Chapter 4 Manufacturing Cost Estimation 3
Chapter 4 Manufacturing Cost Estimation 3
Chapter 4 Manufacturing Cost Estimation 3
Chapter 4
Manufacturing Cost Estimation
Manufacturing Cost Estimation
Factors Affecting Cost of Manufacturing (COM)
Direct Manufacturing Costs Costs which expenses vary with production rate. When product demand
drops, production rate is reduced thus lower the direct manufacturing
costs. e.g raw materials, utilities, operating labor, maintenance.
Fixed Manufacturing Costs Costs which are independent of changes in production rate which are
charged at constant rates even when the plant is not in operation.
e.g. property taxes, insurance, depreciation.
General Expenses Costs represent an overhead burden that is necessary to carry out
business functions. Expenses seldom vary with production level.
e.g. management, sales, financing, research functions.
Factors Affecting Cost of Manufacturing (COM)
Factors Affecting Cost of Manufacturing (COM)
Generally, the cost of manufacturing, COM can be determined using:
COM = Cost of Manufacturing
DMC = Direct Manufacturing Costs
FMC = Fixed Manufacturing Costs
GE = General Expenses
Factors Affecting Cost of Manufacturing (COM)
In details, the cost of manufacturing, COM, can be determined when the following
costs are estimated:
Fixed Capital Investment $ 11,000,000
Raw Material Cost $ 7,950,000/yr
Waste Treatment Cost $ 356,000/yr
Utilities $ 1,000,000/yr
Direct labor Cost $ 300,000/yr
Estimating Labour Cost (COL)
Operating labor, COL is estimated using:
In order to calculate the yearly cost of raw materials or utilities, the fraction of time that
the plant is operating in a year must be known. This fraction is known as the stream
factor (SF). Typical values of the stream factor are in the range of 0.96 to 0.90.
1. Purchasing from a Public or Private Utility: In this situation no capital cost is involved,
and the utility rates charged are based upon consumption.
2. Supplied by the Company: A comprehensive off-site facility provides the utility needs for
many processes at a common location. In this case, the rates charged to a process unit
reflect the fixed capital and the operating costs required to produce the utility.
3. Self-Generated and used by a Single Process Unit: In this situation the capital cost for
purchase and installation becomes part of the fixed capital cost of the process unit.
Estimating Utility Cost (CUT)
The utility cost estimated is the cost associated with the operating costs to generate the
Estimating Utility Costs from the PFD
Utilities do not directly contact process streams.
In most cases, the related amount/flowrate can be found by inspection or by doing
energy balance around the equipment involved.
Utilities purpose Equipment involved
Exchange heat energy (fuel gas, steam, Heat exchangers and process
cooling water, and boiler feed water) heaters
Supply work (electric power or steam) Pumps, compressors, and other rotating
Estimating Utility Cost (CUT)
Utility streams such as cooling water and steam for heating are shown on the PFD.
These streams, termed utilities, are necessary for the control of stream temperatures as
required by the process.
Estimating Utility Cost (CUT)
Estimating Utility Cost (CUT)
Estimating Utility Cost (CUT)
Utilities Equipment Energy balance
Steam Preheater/heat Q = (ṁsteam)(ΔHvap)
Yearly Cost = (Q)(Cost steam per unit energy)(SF)
Yearly Cost = (Yearly ṁsteam flowrate)(Cost steam per unit mass)
Cooling Water Cooler/heat Q = (ṁcw)(Cpcw)(ΔTcw)
Yearly Cost = (Q)(Cost cooling water per unit energy)(SF)
Yearly Cost = (Yearly ṁcw flowrate)(Cost cooling water per unit
mass) (SF)
Fuel (Fuel oil, Heater Q = (ⱱgas )(ΔHnatural gas)(efficiency)
natural gas)
Yearly Cost = (Q)(Cost fuel per unit energy)(SF)
Yearly Cost = (Yearly ⱱgas volume) )(Cost fuel per unit volume)(SF)
Estimating Utility Cost (CUT)
Utilities Equipment Energy balance
Electricity Compressor (electric- Electric Power (Pdr) = Shaft power/ξdr
Yearly Cost = (Pdr) )(Cost electricity)(SF)