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Air Pollution Monitoring using

• Problem Statement and solution
• Block Diagram
• Procedure
• Pros and Cons
• Future Scope
Problem Statement:
• Long-term health effects from air pollution include heart
disease, lung cancer, and respiratory diseases such as
• Air pollution can also cause long-term damage to people's
nerves, brain, kidneys, liver, and other organs.
• Some scientists suspect air pollutants cause birth defects.

Objective: Air pollution monitoring system for

vehicles using IOT
Sr.no Tools Type Quantity Cost
1. Arduino Hardware 1 450/-
2. Esp8266 Hardware 1 500/-
3. Mq135 Hardware 1 500/-
4. Connecting Hardware 1 set 500/-
5. IFTTT Software Free
6. Google Sheets Software Free
7. Others 500/-
8. Total-
LPG gas detection using IOT
Problem Statement: Student Innovation

Objective : To inform house owner if there is any

gas leakage using IOT
Working Principle:
• To detect gas leakage using MQ6 sensor.
• Send the sensor data using internet to smart phone of a user
• Firstly interfacing Arduino with sensor
• Secondly interfacing Arduino with internet server IFTTT
• Thirdly connecting IFTTT server with pushover application and
pushover application to android phone of user
• So whenever sensor detects leakage pushover application
sends push notification on Android phone that “emergency
accidental situation”

Arduino IFTTT Pushover


Robotic vehicle to help Corona
patients using IOT
•Problem Statement and Objective
•Block diagram
•Pros and Cons
•Future Scope
• Problem Statement: COVID-19 has exposed health
workers and their families to unprecedented levels of risk.
• Although not representative, data from many countries across
WHO regions indicate that COVID-19 infections among health
workers are far greater than those in the general population.
• While health workers represent less than 3% of the
population in the large majority of countries and less than 2%
in almost all low- and middle-income countries, around 14%
of COVID-19 cases reported to WHO are among health
workers. In some countries, the proportion can be as high as
Objective: To create Robo vehicle which can
carry foods and medicine to patients instead
of nurse, using Google Assistant with the help
of IOT

Sr.no Tools Type quantity Cost

1. Arduino hardware 1 450/-
2. Esp8266 hardware 1 350/-
3. Motors hardware 4 1000/-
4. Battery hardware 2 500/-
5. Connecting hardware 1 set 500/-
6. Chasis hardware 1 1500
7. IfTTT Software Free
8 Total-
Basic Details of the
Team and Problem
Ministry/Organization Name/Student Innovation:

PS Code: SM956

Problem Statement Title: Student Innovation

Team Name: All Stars

Team Leader Name: SAHIL KUMAR

Institute Code (AISHE): 0177

Institute Name: IES College of Technology

Theme Name: Smart Automation

Alcohol detection based
vehicle ignition system

Describe your idea/Solution/Prototype

• Drink and drive often leads to hazardous Fig1
accidental cases.
• In order to prevent this we are using sensor
technology where a sensor is used for
detecting alcohol consumption Describe your Technology stack
• And if alcohol consumption is detected by
driver the vehicle will not get started • MQ3 sensor will detect the alcohol
• This sensor will be connected to
Arduino which in turn will be
Fig 2 connected to Relay mechanism to
turn off the initiation circuitry fig2

Idea/Approach Details

Describe your Use Cases here Describe your Dependencies / Show

stopper here
⮚ Mq3 sensor detects alcohol ⮚

• If alcohol percentage is found in

higher limits, then vehicle will not
get started

• Because car ignition system is

connected to relay mechanism which
will switch off the ignition circuitry

Smart Farming using soil sensor
• Problem Statement and Objective
• Block diagram
• Procedure
• Pros and Cons
• Economy
• Future Scope
Problem Statement: Every year a large quantity of crops
get wasted because of the lesser awareness of texture of soil.

Objective: To find the right amount of sodium , potassium

and other elements in a soil and to predict right crop to be
seeded and harnessed
• Economy
Sr.no Tools Type Cost
1. NPK sensor Hardware 1000/-
2. Arduino Nano Hardware 1000/-

3. Esp8266 Hardware 500/-

4. Connecting Hardware 500/-

5. IFTTT Software Free version
6. Others 1000/-
Total- 4000/-
List of projects completed with diploma students

• Automatic hand sanitiser

• Fire detection IOT enabled
• Home automation using Android application
•Home automation using IR
Project with R&D group:

•Pulse Rate monitoring system using IOT with Dr. Deepak Parashar Sir
An IoT
Based Health Monitoring System With Me
dicine Box
Patient Health Monitoring using IoT is a technology that enables to
monitoring of patients without any physical contact with the patients.
which may increase the access to care and decrease healthcare delivery

In addition, to this that patients and their family members feel comfort
knowing that they are being monitored and will be supported if any problem

Medical personnel could be present in the place in order for guiding the
Wearable IoT Health Monitoring System
In this project, we additionally proposed a portable health
monitoring device using a Heart rate and temperature

An IoT technology has been used in this project for

sharing the patient temperature and heart rate data to
the doctor’s mobile phone for taking immediate care

These data are stored in the cloud and it can be used as a

data set. In future, by using this data set the cardiovascular
risk can be predicted by using the machine learning
Mind-Controlled Prosthetic Arm
•To read the mind waves, an EEG sensor needs to be
connected with the Raspberry Pi.

•To further process those signals, a Python module is

required. So, install NeuroPy library to connect with the
EEG sensor and get the measured value.

• Since the obtained data also has to be streamed over

Bluetooth, you would need pyserial library for connecting
the EEG data over the Bluetooth serial port.

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