Scoping A Project
Scoping A Project
Scoping A Project
Project scope management in any project determines the efficiency and
productivity by which the project will perform.
In fact, 52% of the projects are affected by scope creep. Not planning
your project scope properly can lead to higher chances of the project
crossing the budget, deadline, or even failing altogether.
• The mansion is the product and the client’s requirements are the scope. You
received the product scope from the client.
• In order to build the mansion, you will create the project schedule, prepare the
budget and hire employees. You will perform all the construction work and
related processes such as health and safety and quality management.
• All the works and processes that you will perform to construct the mansion are
the scope of the project.
What is Project Scope Management?
o Process to ensure that a particular project includes all the work
relevant/appropriate to achieve the project’s objectives. Its primary aim
is to control what is and is not involved in the project.
o To identifying and mapping the scope of a project. It must have all the
crucial project information and work required to complete the project
on time and nothing else.
o Preparing and discussing your project scope ahead of time will help you avoid
changing requirements and better fulfill stakeholders' and clients' expectations.
o Effective project scope management provides you with a clear picture of the
project and the work involved.
o It also helps you establish control factors to deal with the changing
The importance of Project Scope Management
Although project scope management does not prevent changes, it does help tackle
changes that can throw the project off course. Whenever a change is needed to
keep the project on track, you should do your best to make it happen.
Project Scope Management
Collecting requirements defining and documenting the features and functions of the
for the project as well as the processes used for creating them.
Reviewing the scope management plan, project charter,
requirements d ocuments, and organizational process assets to
Defining scope create a scope stateme nt, adding more information as
requirements are developed and chang e requests are approved.
Creating the WBS Subdividing the major project deliverables into smaller, more
managea ble components.
Controlling scope Controlling changes to project scope throughout the life of the
—a challenge on many IT projects.
1. Planning scope management
• The project team uses expert judgement, data analysis,
and meetings to develop two important outputs:
1. Scope management plan
2. Requirements management plan
1.1.1 Planning
1.1.2 Meetings
1.1.3 Administration
1.2.1 Software
1.3.1 Software
1.4 Construct
1.4.1 Software
1.5.1 Software
• Approaches to developing work breakdown structures:
– Using guidelines: some organizations, like the U.S.
Department of Defense (DOD), provide guidelines for
preparing WBSs
– Analogy approach: review WBSs of similar projects and
tailor to
your project
– Top-down approach: start with the largest items of the
and break them down
– Bottom-up approach: start with the specific tasks
– Mind mapping: uses branches radiating out from a core
idea to structure thoughts and ideas
5. Validating Scope
• It is difficult to create a good project scope statement and WBS
for a project
– Even more difficult, especially on IT projects, to verify the
project scope and minimize scope changes
• Even when the project scope is fairly well defined, many IT
projects suffer from scope creep
– Tendency for project scope to keep getting bigger and bigger
• Scope validation involves formal acceptance of the completed
project deliverables
– Acceptance is often achieved by a customer inspection and
then sign-off on key deliverables
• A project scope that is too broad and grandiose can cause
sever e problems
– Scope creep and an overemphasis on technology for
technology’s sake resulted in the bankruptcy of a large
pharmaceutical firm, Texas-based FoxMeyer Drug
– In 2001, McDonald’s fast-food chain initiated a project
to create an intranet that would connect its
headquarters with all of its restaurants to provide
detailed operational information in real time
• After spending $170 million on consultants and
initial implementation planning, McDonald’s
realized that the project was too much to handle
and terminated it
• Many countriesIssues
have had difficulties controlling the scope
large projects
– Especially those that involve advanced technologies
many different users
• For example, the state government of Victoria,
Australia, has a website for its public transportation
smart card; there were many problems in
developing and implement ing the smart card
6. Controlling Scope
• It is difficult to create a good project scope statement and WBS
for a project
– Even more difficult, especially on IT projects, to verify the
project scope and minimize scope changes
• Even when the project scope is fairly well defined, many IT
projects suffer from scope creep
– Tendency for project scope to keep getting bigger and bigger
• Scope validation involves formal acceptance of the completed
project deliverables
– Acceptance is often achieved by a customer inspection and
then sign-off on key deliverables
• Scope control involves controlling changes to the project
– Keeping project goals and business strategy in mind
• Goals of scope control
– Influence the factors that cause scope changes
– Ensure changes are processed according to procedures
develop ed as part of integrated change control
– Manage changes when they occur
• Variance is the difference between planned and actual
• Suggestions for improving user input
– Develop a good project selection process and insist that
s are from the user organization
– Place users on the project team
– Conduct regular meetings with defined agendas
– Deliver something to users and sponsors on a regular
– Do not promise to deliver what the team cannot deliver in
a par ticular time frame
– Locate users with the developers
• Suggestions for reducing incomplete and changing requirements
– Develop and follow a requirements management process
– Employ techniques such as prototyping, use case modeling,
and JAD to get more user involvement
– Put requirements in writing and keep them current
– Create a requirements management database for documenting and
controlling requirements
– Provide adequate testing and conduct it throughout the project life cycle
– Review changes from a systems perspective
– Emphasize completion dates to help focus
on what’s most important
– Allocate resources specifically for handling change requests
Why project scoping important?
• Suggestions for reducing incomplete and changing requirements
– Develop and follow a requirements management process
– Employ techniques such as prototyping, use case modeling,
and JAD to get more user involvement
– Put requirements in writing and keep them current
– Create a requirements management database for documenting and
controlling requirements
– Provide adequate testing and conduct it throughout the project life cycle
– Review changes from a systems perspective
– Emphasize completion dates to help focus
on what’s most important
– Allocate resources specifically for handling change requests