Safety STOP Safety Induction
Safety STOP Safety Induction
Safety STOP Safety Induction
Safety Induction
Responsibilities of Management
To Maintain a Safe Working Environment To actively manage all Hazards on site Ensure correct training is in place Respond to any safety issues on site
Responsibilities of Employees
Follow through Learn and understand Be involved in Training Be proactive all aspects of Health and Safety Never walk by a Hazard without reporting it
From the Act, Section 19, Duties of employees Every employee shall take all practicable steps to ensure: (a)The employee's safety while at work and (b) That no action or inaction of the employee while at work causes harm to any other person
Bad practices The effect of other parties eg: Subcontractors or public Drugs and alcohol Fatigue and long hours Laziness/short cuts
Rehabilitation Management
The company are committed to preventing illness and injuries at the workplace by providing a safe and healthy working environment for all our employees The company believes that occupational rehabilitation is of benefit to everyone and the early and safe return to meaningful and productive work of an employee. The company will consult with medical personnel and try to find suitable alternative duties to enable a gradual return to work The company may provide alternative duties outside the employees usual job profile Successful rehabilitation requires everyone's involvement and commitment
The company will develop a comprehensive Rehabilitation Plan for injured employees
Most importantlyYou
These forms are generally completed by the Project Manager, Project Engineer or his Supervisor and are used to brief those people undertaking the work. These people then sign the form to record their understanding
Step 2 Using the JSA worksheet, break down the job into logical steps and in the correct sequence that the work will be carried out Step 3 Identify all the hazards in each step Step 4 Develop Hazard Controls required Step 5 Measure the Residual Risk Step 6 Sign JSA Acknowledgement Sheet Step 7 Review and Update the JSA Step 8 File the JSA
in the unloading and positioning personnel. of job today understand procedure and sign SWMS No unauthorised personnel permitted in the work area. Wika personnel to clearly identify all potential underground and over head hazards and services in relation to work and access areas of crawler cranes and relevant transport.
Manual Lifting
Working at Height
Company Pictures
Must be worn at all times ! All employees must be trained in the correct use of the PPE for their tasks
Permit to Dig
Before doing any digging on site you need a Dig Permit This is your best insurance against hitting any type of under ground service
Always make sure that the permit has been signed off
Go to Evacuation points
Secure the Site Administer First Aid Call for help 111
Site Emergencies
Site emergencies include medical illnesses, injuries, breakage or damage to services, fire, burial of workers, suffocation etc. Secure all other personnel against further chance of injury. Secure the site against further damage where such could cause injury or harm.
First Aid
A first aid kit is to be available in the site office at all times, and all field vehicles shall have a first aid kit. Please check the phone number before you dial for an ambulance. Please make sure you know the correct street address before ringing 111. Provide direction to the emergency site for emergency services.
Emergency Plan
Emergency Response Emergency Responsible 1.Taking strategic steps necessary and to monitor any developments. 2.Do security on the company's assets and workers. 3.Report to relevant parties about the chronological events. 4.Report to relevant parties about the damage and potential losses suffered. Emergency Response Unit Coordinator 1.Leading emergency response before getting help from the relevant authorities. 2.Coordinates and directs everyone on their respective duties. 3.Lead a team to monitoring and collect data associated with the emergency building or project site. 4.Reporting the results of the monitoring and investigation to the responsible emergency. Task Force and Evacuation 1.Fire Emergency 2.Earthquake Emergency 3.Emergency Riots
For further information Please refer to the Health and Safety Manual.
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