Learning Contexts
This Module will be taught through lectures,
tutorials, assignments, and site visits.
• Identify road defects: Maintenance and
• Maintenance Techniques
• Maintenance of unpaved roads
• Paved roads: maintenance of highway
structures, road furniture’s and airfield
• Rehabilitation.
• The United Republic of Tanzania Ministry of
Works (1999). Pavement and material design
manual. Alkopsi, As, Odo Norway.
Road Good Fair Condition Poor condition Bad Condition Total (km)
Type condition
km % km % km % km %
District 4,723 16.0 13,944 47.2 8,187 27.7 2,682 9.1 29,536
Feeder 2,100 9.9 7,334 34.6 8,395 39.6 3,362 15.9 21,191
Urban 1,084 18.4 2,056 34.9 2,101 35.6 657 11.1 5,898
Total 7,907 14.0 23,334 41.2 18,683 33 6.701 11.8 11.856,625
Purpose of Road Maintenance
Road maintenance is the major activity in managing roads.
Road maintenance;
• Reduces the rate of pavement deterioration (Reduction of
the level of future maintenance and rehabilitation costs)
• It lowers the cost of operating vehicles on the highway by
providing a smooth running surface
• It keeps the highway open on a continuous basis by
preventing it from becoming impassable
• It enhances the environment of the highway itself and of
the immediate surroundings
• It enhances safety
Key Factors Contributing to the Maintenance problem
1. Increase in network sizes
Maintenance traditionally funded from national budget
and Construction often funded using development
or external funds
2. Shorter design lives
Due to the shorter design lives, the required intensity
of road maintenance has increased
3. Traffic Growth and Overloading
A further major factor has been the high rates of traffic
growth and damage caused by overloading of
4. Shortage of Funds
Key Factors Contributing to the Maintenance problem
5. Organizational Inefficiency
- Insufficient definition of responsibilitie
- Low Incentives
- Ineffective supervision
- Poor utilization of labour force
- Poor attitudes
- Low availability of equipment
- Lack of resources
6. Quality of design, construction and maintenance
7. Lack of a Culture of Maintenance