DRRR - Mod1 - Basic Concept of Disaster and Disaster Risk
DRRR - Mod1 - Basic Concept of Disaster and Disaster Risk
DRRR - Mod1 - Basic Concept of Disaster and Disaster Risk
2. List d o w n the disasters that y o u c a n
identify f r o m t h e i m a g e s .
Example: conflicts or wars and Genocide the deliberate killing of a large group of
people, especially those of a particular ethnic group or nation.
The damage caused by disaster cannot be measured. It also differs with the kind
of geographical location, climate, earth’s specific characteristics, a nd level
of vulnerability. These determining factors affect generally the
psychological, socio – economic, political, a n d ethnical state of the affected
Risk and Disaster Risk
Risk has various connotations within different disciplines. I n general,
risk is d e f i n e d a s “ t h e c o m b i n a t i o n o f t h e p r o b a b i l i t y o f a n e v e n t a n d its
negative consequences” (UNISDR, 2009). The term risk is thus
multidisciplinary a n d is used in a variety of contexts. It is usually
associated w i t h t h e d e g r e e t o w h i c h h u m a n s c a n n o t c o p e ( l a c k o f
c a p a c i t y ) w i t h a situation (e.g. natural hazard).
_______________________________ _______________________________
Guide Question:
B a s e d o n the presented imag es , h o w will y o u differentiate natural f r o m m a n - m a d e
disasters? E x p l a i n y o u r a n s w e r in 2 -3 sentences. Wr i t e y o u r a n s w e r o n a s ep ar at e
s h e e t o f pap er.
4. chemical leakages
5. vehicular accident
6. earthquake
7. drought
8. thunderstorms
9. tuberculosis
10. rainfall-induced
Classification of Disaster Risks (Effects)
(Natural or Man-Made)
11. floods in rivers
and coastal areas
12. avalanche
13. tsunami
14. bomb explosion
15. house
Sto p a n d Reflect
N o w review your previous Activity numbe r 1.3 and 1.4. D o you
think the given ideas/concepts a re clear for y o u to understand
different k in d s of disasters that the c o u n tr y h a s e x p e r ie n c e d
i n c l u d i n g its disaster risks? Agree or Disagree?
Activity 1.5 A m I Re a dy ?
Directions: A n s w e r the given question. Write your answer o n a separate sheet of paper.
1. ________________________________________________________________________
2. ________________________________________________________________________
3. ________________________________________________________________________
4. ________________________________________________________________________
5. ________________________________________________________________________