ICRAMERD 20 Presentation
ICRAMERD 20 Presentation
ICRAMERD 20 Presentation
Adarsh Dash
During icing events, ice accumulates on the The protection of aircraft from the
rotor blades, thus reducing the aerodynamic adverse effects of ice accretion has been
efficiency and torque, leading to power a crucial design problem since the very
losses. When the icing event is more severe, early years of flight. Ice accretion from
torque drops to zero, the turbine stops and a super cooled water droplet clouds
complete loss of production occurs. represents only one form of a number of
natural hazards to the aircraft.
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Objective of the work
The present study is aimed to develop a computational technique to simulate freezing
of droplet impact on a solid surface. Though comprehensive studies have been done
in the past on the freezing & spreading behavior of water droplet on a cold surface,
to the best of our knowledge, the numerical modeling of impacting drops on
a surface: from hydrophilic to super-hydrophobic surfaces yet to come.
In this study, the spreading dynamics & freezing mechanism of droplets on a solid
surface have been numerically analyzed. We simulated the mechanism of impacting
water droplets to test the applicability of our model to predict actual conditions of
experiments. For this, the model has been validated with experiments available from
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Modelling and Experimental layout
The droplet is assumed to be initially spherical.
The variation of material properties such as density and viscosity are assumed to be
independent of the temperature.
The thermal and fluid properties of the droplet material in solid and liquid states are
A constant value of thermal contact resistance is used for the entire simulation.
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Results and discussion
2D axis symmetric model has been considered for the present study.
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Results and discussion
Comparison of the spreading factor of experimental Numerical prediction (left) and Experimental
results with different contact angle image (right) of final droplet shape after impact
at different time step
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Results and discussion
Temperature distribution (left) and ice fraction (right) of final droplet shape after impact on the ice
surface at a different time step.
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Results and discussion
The increase in the impact velocity, the maximum spreading factor increases with respect to time. In the
above fig, increase in velocity (2.73m/s) has high spreading factor with respect to time but velocity
(1.39m/s) has least spreading factor with respect to time.
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The following conclusions are drawn from this study:
•The results predicted from the present model are very much similar to the experimental
results & well validated.
•High impact speed leads to more spreading of the droplet which increases the surface area
•High impact speed leads to increase in freezing rate of the droplet which causes early
solidification of whole droplet.
•Super-hydrophobic surface cause decrease in freezing rate & less spreading factor.
• Hydrophilic surfaces helps in spreading & cause in increase of freezing rate of droplet.
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