Lesson 6 Cell The Unit of Life
Lesson 6 Cell The Unit of Life
Lesson 6 Cell The Unit of Life
Standard 11
Department of Botany
Christ The King Matric. Hr. Sec. Sch.
Unit III: Cell biology and Biomolecules
Aristotle (384-322BC), -first recognised that animals and
plants consists of organised structural units but unable to
explain what it was.
Robert Hooke 1660 -observed something which looks like
‘honeycomb with a great numbers of little boxes’ which was
later called as ‘cell’ from the cork tissue. In 1665, He
compiled his work as Micrographia.
Anton Van Leeuwenhoek - observed unicellular particles
which he named as ‘animalcules’.
Robert Brown (1831-39) - described the spherical body in
plant cell as nucleus.
H. J. Dutrochet (1824), a French scientist, -first to give an
idea on cell theory.
Matthias Schleiden (German Botanist) and Theodor
Schwann (German Zoologist) (1833) - outlined the basic
features of the cell theory.
Rudolf Virchow (1858) - explained the cell theory by adding
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a feature stating that all living cells arise from pre-existing
living cells by ‘cell division’
6.2. Microscopy
Microscope is an inevitable instrument in studying the
cell and subcellular structures.
It offers scope in studying microscopic organisms
therefore it is named as microscope in Greek
terminology. (mikros – small; skipein – to see)
Compound microscope was invented by Z. Jansen.
Microscope basically works on the lens system and its
properties of light and lens such as reflection,
magnification and numerical aperture.
The common light microscope which has many lenses
are called as compound microscope.
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The microscope transmits visible light from sources to eye
or camera through sample.
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6.2.1 Bright field Microscope
Bright field microscope is the routinely used
microscope in studying various aspects of cells.
It allows light to pass directly through specimen and
shows a well distinguished image from different
portions of the specimen.
The contrast can be increased by staining the specimen
with reagent that reacts with cells and tissue
components of the object.
The light rays are focused by condenser on to the
specimen on a microslide placed upon the adjustable
platform called stage.
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Light comes from the Compact Flourescent Lamp
(CFL) or Light Emitting Diode (LED).
Bright field Microscope continue….
Then it passes through two lens systems namely
objective lens (closer to the object) and the
eye piece (closer to eye).
There are four objective lenses (5X, 10X, 45X and 100X)
which can be rotated and fixed at certain point to get
required magnification.
It works on the principle of numerical aperture value and its
own resolving power.
The first magnification of the microscope is done by the
objective lens which is called primary magnification and it
is real, inverted image.
The second magnification of the microscope is obtained
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through eye piece lens called as secondary magnification
and it is virtual and inverted image (Figure 6.2 a, b and c).
6.2.2 Electron Microscope
Electron Microscope was first
introduced by Ernest Ruska (1931) and
developed by G Binning and H Roher (1981).
It is used to analyse the fine details of cell and organelles called
It uses beam of accelerated electrons as source of illumination and
therefore the resolving power is 1,00,000 times greater than that of
light microscope.
The specimen to be viewed under electron microscope is dehydrated
and impregnated with electron opaque chemicals like gold or
This is essential for withstanding electrons and also for contrast of the
There are two kinds of electron microscopesC Tnamely:
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1. Transmission Electron Microscope (TEM)
2. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM)
1. Transmission electron microscope:
This is the most commonly used electron microscope
which provides two dimensional image. [2d]
The components of the microscope are as follows:
a. Electron generating system
b. Electron condensor
c. Specimen objective
d. Tube lens
e. Projector
A beam of electron passes through the specimen to form
an image on fluorescent screen.
The magnification is 1–3 lakhs times and
resolving power is 2–10 Å.
It is used for studying detailed structrue of viruses,
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mycoplasma, cellular organelles, etc
(Figure 6.3 a and b).
2. Scanning Electron Microscope:
This is used to obtain three dimensional [3d]
image and has a lower resolving power than
In this, electrons are focused by means of lenses
into a very fine point.
The interaction of electrons with the specimen
results in the release of different forms of
radiation from the surface of the specimen.
(such as auger electrons, secondary electrons,
back scattered electrons)
These radiations are then captured by an
appropriate detector, amplified and then
imaged on fluorescent screen.
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The magnification is 2,00,000 times and
resolution is 5–20 nm
6.3. Cell Theory
In 1833, German botanist Matthias Schleiden and
German zoologist Theodor Schwann proposed that all
plants and animals are composed of cells and that cells
were the basic building blocks of life.
These observations led to the formulation of
modern cell theory.
i. All organisms are made up of cells.
ii. New cells are formed by the division of pre-
existing cells.
iii.Cells contains genetic material, which is passed
on from parents to daughter cells.
iv. All metabolic reactions takeC Tplace inside the cells.
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6.3.1 Exception to Cell Theory
1. Viruses are puzzle in biology.
2. Viruses, viroids and prions are the exception to
cell theory.
3. They lack protoplasm, the essential part of the
cell and exists as obligate parasites which are
sub-cellular in nature.
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6.3.2 Protoplasm Theory
Corti first observed protoplasm.
Felix Dujardin (1835) observed a living juice in
animal cell and called it “Sarcode”.
Purkinje (1839) coined the term protoplasm for sap
inside a plant cell.
Hugo Van Mohl (1846) indicated importance of
Max Schultze (1861) established similarity between
Protoplasm and Sarcode
O. Hertwig (1892) “Protoplasm Theory”
Huxley (1868) proposed Protoplasm as a “physical
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basis of life”.
Protoplasm as a Colloidal System
Protoplasm is a complex colloidal system which
was suggested by Fisher in 1894 and Hardy in
It is primarily made of water and various other
solutes of biological importance such as glucose,
fatty acids, amino acids, minerals, vitamins,
hormones and enzymes.
These solutes may be homogeneous (soluble in
water) or
heterogeneous mass (insolubleC in water)
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forms the basis for its colloidal nature.
Physical Properties of Protoplasm
1. The protoplasm exists either in semisolid (jelly-like) state
called ‘gel᾿ due to suspended particles and various
chemical bonds or may be liquid state called ‘sol᾿.
2. The colloidal protoplasm which is in
gel form can change into sol form by solation and
the sol can change into gel by gelation.
These gel-sol conditions of colloidal system are
prime basis for mechanical behaviour of cytoplasm.
3. Protoplasm is translucent, odourless and polyphasic fluid.
4. It is a crystal colloid solution which is a mixture of
chemical substances forming crystalloid i.e. true solution
(sugars, salts, acids, bases) and others
C T K Mforming
H S S Km colloidal
solution (Proteins and lipids)
Physical Properties of Protoplasm continue….
5. It is the most important property of the protoplasm by which it
exhibits three main phenomena namely
i.Brownian movement,
ii.Amoeboid movement and
iii.Cytoplasmic streaming or cyclosis.
Viscosity of protoplasm is 2–20 centipoises.
The Refractive index of the protoplasm is 1.4.
6. The pH of the protoplasm is around 6.8, contain 90% water (10% in
dormant seeds)
7. Approximately 34 elements are present in protoplasm but only 13
elements are main or universal elements
i.e. C, H, O, N, Cl, Ca, P, Na, K, S, Mg, I and Fe.
Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen form the 96% of
protoplasm. C T K M H S S Km
8. Protoplasm is neither a good nor a bad conductor of electricity. It
forms a delimiting membrane in contact with water and solidifies
Physical Properties of Protoplasm continue….
9. Cohesiveness: Particles or molecules of protoplasm are
adhered with each other by forces, such as Vander Waal’s
bonds, that hold long chains of molecules together.
This property varies with the strength of these
10. Contractility: The contractility of protoplasm is
important for the absorption and removal of water
especially for stomatal operations.
11. Surface tension: The proteins and lipids of the
protoplasm have less surface tension, hence they are
found at the surface forming the membrane.
12. On the other hand the chemical substances (NaCl) have
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high surface tension, so they occur in deeper parts of the
6.3.3 Cell sizes and shapes
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6.4. Types of cells
On the basis of the cellular organization and the nuclear
characteristics, the cell can be classified into
Mesokaryotes and
6.4.1 Prokaryotes
Those organisms with primitive nucleus are called as
prokaryotes (pro – primitive; karyon – nucleus).
The DNA lies in the ‘nucleoid’ which is not bound by the
nuclear membrane and therefore it is not a true nucleus and is
also a primitive type of nuclear material.
The DNA is without histone proteins.
Eg: Bacteria, blue green algae, CMycoplasma,
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6.5.2 Protoplasm
• Protoplasm is the living content of cell that is
surrounded by plasma membrane.
• It is a colourless material that exists throughout
the cell together with cytoplasm, nucleus and
other organelles.
• Protoplasm is composed of a mixture of small
particles, such as ions, amino acids, mono-
saccharides, water, macromolecules like nucleic
acids, proteins, lipids and polysaccharides.
• It appears colourless, jelly like gelatinous,
viscous elastic and granular.
• It appears foamy due to the presence of large
number of vacuoles.
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• It responds to the stimuli like heat, electric
shock, chemicals and so on.
6.5.3 Cell Wall
Cell wall is the outermost protective cover of the cell.
It is present in bacteria, fungi and plants whereas it is absent in
animal cell.
It was first observed by Robert Hooke.
It is an actively growing portion.
It is made up of different complex material in various organism.
in bacteria it is composed of peptidoglycan,
in fungi chitin and fungal cellulose,
in algae cellulose, galactans and mannans.
in plants it is made up of cellulose, hemicellulose, pectin, lignin,
cutin, suberin and silica.
In plant, cell wall shows three distinct regions
(a) Primary wall
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(b) Secondary wall
(c) Middle lamellae
a. Primary wall
It is the first layer inner to middle lamella, primarily
consisting of loose network of cellulose microfibrils in a gel
It is thin, elastic and extensible.
In most plants the microfibrils are made up of cellulose
oriented differently based on shape and thickness of the wall.
The matrix of the primary wall is composed of
hemicellulose, pectin, glycoprotein and water.
Hemicellulose binds the microfibrils with matrix and
glycoproteins control the orientation of microfibrils while
pectin serves as filling material of the matrix.
Cells such as parenchyma and meristems have only primary
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b. Secondary wall
Secondary wall is laid during maturation of the cell.
It plays a key role in determining the shape of a cell.
It is thick, inelastic and is made up of cellulose and lignin.
The secondary wall is divided into three sub-layers termed
as S1, S2 and S3 where the cellulose micro-fibrils are
compactly arranged with different orientation forming a
laminated structure and the cell wall strength is increased.
c. Middle lamellae
It is the outermost layer made up of calcium and
magnesium pectate, deposited at the time of cytokinesis.
It is a thin amorphous layer which cements two adjacent
cells. C T K M H S S Km
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6.5.4 Cell Membrane
The cell membrane is also called cell surface (or) plasma membrane.
It is a thin structure which holds the cytoplasmic content called
It is extremely thin (less than 10nm)
Fluid Mosaic Model
Jonathan Singer and Garth Nicolson (1972) proposed
fluid mosaic model.
It is made up of lipids and proteins together with a little amount
of carbohydrate.
The lipid membrane is made up of phospholipid.
The phospholipid molecule has a hydrophobic tail and
hydrophilic head.
The hydrophobic tail repels water and hydrophilic head
attracts water.
The proteins of the membrane are globular proteins which are found
intermingled between the lipid bilayer most of which are
projecting beyond the lipid bilayer. These proteins are C Tcalled
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integral proteins.
Few are superficially attached on either surface of the lipid bilayer
Fluid Mosaic Model
The proteins are involved in transport of molecules across the membranes and also
act as enzymes, receptors (or) antigens.
Carbohydrate molecules of cell membrane are short chain polysaccharides.
These are either bound with ‘glycoproteins’ or ‘glycolipids’ and form a ‘glyocalyx’
The movement of membrane lipids from one side of the membrane to
the other side by vertical movement is called flip flopping or flip flop
This movement takes place more slowly than lateral diffusion of lipid molecule.
The Phospholipids can have flip flop movement because they have smaller polar
regions, whereas the proteins cannot flip flop because the polar region is
It is also used to track and date recent evolutionary time because it mutates 5 to 10 time
faster than DNA in the nucleus
6.6.5 Plastids
The term plastid is derived from the Greek word
Platikas (formed/moulded) and
used by A.F.U. Schimper in 1885.
He classified plastids into following types according
to their structure, pigments and function.
Plastids multiply by fission.
According to Schimper, different kind of plastids can
transform into one another.
• Chloroplasts
• Leucoplasts C T K M H S S Km
6.6.8 Lysosomes (Suicidal Bags of Cell)
Lysosomes were discovered by Christian
de Duve (1953), these are known as
suicidal bags.
They are spherical bodies enclosed by a
single unit membrane.
They are found in eukaryotic cell.
Lysosomes are small vacuoles formed
when small pieces of golgi body are
pinched off from its tubules.
They contain a variety of hydrolytic
enzymes, that can digest material within
the cell.
The membrane around lysosome prevent
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these enzymes from digesting the cell
itself (Figure 6.18).
Functions of ribosomes
1. Intracellular digestion: They digest carbohydrates,
proteins and lipids present in cytoplasm.
2. Autophagy: During adverse condition they digest their
own cell organelles like mitochondria and endoplasmic
3. Autolysis: Lysosome causes self destruction of cell.
4. Ageing: Lysosomes have autolytic enzymes that disrupts
intracellular molecules.
5. Phagocytosis: Large cells or contents are engulfed and
digested by macrophages, thus forming a phagosome in
cytoplasm. These phagosome fuse with lysosome for
further digestion.
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6. Exocytosis: Lysosomes release their enzymes outside the
cell to digest other cells (Figure 6.19).
6.6.9 Microbodies
Eukaryotic cells contain many enzyme bearing
membrane enclosed vesicles called microbodies.
They are single unit membrane bound cell organelles.
Eg: Peroxisomes and glyoxysomes.
6.6.10 Peroxisomes
Peroxisomes were identified as organelles by
Christian de Duve (1967).
Peroxisomes are small spherical bodies and single
membrane bound organelle.
It takes part in photorespiration and associated with
glycolate metabolism.
In plants, leaf cells have many peroxisomes.
It is also commonly found in liver and kidneyC T of
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These are also found in cells of protozoa and yeast
6.6.11 Glyoxysomes
Glyoxysome was discovered by Harry Beevers (1961).
It is a single membrane bound organelle.
It is a sub cellular organelle and contains enzymes of
glyoxylate pathway.
β-oxidation of fatty acid occurs in glyoxysomes of
germinating seeds
Eg: Castor seeds.
6.6.12 Sphaerosomes
It is spherical in shape and enclosed by single unit
membrane. C T K M H S S Km
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6.6.14 Vacuoles
In plant cells vacuoles are large, bounded by a single unit membrane called
The Vacuoles contain cell sap, which is a solution of sugars, amino acids,
mineral salts, waste chemical and anthocyanin pigments.
Beetroot cells contain anthocyanin pigments in their vacuoles.
Vacuoles accumulate products like tannins.
The osmotic expansion of a cell kept in water is chiefly regulated by vacuole
and the water enters the vacuole by osmosis.
The major function of plant vacuole is to maintain water pressure known as
turgor pressure, which maintains the plant structure.
Vacuoles organises itself into a storage/ sequestration compartment.
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Structure of chromosome
The chromosomes are composed of thread like strands called
chromatin which is made up of DNA, protein and RNA.
Each chromosome consists of two symmetrical structures called
During cell division the chromatids forms a well organized
chromosomes with definite size and shape.
They are identical and are called sister chromatids.
A typical chromosome has narrow zones called constrictions.
There are two types of constrictions, namely primary constriction and
secondary constriction.
The primary constriction is made up of centromere and kinetochore.
Both the chromatids are united at centromere, whose number varies.
The monocentric chromosome has one centromere and the polycentric
chromosome has many centromeres. C T K M H S S Km
Centromere contains a complex system of protein fibres called
Besides primary there are few secondary constrictions, are present.
Nucleoli develop from these secondary constrictions are called nucleolar
Secondary constrictions contain the genes for ribosomal RNA which induce
the formation of nucleoli and are called nucleolar organizer regions
A satellite or SAT Chromosome is a short chromosomal segment or
rounded body separated from main chromosome by a relatively elongated
secondary constriction.
It is a morphological entity in certain chromosomes.
Telomere is the terminal part of chromosome.
It offers stability to the chromosome.
DNA of the telomere has specific sequence of nucleotides.
Telomere in all eukaryotes are composed of many repeats of short DNA
sequences (5’TTAGGG3’ sequence in Neurospora crassa and human
Maintenance of telomeres appears to be an important factor in determining
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the life span and reproductive capacity of cells, so studies of telomeres and
telomerase have the promise of providing new insights into conditions such
Based on the position of centromere,
chromosomes are called telocentric (terminal centromere),
acrocentric (terminal centromere capped by telomere),
sub metacentric (centromere subterminal) and
metacentric (centromere median).
The eukaryotic chromosome may be
Rod shaped (telocentric and acrocentric),
L-shaped (sub-metacentric) and
V-shaped (metacentric)
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Based on the functions of chromosome it can be
divided into
1. autosomes and
2. sex chromosomes
Autosomes are present in all cells
controlling somatic characteristics of an organism.
In human diploid cell, 44 chromosomes
are autosomes whereas 2 chromosomes are sex
Sex chromosomes are involved in the
determination of sex. C T K M H S S Km
Special types of chromosomes
The chromosomes are larger in size and are called giant chromosomes in certain plants and
they are found in the suspensors of the embryo.
They are 1. polytene chromosome and
2. lamp brush chromosome
Polytene chromosomes
It observed in the salivary glands of Drosophila (fruit fly) by E.G. Balbiani in 1881.
In larvae of many flies, midges (Dipthera) and some insects the interphase chromosomes
duplicates and reduplicates without nuclear division.
A single chromosome which is present in multiple copies form a structure called polytene
chromosome which can be seen in light microscope.
They are genetically active.
There is a distinct alternating dark bands and light inter-bands.
About 95% of DNA are present in bands and 5% in inter-bands.
The polytene chromosome has extremely large puff called Balbiani rings which is seen in
Chironomous larvae. It is also known as chromosomal puff.
Puffing of bands are the sites of intense RNA synthesis.
As this chromosome occurs in the salivary gland it is known
C T K M Has
S Ssalivary
Km gland
Gene expression, transcription of genes and RNA synthesis occurs in the bands along the
Lampbrush chromosomes
It occur at the diplotene stage of first meiotic prophase in oocytes of an
animal Salamandar and in giant nucleus of the unicellular alga
It was first observed by Flemming in 1882.
The highly condensed chromosome forms the chromosomal axis, from
which lateral loops of DNA extend as a result of intense RNA synthesis.
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6.8. Flagella
Prokaryotic Flagellum
Bacterial flagella are helical
appendages helps in motility.
They are much thinner than
flagella or cilia of eukaryotes.
The filament contains a protein
called flagellin.
The structure consists of a basal
body associated with cytoplasmic
membrane and cell wall with short
hook and helical filament.
Bacteria rotates their helical
flagella and propels rings present C T K M H S S Km
Structure of
Cilia & flagella
6.8.3 Cilia
Cilia (plural) are short cellular, numerous microtubule
bound projections of plasma membrane.
Cilium (singular) is membrane bound structure made up
of basal body rootlets, basal plate and shaft.
The shaft or axoneme consists of nine pairs of
microtubule doublets, arranged in a circle along the
periphery with a two central tubules, (9+2)
arrangement of microtubules is present.
Microtubules are made up of tubulin.
The motor protein dynein connects the outer
microtubule pair and links themC Tto the central pair.
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