Name Reactions
Name Reactions
Name Reactions
KV no-1 Puducherry-06
“Chemists do not usually stutter. It
would be very awkward if they did,
seeing that they have at times to get
out such words as
—William Crookes
Table of contents
01 02 03
Organic Chemistry? Named Reactions? Types?
What are Organic What are the types of Named
What are Named Reactions?
Chemistry? Reactions?
The end
What’s Organic Chemistry?
What’s Organic Chemistry
Acyclic Cyclic
The shape of C
Functional group Homologous series
Tetravalent carbon atom is A series of organic compounds
the building block of Functional groups were
in which every succeeding
structural organic introduced as a useful
member differs from the
chemistry. method for organizing this
previous one called
vast number of compounds.
Homologous Series.
What are Named Reactions ?
What are Named Reactions?
• The Grignard reaction, the Frankland reaction, the Wittig reaction, the Cannizzaro
reaction, the Friedel-Crafts acylation, and the Diels-Alder reaction are all well-known
examples in organic chemistry. Many significant name reactions have been studied
and well-established in organic chemistry over many years.
• Aldol Condensation
Aldol condensation is a reaction that occurs when an α-hydrogen
aldehyde reacts with a dilute base to produce β-hydroxy
aldehydes termed aldols. The condensation of two different aldehydes
and ketones is known as crossed aldol condensation. It provides a
mixture of four products when both of them include α-hydrogen atoms.
• Balz-Schiemann Reaction
The Balz Schiemann Reaction Mechanism describes the synthesis and subsequent
thermal degradation of an aromatic fluoroborate to yield the corresponding aryl
fluoride. Günther Schiemann and Günther Balz, two German scientists, are credited
with coining the term the reaction.
Aromatic amines, nitrous acid, and fluoroboric acid are the primary reactants.
Aromatic amines perform diazotization under the impact of nitrous acid. Now,
fluoroboric acid is added to produce the appropriate aryl diazonium salt. Now, the
heat-sensitive aryl diazonium salt is thermally decomposed, yielding aryl fluoride,
nitrogen, and boron trifluoride.
Carbylamine Reaction
Hofmann isocyanide synthesis is another name for the Carbylamine reaction.
Isocyanides are produced by combining a primary amine, chloroform, and base.
Ms. Nekki
chemistry Teacher
KV No-1 Puducherry -06