Food Industry Research and Development
Food Industry Research and Development
Food Industry Research and Development
The Sixth Saudi Conference on Food and Nutrition,
Helton Hotel- Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
17-19 November, 2015
Structure of Presentation
What is R&D and its importance?
R&D in food and agriculture sectors
R&D expenditure
Research and development issues
R&D in food industry
R&D in food system
Government involvement in food industry R&D
Consumer product research
Product development process stages
Consumer role in product development
Management of product development
Perspectives on R&D in food industry
Summary and recap
What is R&D?
“R&D is the purposeful and systematic use of scientific
knowledge to improve man’s lot even though some of
its manifestations do not meet with universal
approval.” (Twiss, 1992)
A. Yes, but their knowledge and resource bases are very different
Small Companies
Usually concentrate their R&D where they have strong specialist
Large Companies
Need research in many areas and face with problems of
integrating the research and coordinating it with the company’s
operating sections
Research and Product Development Issues
1. Balancing new product failure with product obsolescence
2. Balancing cots with overall financial setbacks
3. Consumer concerns (media & advertising)
Food chemical additives
4. Regulations
Food industry is one of the more heavily regulated industries.
General regulations (health, safety, labor, factory control, and
waste treatment), specific regulations (food hygiene, standards,
materials, packaging, labelling). This makes innovation and
introduction of new products difficult, long time for government
5. Minimal level of high technology
Future oriented
Long-term activities
Research in Food System
The food system includes
Food Research Disciplines and
Food industry R&D need knowledge and expertise
n.a. = not available; Source: USDA, Economic Research Service using company annual reports and fortune, 2008
R&D Expenditure (mean) across Industries
Industry Percent (%)
Pharmaceuticals 15
Aerospace 5
Automotive 5
Chemicals 8
Electrical & Electronics 7
Food 1.5
General Manufacturing 6
Computers 12
Product innovation
Concentration of food structures, flavors,
appearances, and nutrition even development of final
consumer products (new ingredients, new
formulations, and innovative processing method)
Food Production Research Includes
Design of the final foods
Develop and launch products onto the market
according to the company’s business strategy (R&D
Product Development Process Stages
1. Business analysis
2. Product idea generation
3. Screening
4. Product concept development
5. Product design
6. Product testing
7. Production and marketing development
8. Commercialization
9. Market introduction
10. Post-launch analysis
Evaluating R&D Projects
Factors Determining Success in New Food
Product Development
Consumer Role in Product Development
Active consumer participation is integral to total product
Consumer surveys and focus groups study
Analysis of consumer needs and new product ideas
Developing acceptable product concepts in “consumer
language” and then develop technical design
Product prototype is tested by consumer (a large-scale
consumer test)
After the launch – who is buying the product, repeat
buying patterns, how consumers actually like the product
R&D Team
Joint effort
1- Maketing group 2-Analytical group
3-Formulation and processing group
4-Sensory evaluation group 5- packaging group
6-Microbiology and Quality control group( proper
methodology , HACCP,….)
R&D Team Operations
Identification( Identical samples at each stage) is a must
Management of Product Development
Management can control the research quality, outcome, time, and costs
Management needs to be involved in early stage and in later stages when large
investment decisions are made.
Overall project must have an objective with predicted costs and timelines from the
beginning of the project
Allow researchers to work creatively and positively within each stage without need
for bureaucratic controls
Management and researchers study the outcomes of each stage so that decisions on
stopping or putting more money and time can be made cooperatively, constructively,
and quantitatively (systematically decisions not just by “gut feelings”)
Perspectives on R&D in the Food Industry
1. The food industry needs to cut costs but remain innovative (innovation in
2. R&D will continue to grow in disciplines of chemistry, biotechnology, and
process engineering and more research in molecular biology, microbiology
and biological engineering
3. Food ingredient processors and food equipment engineers are the major
investors in R&D
4. Food manufacturers (companies producing final consumer products) will
continue product development driven by continuing consumer market
demand (increased research on food safety and nutrition)
5. Supermarkets (a domination part of the food industry today) have been weak
in funding research but this may change (research related to food poisoning)
6. Future of food research and development in the next decade – multinational
food companies will continue in domination food industry – they have
sufficient finance for basic R&D – they will not allow the knowledge to become
public (results tightly held and controlled)
Summary and Recap
Food industry abounds with imitators, and products
change quickly (formal intellectual property
protection rights play a small role in motivation
Failure rate of food products development is high
(>70%) but original concept products are more likely
to be successful than “copy-cat” or “me too” products
Managing R&D in food industry is not valued as
highly as it should be (managers outside R&D unit
rarely appreciate the value of R&D)
con. Summary and Recap
Firm-level data on food manufacturing R&D are limited
and incomplete
Expenditures on food manufacturing R&D is increasing
but research intensity in food manufacturing is low
compared in other agricultural input industries
Consumer demands product characteristics
(convenience then quality then value) and expect many
new products
Most of the R&D in the industry appears to be directed
to product, as opposed to process innovations
Thanks for Your Attention