3.ir Spectroscopy Latest
3.ir Spectroscopy Latest
3.ir Spectroscopy Latest
Ultraviolet Visible magnetic
2.5 mm 25 mm 1m 5m
200 nm 400 nm 800 nm
C—H stretching
bending bending
M1 Force constant, k M2
Ball and spring representation of 2 atom of molecule vibrating in the
direction of bond
Types of Vibration
Stretching Bending
In plane
Out of plane
Stretching vibrations
Symmetric Asymmetric
Stretching Stretching
Isolated vibration
Symbol nu Without change Symbol nu
bond axis
Bending Vibrations
In plane
Symbol s Symbol rho ρ
Bending Vibrations
Out of plane
Wagging Twisting
Symbol ω Symbol tau,τ
If such a simple system is put in to motion ( by stretching and releasing)
the induced vibration of the masses are adequately described by
Hooke’s law of simple harmonic motion
Hooke’s law :
Frequency of motion
1 k m1 m2
2 mr m1 m2
n = frequency
k : Force constant (dynes /cm)
mr = reduced mass (mass of largest atom)
Vibrating diatomic molecule- simple harmonic oscillator
Consider a diatomic molecule associated with a dipole moment.
d 2r 2
m2 = -k(r-re) (2)
dt 2
or d2 x x = 0 (9)
2 +
dt μ
d2 x
or 2 + ω x= 0
2 (10)
where ω2= k/μ or ω= √k /μ (11)
ν = 4.7171 x 1013 Hz
Wave number = ν/c= 4.7171 x 10 13/ 3 x 10 8 = 1.57 x 10 5 m -1
To convert this frequency to wave numbers, divide the eq. 1 by the velocity
of light c:
Vibrational energies, like all other molecular energies, are quantized and the
allowed vibrational energies for any particular system may be calculated from
the Schrodinger. For the simple harmonic oscillator the equation as follows
Where εo is known as zero point energy. Thus even at absolute zero atoms of
diatomic molecule can never be completely at rest relative to each other.
In general the zero point energy depends on the classical vibration frequency
and hence on the strength of the chemical bond and the atomic masses.
Selection rule for the vibrational spectra
Selection rule for the harmonic oscillator under going vibrational changes
is : Δv = ± 1
Vibrational spectra observable only in those molecule if the vibration can
interact with radiation, (if the vibration involves a change in the dipole
moment of the molecule). Thus vibrational spectra observable only in
heteronuclear diatomic molecules since homonuclear molecules have no
dipole moment.
Applying the selection rule we have:
Ε v+1→v = (v+1+ ½ ) ω – (v+ ½ ) ω = ω cm-1 for emission
Ε v→v+1 = (v+1+ ½ ) ω – (v+ ½ ) ω = ω cm-1 for absorption
what ever the initial value of v the vibrational levels are equally
spaced, transitions between any two neighboring states will give rise to the
same energy. Further , energy levels expressed in cm-1 gives directly the
wave number of the spectral line absorbed or emitted. In absorption, for
instance, the vibrating molecule will absorb energy only from radiation with
which it can coherently interact and this must be radiation of its own
oscillation frequency.
Internuclear distance
re cm-1
So far as harmonic oscillator model is consider the lower
vibration state can be explained (v’ – v”=1) but for higher
vibrational state the selection rule may fail because
vibrational energy levels are less separated as the
vibration state increases (But for harmonic oscillator
model it is not true )
Anharmonic oscillator
Overtones and
fundamental band
Anharmonic oscillator model can explain
the selection rule for all transition . For real
molecule they don’t obey simple harmonic
motion. Because the bonds are also real
E= Deq[1-exp{a(req-r)}]2 (1)
Deq = the dissociation energy for a
particular molecule
a = a constant for a particular
diatomic molecule and
req = the value of internuclear
distance which corresponds to a
minimum of Morse curve.
When equation (1) is used in the Schrodinger’s equation, the
values of allowed vibrational energy levels are as follows
= (v h2 (2)
Evr = Etotal + ½ )hcω + J(J+1)
It can be proved very easily that the selection rules for combined
motions are the same as those for each separately. Therefore,
Δv = ±1, ΔJ = ±1
The frequency of spectral lines arising due to transition between
the two states can be calculated by using equation (2). Suppose a
simultaneous transition from vibrational level v’ to v’’ and from
rotational level J’ to J’’ occur. Now the change in energy, on using
equation (2), may be put as
E’vr - E’’vr= (v’ – v’’)hcω + [J’(J’+1)- J’’(J’’+1)] (3)
8π I
where B = h/8π2Ic
= (v’ – v’’) ω + B (J’2 + J’- J”2-J’’)
= (v’ – v’’) ω +B (J’ – J’’) (J’+J’’+1) (5)
As the vibrations are assumed to be harmonic, the possible
Vibrational transitions are those in which v’-v’’=1. Thus, equation
(5) becomes ν = ω +B(J’ – J’’) (J’+J’’+1) (6)
From equation (6) it is evident that the frequencies of the lines will
evidently vary with the values of J’ and J’’. Thus ,
(i) ΔJ = +1, i.e., J’= J’’+ 1 or J’- J’’= 1
So that the equation (6) becomes as
ν(R)= ω + 2B (J’’+ 1) cm-1 where J’’ = 0,1,2, etc (6)
(ii) ΔJ = -1, i.e., J’’= J’+ 1 or J’- J’’= -1,
So that the equation (6) becomes as
Suppose we consider only v=0 to v=1 transition. Now designate rotational quantum
number in v=0 state as J’’ and v=1 state as J’. Frequency of transition can be written as
The value of B remains the same in upper and lower vibrational states because we have
taken rotation to be independent of the vibrational changes. Thus we can write
(i) when ΔJ = +1, i.e., J’= J’’+ 1 or J’- J’’= 1
ν = ν0 + 2Bm cm-1
Where m = ±1, ±2, ±3……etc. The value of m cannot be zero because this would imply
value of J’ or J” to be -1 which is not possible. The ν0 is generally termed as an origin.
Equation (5) represents the vibration-rotation spectrum. Such spectrum would contain
equally spaced lines with a spacing of 2B on either side of the bond origin ν0 . As the
value of m cannot be zero, no line will appear at ν0 and thus Q branch will be absent.
ΔJ= -1 ΔJ= +1
J’= 0
3B 3B
4 B
P6 P5 P4 P3 P2 P1 Vv R0 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5
Normal modes of vibrations in polyatomic
(3n-6) for non linear molecules
And (3n-5) for linear molecules.
n = no. of atoms in a molecule
Modes of vibrations for H2O molecule:
3 x 3- 6 = 3
Symmetric Stretching γ1 = 3652 cm-1
Asymmetric Stretching γ2 = 3756 cm-1
And in plane scissoring γ3 = 1515 cm-1
CO2 molecule:
3 x 3- 5= 4 modes of vibrations.
γ sym is IR inactive
γ asym = 2350 cm-1
γ inplane and γout of plane , deformation vibrations are degenerate
and appear at 666 cm-1
Actual number of modes of vibrations will be altogether
different from those calculated theoretically
In polyatomic molecules the actual modes of vibrations will be altogether
different from those calculated theoretically. The main reasons for all this
1. The overtones and combination of tones may increase the number of
modes of vibrations.
2.Vibrations that do not fall in the IR region cannot be observed in the IR
3. Some weak vibrational bands, if present cannot be seen in the IR
4. Some vibrational bands, which are having the slightly different
frequencies overlap each other and appear as one band in the IR
5. Some vibrational bands may degenerate and appear at the same place
in IR spectrum
6. If there occurs no required change in dipole character of the molecule,
no band will appear in the IR spectrum.
Factors influencing vibrational frequencies
Single beam spectrophotometer
Littrow Prism
Double beam spectrophotometer
The source is always some form of the filament which is maintained at red or
white heat by an electric current
1. Incandescent lamp: It works in the near IR but fails in the far IR because
it is glass enclosed and has a low spectral emissivity.
2. Nerst Glower. It is Fabricated from rare earth oxides
(e.g. ZrO2+Y2O3)
Diameter 1-2 mm length 20 mm
Pt. leads are sealed to the end of cylinder
to permit electric connection
When electric current pass it glows ,at
temp 1200-2200 k
Main disadvantage is it requires external heating, and it undergoes
frequent mechanical failure
• Any windows which are essentially made of mineral salts like NaCl
and KBr are used
A schematic diagram consists of four optical arms, usually at right angles to each
other with a beam splitter at their point of intersection.
Radiation passes down the first arm and is separated by a beam splitter into two
perpendicular half-beams of equal intensity that pass down into other arms of the
spectrometer. At the ends of these arms the two half-beams are reflected by
mirrors back to the beam splitter, where they recombine and are reflected together
onto the detector.
If the initial radiation is at one wavelength and in phase with itself and the side
arm paths are equal in length, then, when two half-beam are recombined, they will
still be in phase, reinforcing each other , and the maximum signal will be
obtained on the detector.
If the mirror in one arm is moved up by one quarter of a wavelength, then the
half-beams will be one-half of a wavelength out of phase with each other, that is,
they will interfere with each other.
In practice, the mirror in one arm is kept stationary and that in the second arm is
moved slowly in the direction of the beam splitter. The net signal falling on the
detector will then be a cosine wave with the usual maxima and minima when
plotted against the travel of the mirror.
Cosine wave occurs exactly ¼ cylcle earlier the
corresponding point on the sine wave
The frequency of the cosine signal is equal to
f= 2v/λ
Where f = frequency , v = velocity of the moving mirror,
λ = wavelength of radiation
(A cosine wave is a signal waveform with a shape identical to that of a sine
wave, except each point on the cosine wave occurs exactly 1/4 cycle earlier
than the corresponding point on the sine wave)
The frequency of modulation is therefore proportional to both the
wavelength of the incident radiation and the velocity of the mirror
The resolution is dependent on linear movement of the mirror. The
velocity of the mirror can be controlled by using a laser beam.
As the total distance travelled increases, the resolution improves.
The sample in the FTIR is exposed to the entire radiation beam at the
same time and absorption effects at all wavelength modify the final signal.
This is known as the multiplex advantage and it greatly increases the
sensitivity and accuracy .
Comparison between FTIR and Dispersive IR