Lesotho Work Programme
Lesotho Work Programme
Lesotho Work Programme
• a) Draft the request for proposal that shall include the scope of works, performance and service provider
eligibility requirements for each fieldwork and desktop study listed, to be reviewed and approved by the
• b) Supply the prospective service providers with all relevant information required to accurately cost the
work that is required.
• c) Obtain a minimum of 3 comparable quotes from reputable service providers in that meet the approved
eligibility criteria accordance with the approved scope of works and performance requirements.
• d) Commission the study and manage all works and output. Final reports shall be provided for all studies
conducted to document the following:
• i. Purpose and background to the study
• ii. Available information to supplement this study
• iii. Methodology followed to carry out study
• iv. Results of study v. Conclusions and recommendations
• vi. References to all sources of information consulted
• e) A close-out report drafted by the Contractor summarising all available historical information and new
information collected under this Contract. The report shall address how the information gaps was closed
out by the Contractor to ensure that all necessary base data is in place to execute a successful detailed
• f) Payment for each study shall only be made once the study has been completed and the report
Base Data Updating Preliminary design
each of which shall be held at a suitable conference venue at Maseru, Lesotho, or another location
approved by the Engineer.
The workshops may be subdivided into more than two smaller workshops to cover a specific
component or discipline as needed. T
his should be proposed by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall
submit the Contractor`s Documents to be discussed at the particular workshop five days in
advance to the Employer and Engineer. The agenda for each workshop shall be prepared by the
The Contractor shall be responsible for all costs associated with the hire of the venue, audio-
visual equipment required, and catering.
The design team members for all components of the Works shall be present for and cooperatively
participate in each design workshop. As a minimum, the Contractor’s Representative and design
team present shall include those staff proposed by the Contractor in his Schedule of Contractor’s
Representative and Key Personnel (Part 2, Volume 2, Book 1) in selecting a venue, the Contractor
shall allow for a team of twenty representatives in total from the Employer and the Engineer for
each workshop. Smaller workshops, if approved shall cater for twelve representatives in total.
• a hazard and operability study (HAZOP study) be conducted, with participation of the Contractor
together with representatives of the Employer and Engineer responsible for planning, design,
maintenance, and operation.
• h a minimum of two (5) five-day HAZOPS shall be allowed - at which representatives of the
Employer and the Engineer will be present. The HAZOP study shall be held at a suitable
conference venue at Maseru, Lesotho, or another mutually convenient location as approved by
the Engineer
• team of twenty representatives in total from the Employer and the Engineer for each workshop
• As a minimum, the Contractor’s Representative and design team present shall include those
staff proposed by the Contractor in his Schedule of Contractor’s Representative and Key
• The Contractor shall employ a suitably experienced and independent consultant – approved
by the Engineer - to lead a HAZOP study in accordance with generally accepted industry
• The metric system of weights and measures shall be used in all documentation,
correspondence, drawings, manuals and annotation relevant to this Contract.
a) Three hard copies and an electronic copy of all reports and drawings shall be
b) A register of all the Contractor’s documents shall be provided with each
c) Drawings shall be prepared in accordance with the latest issue of SANS 10111
or similar approved.
d) Drawings shall be to scale, with both the scale and the drawing being large
enough to clearly show all relevant components of the plant and equipment.
e) Drawings shall be to A1 or larger size.
Phase 2A-1 for review
• a) Request for proposal for all fieldwork and desktop studies
• b) A report for each study conducted
• c) A close-out report summarizing all information and how
information gaps in the base data was closed out.