Examples
 Sales systems
 Hotel reservation systems
 HRM Applications
 Etc.

Typical decision queries

 Data set are mounting everywhere, but not useful for decision
 Decision-making require complex questions from integrated data.
 Enterprise wide data is desired
 Decision makers want to know:
 Where to build new oil warehouse?
 Which market they should strengthen?
 Which customer groups are most profitable?
 How much is the total sale by month/ year/ quarter for each offices?
 Is there any relation between promotion campaigns and sales growth?

 Can OLTP answer all such questions,  efficiently?

Information crisis *

 Integrated
 Must have a single, enterprise-wide view
 Data Integrity
 Information must be accurate and must conform to business rules
 Accessible
 Easily accessible with intuitive access paths and responsive for analysis

 Credible
 Every business factor must have one and only one value
 Timely
 Information must be available within the stipulated time frame

* Paulraj 2001.

Data Driven-DSS *

* Farooq, lecture slides for ‘Data Warehouse’ course

Failure of old DSS

 Inability to provide strategic information

 IT receive too many ad hoc requests, so large over load
 Requests are not only numerous, they change overtime
 For more understanding more reports
 Users are in spiral of reports
 Users have to depend on IT for information
 Can't provide enough performance, slow
 Strategic information have to be flexible and conductive

User Middle management Executives, decision-makers
Function For day-to-day operations For analysis & decision support
DB (modeling) E-R based, after normalization Star oriented schemas
Data Current, Isolated Archived, derived, summarized
Unit of work Transactions Complex query
Access, type DML, read Read
Access frequency Very high Medium to Low

Records accessed Tens to Hundreds Thousands to Millions

Quantity of users Thousands Very small amount

Usage Predictable, repetitive Ad hoc, random, heuristic based

DB size 100 MB-GB 100GB-TB

Response time Sub-seconds Up-to min.s

Expectations of new soln.

 DB designed for analytical tasks

 Data from multiple applications
 Easy to use
 Ability of what-if analysis
 Read-intensive data usage
 Direct interaction with system, without IT assistance
 Periodical updating contents & stable
 Current & historical data
 Ability for users to initiate reports

DW meets expectations

 Provides enterprise view

 Current & historical data available
 Decision-transaction possible without affecting operational source
 Reliable source of information
 Ability for users to initiate reports
 Acts as a data source for all analytical applications

Definition of DW

Inmon defined
“A DW is a subject-oriented, integrated, non-volatile, time-variant
collection of data in favor of decision-making”.
Kelly said
“Separate available, integrated, time-stamped, subject-oriented, non-
volatile, accessible”

Four properties of DW

 In operational sources data is organized by applications, or
business processes.
 In DW subject is the organization method
 Subjects vary with enterprise
 These are critical factors, that affect performance
 Example of Manufacturing Company
 Sales
 Shipment
 Inventory etc

Integrated Data
 Data comes from several applications
 Problems of integration comes into play
 File layout, encoding, field names, systems, schema, data heterogeneity
are the issues
 Bank example, variance: naming convention, attributes for data item,
account no, account type, size, currency
 In addition to internal, external data sources
 External companies data sharing
 Websites
 Others
 Removal of inconsistency
 So process of extraction, transformation & loading

Time variant
 Operational data has current values
 Comparative analysis is one of the best techniques for business
performance evaluation
 Time is critical factor for comparative analysis
 Every data structure in DW contains time element
 In order to promote product in certain, analyst has to know about
current and historical values
 The advantages are
 Allows for analysis of the past
 Relates information to the present
 Enables forecasts for the future

 Data from operational systems are moved into DW after specific
 Data is persistent/ not removed i.e. non volatile
 Every business transaction don’t update in DW
 Data from DW is not deleted
 Data is neither changed by individual transactions
 Properties summary

Subject Oriented Time-Variant Non-Volatile

Organized along the lines Refers to the inability of
of the subjects of the Every record in the data to be updated. Every
corporation. Typical data warehouse has record in the data
subjects are customer, some form of time warehouse is time
product, vendor and variancy attached to it. stamped in one form or
transaction. another.
Lecture 2
DW Architecture & Dimension Modeling

Khurram Shahzad


 Data Warehouse architecture & building

 ER modeling review
 Need for Dimensional Modeling
 Dimensional modeling & its inside
 Comparison of ER with dimensional

Architecture of DW

Information Sources Data Warehouse OLAP Servers Clients

Server (Tier 2) (Tier 3)
(Tier 1)
e.g., MOLAP
Semistructured Analysis
Sources Data serve
extract Query/Reporting
load serve
e.g., ROLAP
DB’s serve Data Mining

Staging area Data Marts


 Major components
 Source data component
 Data staging component
 Information delivery component
 Metadata component
 Management and control component

1. Source Data Components
 Source data can be grouped into 4 components
 Production data
 Comes from operational systems of enterprise
 Some segments are selected from it
 Narrow scope, e.g. order details
 Internal data
 Private datasheet, documents, customer profiles etc.
 E.g. Customer profiles for specific offering
 Special strategies to transform ‘it’ to DW (text document)
 Archived data
 Old data is archived
 DW have snapshots of historical data
 External data
 Executives depend upon external sources
 E.g. market data of competitors, car rental require new
manufacturing. Define conversion

Architecture of DW

Information Sources Data Warehouse OLAP Servers Clients

Server (Tier 2) (Tier 3)
(Tier 1)
e.g., MOLAP
Semistructured Analysis
Sources Data serve
extract Query/Reporting
load serve
e.g., ROLAP
DB’s serve Data Mining

Staging area Data Marts

2. Data Staging Components
 After data is extracted, data is to be prepared
 Data extracted from sources needs to be
changed, converted and made ready in
suitable format
 Three major functions to make data ready
 Extract
 Transform
 Load
 Staging area provides a place and area with a
set of functions to
 Clean
 Change
 Combine
 Convert

Architecture of DW

Information Sources Data Warehouse OLAP Servers Clients

Server (Tier 2) (Tier 3)
(Tier 1)
e.g., MOLAP
Semistructured Analysis
Sources Data serve
extract Query/Reporting
load serve
e.g., ROLAP
DB’s serve Data Mining

Staging area Data Marts

3. Data Storage Components
 Separate repository
 Data structured for efficient processing
 Redundancy is increased
 Updated after specific periods
 Only read-only

Architecture of DW

Information Sources Data Warehouse OLAP Servers Clients

Server (Tier 2) (Tier 3)
(Tier 1)
e.g., MOLAP
Semistructured Analysis
Sources Data serve
extract Query/Reporting
load serve
e.g., ROLAP
DB’s serve Data Mining

Staging area Data Marts

4. Information Delivery Component
 Authentication issues
 Active monitoring services
 Performance, DBA note selected aggregates
to change storage
 User performance
 Aggregate awareness
 E.g. mining, OLAP etc

DW Design

Designing DW

Information Sources Data Warehouse OLAP Servers Clients

Server (Tier 2) (Tier 3)
(Tier 1)
e.g., MOLAP
Semistructured Analysis
Sources Data serve
extract Query/Reporting
load serve
e.g., ROLAP
DB’s serve Data Mining

Staging area Data Marts

Background (ER Modeling)
 For ER modeling, entities are collected from
the environment
 Each entity act as a table
 Success reasons
 Normalized after ER, since it removes redundancy
(to handle update/delete anomalies)
 But number of tables is increased
 Is useful for fast access of small amount of data

ER Drawbacks for DW / Need of Dimensional
 ER Hard to remember, due to increased number of tables
 Complex for queries with multiple tables (table joins)
 Conventional RDBMS optimized for small number of tables
whereas large number of tables might be required in DW
 Ideally no calculated attributes
 The DW does not require to update data like in OLTP system
so there is no need of normalization
 OLAP is not the only purpose of DW, we need a model that
facilitate integration of data, data mining, historically
consolidated data.
 Efficient indexing scheme to avoid screening of all data
 De-Normalization (in DW)
 Add primary key
 Direct relationships
 Re-introduce redundancy

Dimensional Modeling
 Dimensional Modeling focuses subject-
orientation, critical factors of business
 Critical factors are stored in facts
 Redundancy is no problem, achieve efficiency
 Logical design technique for high performance
 Is the modeling technique for storage

Dimensional Modeling (cont.)
 Two important concepts
 Fact

 Numeric measurements, represent business activity/event

 Are pre-computed, redundant
 Example: Profit, quantity sold
 Dimension
 Qualifying characteristics, perspective to a fact
 Example: date (Date, month, quarter, year)

Dimensional Modeling (cont.)
 Facts are stored in fact table
 Dimensions are represented by dimension
 Dimensions are degrees in which facts can be
 Each fact is surrounded by dimension tables
 Looks like a star so called Star Schema

product_key (PK)
time_key (PK)
month FACT
time_key (FK)
store_key (FK)
store_key (PK) product_key (FK) customer_key (PK)
store_ID customer_key (FK) customer_name
store_name promotion_key (FK) purchase_profile
address dollars_sold credit_profile
district units_sold address
floor_type dollars_cost

clerk_key (PK) promotion_key (PK)
clerk_id promotion_name
clerk_name price_type
clerk_grade ad_type 39
Inside Dimensional Modeling
 Inside Dimension table
 Key attribute of dimension table, for
 Large no of columns, wide table
 Non-calculated attributes, textual attributes
 Attributes are not directly related
 Un-normalized in Star schema
 Ability to drill-down and drill-up are two ways
of exploiting dimensions
 Can have multiple hierarchies
 Relatively small number of records

Inside Dimensional Modeling
 Have two types of attributes
 Key attributes, for connections
 Facts
 Inside fact table
 Concatenated key
 Grain or level of data identified
 Large number of records
 Limited attributes
 Sparse data set
 Degenerate dimensions (order number
Average products per order)
 Fact-less fact table
Star Schema Keys
 Primary keys
 Identifying attribute in dimension table
 Relationship attributes combine together to form P.K
 Surrogate keys
 Replacement of primary key
 System generated
 Foreign keys
 Collection of primary keys of dimension tables
 Primary key to fact table
 System generated
 Collection of P.Ks

Advantage of Star Schema
 Ease for users to understand
 Optimized for navigation (less joins
 Most suitable for query processing

Karen Corral, et al. (2006) The impact of alternative diagrams on

the accuracy of recall: A comparison of star-schema
diagrams and entity-relationship diagrams, Decision Support
Systems, 42(1), 450-468.

Normalization [1]

 “It is the process of decomposing the

relational table in smaller tables.”
 Normalization Goals:
1. Remove data redundancy
2. Storing only related data in a table (data
dependency makes sense)
 5 Normal Forms
 The decomposition must be lossless

1st Normal Form [2]
 “A relation is in first normal form if and only if
every attribute is single-valued for each tuple”

S1001 Tom Smith History 90 Comp

S1003 Mary Jones Math 95 Elective

S1006 Edward CSC, Math 15 Comp,

Burns Elective
S1010 Mary Jones Art, English 63 Elective,
S1060 John Smith CSC 25 Comp

1st Normal Form (Cont.)

S1001 Tom Smith History 90 Comp

S1003 Mary Jones Math 95 Elective

S1006 Edward CSC 15 Comp

S1006 Edward Math 15 Elective
S1010 Mary Jones Art 63 Elective

S1010 Mary Jones English 63 Comp

S1060 John Smith CSC 25 Comp

Another Example (composite key:
SID, Course) [1]

1st Normal Form Anomalies [1]
 Update anomaly: Need to update all six rows
for student with ID=1if we want to change his
location from Islamabad to Karachi
 Delete anomaly: Deleting the information about
a student who has graduated will remove all of
his information from the database
 Insert anomaly: For inserting the information
about a student, that student must be
registered in a course

Solution  2nd Normal Form

 “A relation is in second normal form if and

only if it is in first normal form and all the
nonkey attributes are fully functional
dependent on the key” [2]
 In previous example, functional

dependencies [1]
SID —> campus
Campus degree

Example in 2nd Normal Form [1]

Anomalies [1]

 Insert Anomaly: Can not enter a program for

example PhD for Peshawar campus unless a
student get registered
 Delete Anomaly: Deleting a row from
“Registration” table will delete all information
about a student as well as degree program

Solution  3rd Normal Form

 “A relation is in third normal form if it is in

second normal form and nonkey attribute is
transitively dependent on the key” [2]
 In previous example: [1]

Campus degree

Example in 3rd Normal Form [1]

Denormalization [1]

 “Denormanlization is the process” to

selectively transforms the normalized
relations in to un-normalized form with the
intention to “reduce query processing time”
 The purpose is to reduce the number of
tables to avoid the number of joins in a query

Five techniques to denormalize
relations [1]
 Collapsing tables
 Pre-joining
 Splitting tables (horizontal, vertical)
 Adding redundant columns
 Derived attributes

Collapsing tables (one-to-one) [1]

For example, Student_ID, Gender in Table 1 and

Student_ID, Degree in Table 2
Pre-joining [1]

Splitting tables [1]

Redundant columns [1]

Updates to Dimension Tables

Updates to Dimension Tables (Cont.)

 Type-I changes: correction of errors, e.g.,

customer name changes from Sulman
Khan to Salman Khan
 Solution to type-I updates:
 Simply update the corresponding

attribute/attributes. There is no need to

preserve their old values

Updates to Dimension Tables (Cont.)

 Type 2 changes: preserving history

 For example change in “address” of a
customer, but the user wants to see orders
by geographic location then you can not
simply update the address by replacing old
value with new value, you need to preserve
the history (old value) as well as need to
insert new value

Updates to Dimension Tables (Cont.)
 Proposed solution:

Updates to Dimension Tables (Cont.)

 Type 3 changes: When you want to compare

old and new values of attributes for a given
 Please note that in Type 2 changes the old
values and new values were not comparable
before or after the cut-off date (when the
address was changed)

Updates to Dimension Tables (Cont.)
Solution: Add a new column of attribute

Updates to Dimension Tables (Cont.)

 What if we want to keep a whole history of

 Should we add large number of attributes to
tackle it?

Rapidly Changing Dimension

 When dimension’s records/rows are very

large in numbers and changes are required
frequently then Type-II change handling is
not recommended
 It is recommended to make a separate table
of rapidly changing attributes

Rapidly Changing Dimension (Cont.)
 “For example, an important attribute for customers might
be their account status (good, late, very late, in arrears,
suspended), and the history of their account status” [4]
 “If this attribute is kept in the customer dimension table
and a type 2 change is made each time a customer's
status changes, an entire row is added only to track this
one attribute” [4]
 “The solution is to create a separate account_status
dimension with five members to represent the account
states” [4] and join this new table or dimension to the
fact table.


Junk Dimensions

 Sometimes there are some informative flags

and texts in the source system, e.g., yes/no
flags, textual codes, etc.
 If such flags are important then make their
own dimension to save the storage space

Junk Dimension Example [3]

Junk Dimension Example (Cont.) [3]

The Snowflake Schema

 Snowflacking involves normalization of

dimensions in Star Schema
 Reasons:
 To save storage space
 To optimize some specific quires (for
attributes with low cardinality)

Example 1 of Snowflake Schema

Example 2 of Snowflake Schema

Aggregate Fact Tables

 Use aggregate fact tables when too many

rows of fact tables are involved in making
summary of required results
 Objective is to reduce query processing time


Total Possible Rows = 1825 * 300 * 4000 * 1 = 2 billion


 Make aggregate fact tables, because you

might be summing some dimension and
some might not then why we should store the
dimensions that do not need highest level of
granularity of details.
 For example: Sales of a product in a year OR

total number of items sold by category on daily


A way of making aggregates

Making Aggregates

 But first determine what is required from your

data warehouse then make aggregates

Families of Stars

Families of Stars (Cont.)
 Transaction (day to day) and snapshot tables (data after
some specific intervals)

Families of Stars (Cont.)
 Core and custom tables

Families of Stars (Cont.)
 Conformed Dimension: The attributes of a dimension
must have the same meaning for all those fact tables
with which the dimension is connected.

Extract, Transform, Load (ETL)

 Extract only relevant data from the internal

source systems or external systems, instead
of dumping all data (“data junkhouse”)
 The ETL completion can take up to 50-70%
of your total effort while developing a data
 These ETL efforts depends on various factors
which will be elaborated as we proceed in our
lectures regarding ETL.
Major steps in ETL

Data Extraction
 Data can be extracted using third party tools
or in-house programs or scripts
 Data extraction issues:
1. Identify sources
2. Method of extraction for each source (manual,
3. When and how much frequently data will be extracted for
each source
4. Time window
5. Sequencing of extraction processes

How data is stored in operational
 Current value: Values continue to changes as
daily transactions are performed. We need to
monitor these changes to maintain history for
decision making process, e.g., bank balance,
customer address, etc.
 Periodic status: sometimes the history of
changes is maintained in the source system


Data Extraction Method

 Static data extraction:

1. Extract the data at a certain time point.
2. It will include all transient data and periodic data along
with its time/date status at the extraction time point
3. Used for initial data loading
 Data of revisions
1. Data is loaded in increments thus preserving history of
both changing and periodic data

Incremental data extraction
 Immediate data extraction: involves data extraction in
real time.
 Possible options:
1. Capture through transactions logs
2. Make triggers/Stored procedures
3. Capture via source application
4. Capture on the basis of time and date stamps
5. Capture by comparing files

Data Transformation

 Transformation means to integrate or

consolidate data from various sources
 Major tasks:
1. Format conversions (change in data type, length)
2. Decoding of fields (1,0  male, female)
3. Calculated and derived values (units sold, price, cost profit)
4. Splitting of single fields (House no 10, ABC Road, 54000, Lahore,
Punjab, Pakistan)
5. Merging of information (information from different sources regarding
any entity, attribute)
6. Character set conversion

Data Transformation (Cont.)

8. Conversion of unit of measures

9. Date/time conversion
10. Key restructuring
11. De-duplication
12. Entity identification
13. Multiple source problem

Data Loading
 Determine when (time) and how (as a whole or in
chunks) to load data
 Four modes to load data
1. Load: removes old data if available otherwise load data
2. Append: The old data is not removed, the new data is
appended with the old data
3. Destructive Merge: If primary key of the new record
matched with the primary key of and old record then
update old record
4. Constructive Merge: If primary key of the new record
matched with the primary key of and old record then do
not update old record just add the new record and mark
it as superseding record
Data Loading (Cont.)
 Data Refresh Vs. Data Update
Full refresh reloads whole data after deleting old data and
data updates are used to update the changing attributes
Data Loading (Cont.)
 Loading for dimensional tables: You need to define
a mapping between source system key and system
generated key in data warehouse, otherwise you will
not be able to load/update data correctly
Data Loading (Cont.)
 Updates to dimension table
Data Quality Management
 It is important to ensure that the data is correct to
make right decisions
 Imagine the user working on operational system is
entering wrong regions’ codes of customers.
Imagine that the relevant business has never sent
an invoice using these regions codes (so they are
ignorant). But what will happen if the data
warehouse will use these codes to make decisions?
 You need to put proper time and effort to ensure
data quality
Data Quality

 What is Data: An abstraction/representation/

description of something in reality
 What is Data Quality: Accuracy + Data must

serve its purpose/user expectations

Indicators of quality of data

 Accuracy: Correct information, e.g., address

of the customer is correct
 Domain Integrity: Allowable values, e.g.,
 Consistency: The content and its form is
same across all source system, e.g., product
code of a product ABC in one system is 1234
then in other system it must be 1234 for that
particular product
Indicators of quality of data (Cont.)
 Redundancy: Data is not redundant, if for some
reason for example efficiency the data is redundant
then it must be identified accordingly
 Completeness: There are no missing values in any
 Conformance to Business rules: Values are
according to the business constraints, e.g., loan
issued cannot be negative
 Well defined structure: Whenever the data item can
be divided in components it must be stored in terms
of components/well structure, e.g., Muhammad
Ahmed Khan can be structured as first name, middle
name, last name. Similar is the case with addresses
Indicators of quality of data (Cont.)
 Data Anomaly: Fields must contain that value
for which it was created, e.g., State filed
cannot take the city name
 Proper Naming convention
 Timely: timely data updates as required by
 Usefulness: The data elements in data
warehouse must be useful and fulfill the
requirements of the users otherwise data
warehouse is not of any value
Indicators of quality of data (Cont.)

 Entity and Referential Integrity: Entity integrity

means every table must have a primary key
and it must be unique and not null.
Referential integrity enforces parent child
relationship between tables, you can not
insert a record in child table unless you have
a corresponding record in parent table
 SQL Server Integration Services (SSIS)
Problems due to quality of data
 Businesses ranked data quality as the biggest problem
during data warehouse designing and usage
Possible causes of low quality data

 Dummy values: For example, to pass a check

on postal code, entering dummy or not
precise information such as 4444 (dummy) or
54000 for all regions of Lahore
 Absence of data values: For example not a
complete address
 Unofficial use of field: For example writing
comments in the contact field of the customer
Possible causes of low quality data

 Cryptic Information: At one time operation

system was using ‘R’ for “remove” then later
for “reduced” and some other time point for
 Contradicting values: compatible fields must
not contradict, e.g., two fileds ZIP code and
City can have values 54000 and Lahore but
not some other city name for ZIP code 54000
Possible causes of low quality data
 Violation of business rule: Issued load is negative
 Reused primary keys: For example, a business has
2 digit primary key. It can have maximum 100
customers. When a 101th customer comes the
business might archive the old customers and
assign the new customer a primary key from the
start. It might not be a problem for the operation
system but you need to resolve such issues
because DW keeps historical data.
Possible causes of low quality data
 Non-unique identifiers: For example different
product codes in different departments
 Inconsistent values: one system is using
male/female to represent gender while other
system is using 1/0
 Incorrect values: Product Code: 466, Product
Name: “Crystal vas”, Height:”500 inch”. It
means that product and height values are not
compatible. Either product name or height is
wrong or maybe the product code as well
Possible causes of low quality data

 Erroneous integration: A person might be a

buyer or seller to your business. Your
customer table might be storing such person
with ID 222 while in seller table it might be
500. In data warehouse you might need to
integrate this information. The persons with
IDs 222 in both tables might not be same
Sources of data pollution

 System migration or conversions: For

example, from manual system Flat files 
Hierarchal databases  relational
 Integration of heterogeneous systems: More
heterogeneity means more problems
 Poor database design: For example lack of
business rules, lack of entity and referential
Sources of data pollution (Cont.)

 Incomplete data entry: For example, no city

 Wrong information during entry: For example
United Kingdom  Unted Kingdom
Data Cleansing
Examples of data cleansing tools
 Data Ladder, http://www.dataladder.com/products.html
 Human Inference,

 Google Refine,

 Wrangler

 Text Pipe Pro

Information Supply

 It deals with how you will provide information

to the users of the data warehouse.
 It must be easy to use, appealing, and
 For successful data warehouse you need to
identify users, and when, what, where, and
how (in which form) they need information
Data warehouse modes of usage

 Verification mode: The users interact with the

system to prove or disprove a hypothesis
 Discovery mode: Without any prior
hypothesis. The intention is to discover new
things or knowledge about the business. The
data mining techniques are used here.
Approaches of interaction with data
 Informational approach:
1. With queries and reporting tools
2. The data might be summarized
3. Can perform statistical analysis by using current
and historical data
 Analytical approach:
1. Used for analysis in terms of drill-up, drill-down,
slice, and dice
 Data Mining approach
1. Used for knowledge discovery or hidden patterns
Classes of users
 We need to identify the classes of users in order to get
firm basis what and how to provide information to them
 A typical example of classifying users
User classes (cont.)

 Naive users
 Regular users: daily users but cannot make
queries and reports themselves. They need
query templates and predefined reports
 Power users: Technically sound users, who
can make queries, reports, scripts, import
and export data themselves
User classes from other perspective
 High-level Executives and Managers: Need
standard pre-processed reports to make strategic
 Technical Analysts: complex analysis, statistical
analysis, drill-down, slice, dice
 Business Analysts: comfortable with technology but
cannot make queries, can modify reports to get
information from different angles.
 Business-Oriented users: Predefined GUIs, and
might be support for some ad-hoc queries
The ways of interaction
 Preprocessed reports: routine reports which are
delivered at some specific interval
 Predefined queries and templates: The users can
use own parameters with predefined queries
templates and reports with predefined format
 Limited ad-hoc access: few and simple queries
which are developed from scratch
 Complex ad-hoc access: complicated queries and
analysis. Can be used as a basis for predefined
reports and queries
Information delivery framework
Online Analytical Processing
 used for fast and complex analysis on data warehouse
 It is not a database design technique but is only a category of

 Definition by Dr. E. F. Codd

“On-Line Analytical Processing (OLAP) is a category of software

technology that enables analysts, managers and executives to
gain insight into data through fast, consistent, interactive
access in a wide variety of possible views of information that
has been transformed from raw data to reflect the real
dimensionality of the enterprise as understood by the user.”
 So what is the difference between data warehouse and

OLAP (cont.)
What is the solution?

 Should we write all queries in advance?

 Should we ask users to write SQL
 The solution is to facilitate all kinds of
aggregates across multi-dimensions
OLAP as FASMI [1] (by Nigel
 Fast: Delivery of information at fairly constant
rate. Most queries are answered with in 5 sec
 Analysis: Support of analysis
 Shared: ensure security in a multi user
 Multi-dimensional
 Information: Access to all information
necessary for the application
Major features of OLAP

 Dimensional Analysis
1. What are cubes?
2. What are hyper-cubes?
 Drill-down and Roll-up
 Drill through
 Slice and Dice
 Pivoting
Dimensional Analysis
 OLAP supports multi-dimensional analysis
 Cube: have three dimensions


X-axis Y-axis
Same view on spreadsheet
Multidimensional Analysis (Spreadsheet
view) / Hypercube
Drill-down and Roll-up [5]
Drill through
Slicing [5]
Dicing [5]
Pivoting [5]
A SQL server view for cube [6]
OLAP Implementations [1]

 MOLAP (uses multi-dimensional structure OR

 ROLAP (uses relational database approach
for OLAP)
 HOLAP (hybrid approach of MOLAP and
 DOLAP (OLAP for desktop decision support
 Uses proprietary file formats to sore cube
 Do not use SQL, uses proprietary interfaces
such as MDX from Microsoft (to support drill-
down, roll-up, pivoting, etc.)
 Remember cubes store all possible
aggregates, which are calculated across
dimensions and their hierarchies, e.g., Time
dimension and its possible hierarchies are:
day, week, months, quarter, year.
MOLAP advantages [1]

 Fast query processing because the

aggregates are already pre-calculated
 Valuable functions such as % change,
ranking, etc.
MOLAP disadvantages [1]

 Long loading time due to pre-aggregations

especially when there are many dimensions
and for dimensions with large hierarchies.
 Wastage of storage due to sparse cube.
Imagine sales of heaters in summer in Sibbi.
 Maintenance of cubes with updated values
(insert, delete, update). Need to again
calculate the aggregates
MOLAP disadvantages (cont.) [1]

 Storage issues: Need a lot of space to store

multiple cubes (may be more than 100s),
because aggregates need to be calculated
across dimensions and hierarchies within
them. If the number of rows are large in
dimensions then physically storing cubes will
be again difficult.
Solution to storage problem [1]
But at the expense of processing time, so partition of non-
frequent joins
Solution to storage problem [1]

Virtual cubes: The cubes that is created by

joining one or more cubes. It is similar of
creating a “view” in relational databases. It is
not physically stored but requires processing
time when invoked.
Example: one cube storing number of visitors,
the second cube is storing purchases on the
site. Then the virtual cube can calculate the
average sales per visit.
Relational OLAP (ROLAP) [1]

 ROLAP is facilitated by Star Schema

 Results are retrieved using SQL
 Cube in ROLAP is supported by Star
Schema (fact tables and dimension tables)
 ROLAP is simply querying the star schema,
querying pre-aggregates (aggregate fact
tables), and calculating summaries (at higher
level) of pre-aggregates at run time
Creating tables using SQL queries
The required queries are [1]:
Problems with this approach [1]
 The number of queries increases as the number of
aggregates increases due to rise in number of
 Therefore avoid wasteful queries. For example we
could have saved the results of first query in
previous example and could have computed the
other two queries using that result.
 Moreover, avoid calculating and saving all possible
aggregates. Such methodology will consume the
storage space and will create the maintenance
problem (same problems as in MOLAP)
Solution to avoid saving all possible
aggregates [1]
 Compute dynamically the less detailed
aggregates (e.g., year sales) from the
detailed aggregates (e.g., daily sales) at run
 In this approach, the query run time might be
slow but will save the storage space
ROLAP problems [1]

 Maintenance (as with MOLAP)

 Divergence from simple hierarchies: It is
possible that simple hierarchies are not
followed (e.g., product category, product sub-
category, product) but instead some other
unconventional hierarchy is followed (e.g.,
sales of green items vs. yellow items OR
sales of items with national flag vs. items
without flag)
ROLAP problems (cont.) [1]
 Different semantics:
1. For example, what constitute an year 1st July to 30th
June OR 1st January to 31st December. Another
example is week, whether it ends on Monday or
Saturday? (in various departments, e.g., University
of Lahore, The CS department holiday is on
Monday and others take holiday on Saturday).
2. Different semantics will force you in creating many
3. You have to figure out the best solution by your
own self (either calculating pre-aggregates or
convincing various departments to follow the same
ROLAP problems (Cont.) [1]
 Storage problem: The combinatorial
explosion, unconventional hierarchies,
different semantics force you to create
various pre-aggregates which consumes a lot
of storage space
 Aggregation problem: As a general rule of
thumb make aggregate to higher level if there
is considerable reduction (approx. 10% or
more) in size as compared to the detailed
level table
Reducing pre-aggregates tables [1]

 Calculating summaries at run time

 Enhancing performance of common queries
at coarser level
 Using smart wizards for a trade-off between
performance and storage
Hybrid OLAP (HOLAP) [1]


 Its purpose is to take advantage of both
approaches. It answer queries using MOLAP
for dimensions with low cardinality and if the
user requires more detailed analysis then it
used ROLAP. However, this intelligent shift
between ROLAP and MOLAP is transparent
to the users
Desktop OLAP (DOLAP) [1]
 It is used for the remote users or for the
machines with limited processing power. A
subset is copied to the remote machine
Parallel Execution OR Parallelism
 Basically parallelism is used to speed up the
response time of queries in data warehouse
 The processing of a query is done by many
processes instead on one process
 For example the whole year sales can be retrieved
by a query partitioned in four quarters and can be
processed individually by four processes instead of
one process executing sequentially
 However the divided processes should be
independent of each other
Benefits of Parallelism [1]

 Large table scans and joins

 Creation of large indexes
 Partitioned index scans
 Bulk inserts, updates, and deletes
 Aggregations and copying
When we can parallelize? [1]
 “Symmetric multi-processors (SMP), clusters,
or Massively Parallel (MPP) systems AND
 Sufficient I/O bandwidth AND
 Underutilized or intermittently used CPUs (for
example, systems where
 CPU usage is typically less than 30%) AND
 Sufficient memory to support additional
memory-intensive processes such as sorts,
hashing, and I/O buffers”
Speed-Up & Amdahl’s Law [1]
 Remember, if the dependencies between processes
are high then performance or speed-up will degrade
 Amdahl’s Law

 Where f= fraction of the task that must be executed

 N= number of processors
 S= Speed-Up
Amdahl’s Law (Cont.) [1]

 This formula basically computes the

maximum expected speed-up from the
proportion of task that must be executed
sequentially and available resources
 Example-1: f = 5% and N = 100 then S = 16.8
 Example-2: f = 10% and N = 200 then S =
Amdahl’s Law (Cont.) [1]
Parallel hardware architecture [1]
 Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP): shares
memory and I/O disks. In following figure p1,
p2, p3, p4 are processors. Supported by
UNIX and Windows NT
Parallel hardware architecture (cont.) [1]

 Distributed Memory or Massively Parallel

Processing (MPP)
Non-uniform Memory Access (NUMA)

 NUMA deals with a shared memory

architecture along with their accessibility
timings. L1 cache  L2 cache  L3 cache 
local memory  remote memory. So that the
data bus is not overloaded as in the case of
Parallel Software Architectures [1]

 Shared disk RDBMS Architecture (Shared

Parallel Software Architectures (cont.)
 Shared disk RDBMS Architecture Advantage: It
does not fail as a unit as compared to shared
memory architecture. Remember, in case of failure
in the RAM the Symmetric Multiprocessing (SMP)
 Shared disk RDBMS Architecture
Disadvantage: It requires some distributed locking
management, so that the data remains consistent
when two or more processes ask for updates to
the same data (data buffer). This requirement
leads to serialization (degradation in performance)
as more and more locking is required
Parallel Software Architectures (cont.)
 Shared Nothing RDBMS Architectures
Parallel Software Architectures (cont.)
Shared Nothing RDBMS Architectures
Basically the tables are partitioned logically and
stored on separate disks. Such as horizontal
split. When any query requires data from
more than one disk the data is joined at run
time and shown to user. Each machine is
responsible for accessing and locking of data
Parallel Software Architectures (cont.)
 Shared Nothing RDBMS Architecture
Advantage: No distributed locking of data or
serialization problem
 Shared Nothing RDBMS Architecture
Disadvantage: Failure of one node will
cause a part of the whole system to be failed.
Partitioning Techniques [1]
 Ranges: e.g., >2000 and <=2000
 List: e.g., Europe, Asia, North America…
 Hashing: Usage of hashing function (implemented
by a DBMS) to distribute rows across partitions. It is
done when rows can not be divided using ranges
and lists. e.g., in mySQL (example taken from [7])
CREATE TABLE employees ( id INT NOT NULL, fname VARCHAR(30), lname
VARCHAR(30), hired DATE NOT NULL DEFAULT '1970-01-01', separated DATE
NOT NULL DEFAULT '9999-12-31', job_code INT, store_id INT )
Partitioning Techniques (cont.) [1]

 Round-Robin: Equal distribution of rows

across partitions. For example if we have four
partitions. Then first row to first partition,
second to the second partition, third to the
third partition, and fourth to fourth partition
and then repeat the same procedure again
which means fifth row to first partition, sixth to
second and so on.
Some concepts to understand about
parallelism [1]
Some concepts to understand about
parallelism (cont.) [1]
 To get maximum speed
1. Need of enough resources (CPUs, Memory,
and data bus)
2. The query coordinator must be quick in
preparing the final result
3. The processing nodes ideally should finish
tasks in equal time otherwise the query
coordinator has to wait for the node taking
most time.
Spatial parallelism OR temporal
parallelism OR Pipelining [1]
 The basic idea is to break a complex task in
to smaller sub-tasks to execute them
Spatial parallelism OR temporal
parallelism (cont.) [1]
Spatial parallelism OR temporal
parallelism (cont.) [1]
 The speed-up can be calculated as
 Where S=speed-up
 N= number of tasks

T= time for the execution of one sequence of tasks
Pipelining limitations

 The speed-up can be a maximum up to 10

due to relational operators.
 Pipelining will not be effective when all sub-
tasks must be executed to get the final result
such as sorting, aggregation
 The sub-tasks can take different timing to
Partitions with respect to queries

 Full table scan

 Point queries
 Range queries
Partitions with respect to queries (cont.)

 In the context of Round-Robin

1. Load will be equivalent, the scan query will
take equal time
2. In the context of point query it is not good
because the records are not partitioned
using values or ranges
Partitions with respect to queries (cont.)

 In the context of Hashing technique

 If the hashing is uniform the number of
records will be approx. same on all nodes
otherwise the full table
 The point based queries will execute well if
the hashing is done on the same column,
similarly the join will execute well
 The range query will not exectue well
because it is not distributed according to
range across partitions
Partitions with respect to queries (cont.)

 In the context of range partition

1. If the partitions are done in proper manner
means that the load is same across
partitions then the scan query will run well
2. The point based and range based queries

 Indexing is an efficient ways to access any

 It speeds up query processing by searching
minimum records instead scanning whole
 It provides speed up without using additional
and expensive hardware
 Imagine searching a book in shelves in a
library vs. through catalog
Conventional Indexing techniques

 Dense Index
 Sparse Index
 Multilevel Index (B-Tree)
Dense Indexing
 For each record store the key of that record and the
pointer where the record is actually placed on disk
 If it fits in memory it requires one I/O operation if not then
performance will degrade
Sparse Index
 The index is kept for a block of data items
 It takes less space but at the expense of
some efficiency in terms of time
Multilevel Indexing
 It uses a little more space but it increases efficiency in
terms of time
 It is good for queries posing some conditions or range
Example of B-Tree
B-Tree limitations

 A bigger table in terms of rows but with few

unique values
 “Insertion can be very expensive”
 Poor for text searches
 Does not use a combination of indexes in a
Hash based indexing

 Instead of keeping sequential indexes as in

B-Tree the indexes are stored using hashes
 It is good for columns having exact number
Hash indexing (Cont.)
Hash indexing (Cont.)
Example of B-Tree limitation
Conventional indexes disadvantages
 Conventional indexing comes in two types which
includes, B-Tree and Hash indexing. There
disadvantages are as follows
 It maps columns of tables into index but it does not
provide any information about joining of this column
with other tables
 Consumes a lot of memory when number of rows
are too many
 These indexes are made for OLTP systems they do
not take advantage of the stability of data in data
warehouse for bulk updates

 [1] Abdullah, A.: “Data warehousing handouts”, Virtual
University of Pakistan
 [2] Ricardo, C. M.: “Database Systems: Principles
Design and Implementation”, Macmillan Coll Div.
 [3] Junk Dimension,
 [4] Advanced Topics of Dimensional Modeling
 [5] http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OLAP_cube

 [6]
 [7] http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/partitioning-

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