4ACD Basic 9520 Others
4ACD Basic 9520 Others
4ACD Basic 9520 Others
A Presentation for
Capital Sources
Art. 72, 76, IRR. By-Laws
1. Member’s share capital - the money paid or required to be paid for the
operations of the cooperative. The method for the issuance of share
certificates shall prescribed in its bylaws.
2. Loans and barrowings including deposits;
3. Revolving capital - deferred payment of patronage refunds and
interest on share capital or percentage deduction from the proceeds of
products sold or services rendered, or per unit of product or services
handled as maybe authorized by the GA.
4. Subsidies, donations, legacies, grants, aids and such other
assistance from any local or foreign institution whether public or
private: It form part of the donated capital or fund of the cooperative.
Upon dissolution, such donated capital shall be subject to escheat
Retentions from the proceeds of services acquired /goods procured by
Other sources of funds as may be authorized by law.
Share Capital
Rule 10 IRR
Share capital contribution of the members shall be considered as equity. It shall not
be withdrawn and should not be used in offsetting obligations whether past due
or current while the membership subsists.
Annual Report - The auditor shall submit to the board of directors and to the audit
committee the financial audit report which shall be in accordance with the
generally accepted auditing standards for cooperatives
Right to Examine
A member shall have the right to examine the it shall be a defense to any
records required to be kept by the cooperative under action under this article
Article 52 of this Code during reasonable hours on that the member
business days and he may demand, in writing, for a demanding to examine
copy of excerpts from said records without charge and copy excerpts from
except the cost of production . the records has improperly
Any officer who shall refuse to allow any member used any information
to examine and copy excerpts from its records secured through prior
shall be liable to such member for damages and examination of the
shall be guilty of an offense which shall be records of such coop or
punishable under Article 140 of this Code: was not acting in good
if such refusal is pursuant to an order of the board faith or for a legitimate
of directors, the liability under this article shall be purpose in making his
imposed upon the directors who voted for such demand.
Books to be kept open
That is all