8051 Internal Architecture
8051 Internal Architecture
8051 Internal Architecture
Internal Architecture
Internal architecture of 8051
Internal architecture of 8051
It consists of
8 bit ALU, with two registers A & B
16 bit Program Counter & Data Pointer
8 bit Program Status Word
8bit Stack Pointer
128 bytes Internal RAM
4 register banks, each containing 8 registers.
16 bytes, which may be addressed at bit level.
80 bytes of gent purpose data memory.
Internal ROM / EPROM / Flash memory of 4KB
Can be extended separate 64KB address space for data & code memory.
32 discrete I/O pins, grouped as four 8 bit ports.
Full Duplex UART.
Two l6 bit timer / counter - T0 & T1
Two external & three internal interrupt sources
Control registers –TCON, TMOD, SCON, PCON, and IP & IE
Oscillator & clock circuits
The 8051 is the original member of the MCS-51family, and is the
core for all MCS-51 devices. The features of the 8051 core are:
8-bit CPU optimized for control applications
Extensive Boolean processing (single-bit logic) capabilities
64K program memory address space
64K data memory address space
4K bytes of on-chip program memory
128 bytes of on-chip data RAM
32bidirectional and individually addressable I/O lines
Two 16- bit timer/counters
Full duplex UART
6- source / 5 vector interrupt structure with two priority levels
On-chip clock oscillator
The basic architectural structure of this 8051 core is shown below.
The programming model of 8051 is a collection of 8 bit
and 16 bit registers and 8 bit memory locations.
8051 has 34 general purpose or working registers.
Two of them A & B, hold results of many instructions,
particularly Mathematical and logical operations, of
8051 CPU.
The other 32 Reg. arranged as a part of internal RAM
in four banks RBO-RB3.
A (Accumulator) register is used for many operations -
Reg. B is used with Reg.A for multiplication & division
operations and also for data transfer.
Subtraction, integer- multiplication & division and
Boolean bit manipulations.
Carry out Auxiliary General Register Banks Over flow Parity of
From carry for purpose RB0-RB3 flag Accumulator
MSB of BCD set by
ALU operations hardware to 1
Operand if it contains odd
of ones
Note: The contents of (RS1-RS0) enable the working register banks as follows
(0, 0) - Bank 0 (00H-07H)
(0, 1) - Bank 1 (08H-0FH)
(1, 0) - Bank 2 (10H-17H)
(1, 1) - Bank 3 (18H-1FH)
Carry flag is set whenever there is carry out from MSB. This flag is
after 8 bit ADD/ SUB operation.
It can also be set to 1 or 0 directly using SETB C or CLR C.
Auxiliary carry: If there is a carry from D3 to D4 position during
Add/sub operation, this bit will set. Otherwise, it is cleared. This flag
is used for BCD operations.
Parity Flag reflects the number of 1’s in ‘A’. If ‘A’ contains an odd
number of 1’s, then P=1. Therefore P=0, if A has an even number of
Over Flow Flag: This flag is set whenever the result of a signed
number operation is too large to be accommodated in 7bits, causing
the Higher order bit to over flow into the Sign Bit.
8051 Oscillator & Clock
8051 has on Chip Oscillator but needs an external clock to run it. A Quartz
oscillator is connected to XTAL2 & XTAL1. C1 &C2 are also connected as
shown above.
C1= C2= 30pf (typical)
xtal oscillator =1 to 16 MHz.
Each Machine Cycle is made up of 6 states. A state is basic time interval for
discrete operations of µcontroller such as Opcode fetch, decode an opcode,
Execute an opcode.Two oscillator pulses define a state.
Program Instructions may require 1/2/3/4 machine cycles, depending on its
It is an input and is active High (Normally Low) by applying
a High pulse to this pin, µc will be reset and terminate all
On reset PC - 0000
ACC - 0000
B - 0000
PSW - 0000
SR - 0007
Though 4banks of register are kept aside, micro controller at a time can access only
one register bank, where as other register banks will be used as simple RAM
By default RB0 is selected, on power ON.
We can switch to other banks, by using D4 & D3 bits of PSW.
State the contents of RAM locations after the following program.
SetB PSW4 select bank 2
Mov R0, #99h
Mov R1, #85h
Mov R2, #3Fh.
PC can access the memory from 0000H –FFFFH. Program address higher than
0FFFH, which exceed the internal ROM capacity will cause 8051