Properties of Action Potential
Properties of Action Potential
Properties of Action Potential
Explore the fascinating electrochemical process in neurons known as action
potential and its essential role in communication and signaling within the
nervous system.
by Tejas Lahamage
Definition of Action Potential
Discover the precise meaning of action potential, the electrical impulse that enables rapid and efficient
communication between neurons in the brain and throughout the body.
Phases of an Action Potential
1 Resting State
Learn about the stable membrane potential
of a neuron at rest, when it is ready to
Depolarization 2 transmit electrical signals.
Unveil the fascinating process of
depolarization, during which sodium ions
rapidly enter the cell, causing a change in Repolarization
membrane potential.
Witness the restoration of the resting
membrane potential by the outflow of
Hyperpolarization potassium ions, bringing the cell back to
its ready state.
Discover the brief period of
hyperpolarization that occurs when the
membrane potential becomes even more
negative than its resting state.
Role of Ion Channels in Generating Action
2 Drug Development
Learn how studying action potential holds great promise for the development of
targeted medications for brain-related diseases and conditions.
3 Artificial Intelligence
Explore the potential of modeling action potential in the development of advanced
neural networks, mimicking the human brain for AI applications.