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Recalling and Understanding Prose and

Dramatic Prose
Let’s do this.
Match the title of a piece of work in column A with its prose form in column B.

1. How My Brother Leon Brought A a) Drama
wife b) Fairy Tale
2. Napoleon: A Life by Andrew c) Biography
d) Fable
3. The fox and the Crow
e) Short Story
4. Beauty and the Beast
5. Oedipus Rex
“Prose” is derived from the Latin experession “
prosa oratio” meaning literally straightforward or
direct speech.
Examples of Prose

a.“ I will not be doing weather because

you have the best weatherman in the
Philippines” – Kim Atienza

b. Conversation
Types and varieties of prose
Descriptive Prose is a piece of writing which is
used to described things as they are.

Narrative prose refers ton a piece of writing

focused describing events external or internal ( could
be describing feelings and emotions.)
Expository prose deals with explanations or
definitions. It aims to explain and clarify.

Fiction is a product of the imagination of a man

finding its shape in peoples stories or events. It can
be an allegory, romance, and or satire
Prose Allegory a prose fiction wherein characters,
ideas and actions are implied and represent something
else. Personification of characters is concretely observed.
Fable a story which uses animals as characters to tell a
moral lesson Ex. The Three Little Pigs

Parable a story which illustrates one or more instructive

lessons Ex. spiritual lessons told by Jesus in! the bible
Myth a traditional story written anonymously, which
explains briefly a custom or a mysterious natural event
Legend stories of creation and origins whether about
an object, a place or an phenomenon.
Prose Romance stories of supernatural or magical
events, fantastic and unrealistic
Fairy tales folkloric stories whose motifs are about
commonplace expressions and themes that are typical such
as supernatural challenges and restoration with characters
such as cruel king and wicked stepmothers and which
mostly have happy endings.
Folk tales are stories which consist of one or a
combination of many folklore themes (motifs) pass on
from language to language and country to country. They
are also "migratory tales"
Satire are humorous stories used to ridicule human vices
and follies evident in its plot.

Non-fiction is writing based on factual, realistic events,

and real people. These writings could be essays,
biography/autobiography or history, letters/ Epistles,
diaries, journals, book reviews, literary criticisms and
scientific and current publication.
An essay is analytic and interpretative
composition that deals on a subject in a
more personal point. It is briefly:
written and it describes, clarifies,
argues, or analyzes a subject often
categorized as narrative, persuasive,
expository, and descriptive:
Descriptive places the picture in your head; writes a
creative story with a compelling plot; describing an event
Expository explains something: informs and educates
the reader about a particular subject
Narrative tells a story; creates some compelling story on
any subject that the one can imagine
Persuasive (Argumentative) sells opinion
on some topic; wants the audience to agree;
convincing someone
Other types
Process explains how to do something or explains how
something works. An example could be how to get a
Philippine passport.
Cause and effect finds the cause of something and the
effects it might have.exposes key differences and
similarities between two subjects by comparing them to
each other and contrasting them against each other like
comparing and contrasting two oranges or two apples; we
can compare and contrast their colors, shape, size, etc.
Reflective essay describes an Biographical essay tells
a story of a observed or person's life, his achievements and
or event examined where a writer analyzes past
aspirations... events from the present point of view.
Biographical essay tells a story of a persons life, hos
achievements and aspiration
Nature essay writing is a creative nonfiction about the
environment and or the narrator's encounter with the
natural environment.
Critical essay analyzes, evaluates, and or interprets a
text where the author claims how ideas or themes are
Periodical essay refers to published journals and
articles in magazine or periodical.
Didactic essay gives instruction that is focused on a
second-person viewpoint.
A novel is a long and complex invented prose narrative
dealing with human with events arranged in sequence.
A short story is a story with limited length and
possesses the following elements such as characterization,
unity, cumulative interest, climax, and resolution. Short
stories can be stories about gods and demons, anecdotes,
mythical tales, etc.
A novelette is in between short story and novels. It is
neither too short a story nor too long as a novel. Compared
to a short story, it is more elaborate than a short story but
can be read in one sitting and can produce a single
concentrate effect.
Drama is written in dialogues intended for presentation
and/or interpretation by an actor. The actor impersonating
a character is the essence of a drama in a make believe.
Task 1:
Identify what is referred to in each item. Choose the answer from the

Novel novellete shorty story essay

drama fiction non-fiction prose

Fairy tales Satire

1. It is a product of the imagination of man finding shape
in stories of people or events.

2. A piece of writing that is factual, with real events, and

real people, such as cssays, diaries, juunais, cic.

3. It is about thotifs, commonplace expressions and

typical themes with characters such as cruel king, evil
stepmother and others.
4. An analytic or interpretative composition which looks
into its subject from a personal point of view.
5. It is usually a long and complex piece of work that
deals especially on human experience in a usually
connected sequence of events.

6. A prose narrative that is neither too short for a story and

nor too long for a novel.
7. It is usually written and intended for presentation
and or interpretation by an actor.
8. Stories in which human vices and follies are held
up to ridicule.
9. A piece of writing which uses sentences and
paragraphs that sound similar to ordinary and
natural flow of speech.
10. It is a story with a limited length bearing the
elements of characterization, unity, cumulative
interest, climax, and a resolution.
Task 2
Encircle the letter of the correct answer.

1. Which is not a form of prose?

a. Newspaper b. Haiku
c. short story d. Essay
2. The Latin word for prose is
b. prose oratie b. prose oratio
c. prose oration d. prosa oration
3. All of the following refer to a prose EXCEPT
a. pragmatic b. poetic devices
c. imaginative d. straightforward

4. Modern writers prefer prose because -----

a. it saves paper b. it's easier to read
c. it's more natural and reflects the way people
actually talk d. a, b and c
5. Fiction is one kind of prose which is sometimes
inspired by real people, events, and places. Which of the
following is NOT fiction?
a. fairy tale b. travelogue c. novella d. drama
6. A Christmas Carol is a popular
a. short story. b. historical fiction
c. novel by Charles Dickens. d. novella
7. A fairy tale is a story about good and evil, usually with
a happy ending. An example of a fairy tale is
a. The Frog Prince b. The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll
and Mr. Hyde
c. Wuthering Heights d. Romeo and Juliet
8. Whether it's a novel, a short story, or a myth, a work
of fiction has a, or a series of events.
a. Plot b. character c. conflict d. theme
9. Select the example of prose:
a. Falling to the ground, I watch a leaf settle down In a bed of brown
b. When darkness comes, And pain is all around Like a bridge over troubled water, I will lay
me down
c. "After the Sea-Ship- after the whistling winds; After the white-gray sails, taut to their spars
and ropes, Below, a myriad, myriad waves, hastening, lifting up their necks, Trending in
ceaseless flow toward the track of the ship: Waves of the occan, bubbling and gurgling,
blithely prying..."
d. "One dollar and eighty -seven cents. That was all. And sixty cents of it was in pennies.
Pennies saved one and two at a time by bulldozing the grocer and the vegetable man and the
butcher until one's cheeks burned with the silent imputation of parsimony that such close
dealing implied. Three times Della counted it. One dollar and eighty-seven cents. And the next
day would be Christmas."
10. Both legends and myths are passed down from
generation to generation. However, are based partially on
real historical events and are semi-true stories, while are
not necessarily based on historical events, but their
symbolism is more important than the actual events.
a. fables; folktales b. folktales; fables
c. myths; legends: d. legends; myths
TASK 3: Let's Reflect on This
Share your viewpoints about the benefits of prose in a
man's life. Here are few strategies you can choose in
writing your reflection. Choose the strategy you are most
familiar and comfortable with.
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