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The University of Edinburgh College of Science and Engineering, Mathematics 4 Honours MATH10051 Fourier Analysis Friday, 24¢ May 2013 9.30- 11.30 am Chairman of Examiners — Professor J M Figueroa-O’ Farrill External Examiner ~ Professor J Greenlees Credit will be given for the best three answers Calculators approved by the College of Science and Engineering for use in exami : Make and Model Casio x85 (any version, e.g. fx85WA, fx85MS) Casio fx83 (any version, e.g. 1x83ES) Casio fx82 (any version) This examination will be marked anonymously. MATH10051 June 13 MAT-1-FAn Fourier Analysis ‘Throughout this paper, the word ‘integrable’ means bounded and Riemann integrable (as in lectures). 1. We denote by T the circle R/Z. {a) Let f: T+ C be an integrable function and k € Z. Define the Fourier coefficient F(k). {1 mark] (b) Give examples to show the following. You do not need to justify your answers. (i) There exist integrable functions f, 9: T > C such that f and g are equal almost everywhere, f is continuous, and g is not continuous. [1 mark] (ii) There exist integrable functions f, 9: T+ C such that f(k) = g(k) for all k € Z but f #9. [1 mark] (ii) There exist an integrable function f: T + € and a point t € T such that (Snf)(t) does not converge to f(t) as n + oo. (Here Spf denotes the nth Fourier partial sum of f.) (1 mark} (0) Let J, fis fos--- + [0,1) + C be integrable functions. (i) Prove that if f, > f uniformly then f, + f pointwise. (2 marks] (ii) Prove that if f, + f uniformly then f, > f in {ff (2 marks] (ii) Give an example to show that (/,) may converge to f pointwise but not uniformly, explaining your reasons. [4 marks] (a) Let f: {0,1] > R be an intograble function such that f(t) > 0 for all t € (0,1) and fj f(t)dt = 0. Prove that f(z) = 0 for every point x € [0,1] such that f is continuous at 2. [5 marks} (¢) Prove that there is no continuons fimetion 6: [-1/2,1/2] —* R with the follo property: for all continuous functions f: [-1/2,1/2] R, iB 1/2 F(}S(E) dt = FO): (2 [8 marks] (a) What is a trigonometric polynomial? (If you use any nonstandard notation in your answer, you should define it.) [2 marks] (b) Let f: T+ C be an integrable function. Denote by Sf the nth Fourier partial sum of f. (i) Let n > 0. Prove that ||f —SnJ'll2 || f — gll2 for all trigonometric polynomials 9 of degree less than or equal to n. (5 marks} (ii) Deduce that the sum S)f2_,. |/(k)[? converges. [5 marks] (c) A positive approximation to delta is a sequence (K,)°2.9 of integrable functions T + C satisfying: PADI K,(¢) > 0 for all n > 0 and ¢€T; PAD2 J, K,(t) dé = 1 for all n > 0; PADS limy-soo frepjer/a Kall) dt = 0 for all 4 € (0, 1/2) (i) Let (,) be a positive approximation to delta and let f: T + C be an integrable fimetion. Prove that f* Ky — J in |]; where * denotes convolution. (The proof in lectures used a certain general theorem on integrable funetions; you may use this without proof as long as you state it precisely.) {10 marks] (ii) Give two examples of positive approximations to delta, without proof. (You may use standard terminology.) [8 marks} 3. In this question, S,,f denotes the nth Fourier partial sum of a function f. Given k € Z, we write e,: T+ C for the function given by ex(t) =e" (t€ 7) (a) Explain why it is not the case that Sf — f uniformly for all integrable functions (Toc [2 marks] (b) Let (cz). be a double sequence of complex numbers. Suppose that 2. [onl < co. Prove that there is a continuous function g: T —+ € such that Diy Chee > 9 uniformly as 2 + 00. {7 marks} (c) Prove that for alln >0, f €C™(T) and ke Z, POW = nik"), where f) denotes the nth derivative of f. [4 marks] (@) Let f: TC be a continuously differentiable function. Prove that S7—_.. [f(#)| < co. (You may use theorems from the lectures if they are clearly stated.) [5 marks} (©) (i State, without proof, Fejér’s theorem on Fourier series of continuous functions. (You need only give the continuous case, but you should define any notation or terminology you introduce.) [3 marks] (i) Briefly sketch the proof. Only the key steps need be given, and you are not required to prove any results about positive approximations to delta, [4 marks} (a) Let (tn) be a sequence in [0, 1) () What does it mean for (tn) to be equidistributed? [2 marks} (i) Prove directly from the definition that the sequence (2-")22., is not equidistributed. {2 marks] (iii) Suppose that for all k eZ, fa : Lynas [ea n h as n+ oo. Prove that for all continuous functions f : T + C, Sdue= [sow im as n+ 00. (You may use a theorem from lectures on trigonometric polynomial approximations to continuous functions.) (7 marks} (iv) Given an example of an equidistributed sequence in (0, 1), without proof. (2 marks} (b) Let @ be a finite abelian group. (i) Prove that the characters of G are orthonormal. [6 marks] (i) The set of all functions G + C forms a vector space over C. Prove that its dimension is equal to the number of elements of G. [6 marks]

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