FP2C8 Polar Coordinates 210221 Online
FP2C8 Polar Coordinates 210221 Online
FP2C8 Polar Coordinates 210221 Online
Cartesian : P(x,y) Y
Polar: P(r,θ)
i) Pole=origin(0,0), initial line =positive x-axis x
ii) x=rcosθ, y=rsinθ
(7.1) Transform the Cartesian equations into Polar equation and vice-versa
1 Find the Cartesian coordinates for the polar coordinates
(a)(6,3π/2) and (b)(4.5,-1/3π)
2 Find the polar coordinates of the Cartesian coordinates
(a)(3,0) (b)(12,5)
3 Find the polar equations of
(a) y=x2 (b)(x+y)2=1
4 Find the Cartesian equations of the curve with polar equations:
(a)r=2acosθ (b)r2=a2sin2θ
Ex 8B: All
(8.3)Area of sectors
Area= ∫𝛼 𝑟 2 dθ
1 Find the area 0f one loop of the curve r= acos3Ѳ
2 Find the area bounded by r=aθ and the lines θ=π/2 and θ=π.
3 Sketch the curves r= 1+ cosѲ and r=√3 sinѲ. Find
a)the points where the curves meet
b)the area contained between the curves
1 Find the points on r=acos3Ѳ, where the tangents are perpendicular to the initial line.
2 Find the points on r=1+sinѲ, where the tangents are parallel to the initial line.
Ex8D: All Chapter Review:All
Additional examples:
1 Figure 1 shows the curve C with polar equation r = a (1-cos Ѳ),
0≤Ѳ≤ 2π, where a is a positive constant.
At the points P and Q the tangents to the curve are parallel to the initial line Ѳ= 0.
(a) Find the polar coordinates of P and Q. The shaded region is bounded by the
curve C and the straight line PQ.
(b) Find the area of the shaded region. [sold]
2 The shape of a company logo is to be the region enclosed by the curve with polar
equation r2 = a2sin 2Ѳ, 0≤Ѳ≤ .
A sign in the shape of the logo is to be made by cutting the area enclosed by the
curve from a square sheet of metal OPQR where O is the pole and R lies on the
initial line, Ѳ= 0, as shown in Figure 2. PQ and QR are tangents to the curve,
parallel and perpendicular to the initial line respectively, at the points A and B on
the curve.
(a) Find the value of Ѳ at the point A.
(b) Show that the area of OPQR is a2.
(c) Find the area of the metal sheet which is not used. [solh]
3 The curve C1has polar equation r = Ѳ cos Ѳ, for 0≤Ѳ≤ .
a)The point on C1 furthest from the line Ѳ = is denoted by P. Show that, at P,
2Ѳ tan Ѳ – 1 = 0
And verify that this equation has a root between 0.6 and 0.7.
The curve C2 has polar equation r = Ѳ sin Ѳ, for 0≤Ѳ≤ . The curves C1 and C2
intersect at the pole, denoted by O, and at another point Q.