Acknowledgement to:
National GAD Resource Program JEMELLE ZAMORA-MILANES 1
Philippine Commission on Women Independent GAD Consultant
Member, National Gender Resource Pool
1. Familiarized with the objectives, principles, application of the
Harmonized Gender and Development Guidelines (HGDG) to GAD
Planning and Budgeting and GAD Accomplishment Report preparation;
What is the HGDG?
National GAD Resource Program
Philippine Commission on Women
1.0 Involvement of women and men (max score: 2; for each item, 1)
1.1.Participation of women No consultation Conducted meetings with Conducted meetings Explain here how the
and men in beneficiary with women male officials and only a with female and program/project
groups in identification of and men woman or a few women male officials and meets the required
who also happen to be consulting other
the problem officials in the proponent stakeholders, element and what
(possible scores: 0, 0.5, 1.0) or partner agency or including women and documents will be
organization; or with male men that may be able to verify
and female officials and affected positively or compliance.
some male and female negatively by the
officials and some male proposed project.
Notes: Female and male beneficiaries should be involved at the earliest stage of the project. Consultations with women and men
beneficiaries should include discussion of issues/problems to be address by the project and benefits to be derived, possible negative impact of
the project and gather recommendations/suggestions to mitigate them.
National GAD Resource Program
Project Proposal:
Philippine Can be mentioned
Commission on Women in the Introduction/Rationale
MOVs: Minutes of the meeting/attendance sheets with Sex-disaggregated Data
10 Elements of a Gender-Responsive
Program or Project
Response (col. 2) Score of the item Results or Comments
Element and Guide No (2a) Partly Yes Yes (2c) or (Col. 4)
Question (col. 1) (2b) element
(col. 3)
1.2. Participation of women No inputs from Inputs or Inputs and Explain here how the
and men in beneficiary women and suggestions may suggestions have program/project meets
groups in project design men have been sought been sought from the required element
beneficiaries from women and women and men
(possible scores: 0, 0.5, 1.0) gathered and men beneficiaries beneficiaries and and what documents
considered. but are not are considered in will be able to verify
considered at all in designing project compliance.
designing project activities.
Note: Documentation/Minutes of the meeting should also be able to reflect separately the inputs gathered from women and
2.0. Collection of sex- No data Some information Presence of Explain here how the
disaggregated data and gathered. has been classified qualitative and program/project
gender-related information by sex but may not quantitative data meets the required
be KEY to helping (sex disaggregated
(possible scores: 0, 1.0, 2.0) identify key gender data and gender- element and what
issues that a related information) documents will be
planned program/ which are cited in able to verify
project must the analysis of the compliance.
address. development issue.
Note: Sex-disaggregated data and gender-related information are necessary inputs to a comprehensive analysis of the situation. These
information includes profile (demographics), roles, perspective, needs, access to and control of resources/benefits, decision making, capacities,
opportunities of intended project beneficiaries (women, men, boys and girls).
Secondary data can also be used in the absence of primary data.
3.0 Conduct of gender analysis and identification of gender issues (max score: 2; 1 for each item)
3.1. Analysis of gender No analysis A superficial of A full and Explain here how the
gaps and inequalities made. partial analysis has comprehensive program/project meets
related to the following been done by analysis was made the required element
focusing on only one focusing on the 4
concerns: gender roles, or two of the concerns (gender
and what documents
needs and perspectives, concerns ( gender roles, need and will be able to verify
and access to and control roles, needs and perspectives, and, compliance.
of resources perspectives, and access to and
(possible scores: 0, 0.5, 1.0) access to and control control of
of resources). resources).
Note: Perform gender analysis by answering the following questions:
• What is the actual situation (roles, perspective, needs, access to and control of resources/benefits, decision making, capacities, opportunities)
between women and men? Are there any differences, disparities, inequalities in situation?
• What are the practical gender needs of women and men that the project can address?
• Are there any strategic gender needs of women that the project can address?
• What resources are available to women and men and do they have control (decision-making) over the resources and benefits derived from them?
• Results ofGAD
National theResource
gender analysis should be mentioned in the Background/Rationale of the Project
Philippine Commission on Women
10 Elements of a Gender-Responsive
Program or Project
Response (col. 2) Score of the item or Results or
Element and Guide No (2a) Partly Yes Yes (2c) element Comments (Col. 4)
Question (col. 1) (2b) (col. 3)
3.2. Analysis of constraints No analysis A superficial A full and Explain here how the
and opportunities related made. analysis has been comprehensive program/project
made by focusing analysis was made meets the required
to women and men’s on only either on both constraints
element and what
participation in the constraints or and opportunities
documents will be
opportunities. relate to women
program/project and men’s able to verify
(possible scores: 0, 0.5, 1.0) participation in the compliance.
Note: Perform gender analysis by answering the following questions:
• What are the constraints related to women’s participation in the project? To attaining the project’s gender equality objectives?
• What are the opportunities related to the achievement of the project’s gender equality objectives
• Results of the gender analysis should be mentioned in the Background/Rationale of the Project
4.0. Gender equality goals, Gender The program/project Gender equality Explain here how the
outcomes, and outputs equality has taken Gender perspectives are program/project meets
perspectives equality perspectives consistently the required element
(possible scores: 0, 1.0, 2.0) not present in only in the areas of reflected in the
the program/ outputs or Logframe (goals,
and what documents
project outcomes as objectives, will be able to verify
Logframe. reflected in the outcomes, or compliance.
program/project outputs).
Note: Specific objectives or result statements and outputs should be formulated articulating the desired results of addressing the gender issues and
constraints identified in the situational analysis. A good objective usually states: (a) what does the project want to achieve; (b) how does the project
want to achieve it; and (c) who are the main beneficiaries.
5.0. Matching of strategies No gender Presence of only There is an Explain here how the
with gender issues equality gender equality identified gender program/project meets
(possible scores: 0, 1.0, 2.0) strategies and strategies or issue and there are the required element
activities. activities but no activities seeking to
stated gender address these
and what documents
issues to match the these issues. will be able to verify
activities. compliance.
Note: The Methodology or description of project activities should be able to discuss strategies how gender issues identified in 3.1., as well as the
constraints and opportunities reflected in 3.2 will be addressed during the implementation.
6.0. Gender analysis of likely impacts of the project (max score: 2; for each item or question, 0.67)
6.1. Does the project Not stated in Only women are Both women and Explain here how the
clearly specify the target the the direct and girl children are program/project meets
population, direct or program/project indirect beneficiaries direct and indirect the required element
indirect? Are women and and what documents
girl children among the will be able to verify
direct or indirect compliance.
(possible scores: 0, 0.33,
Note: The proposal should specifically identify women and girl children as target beneficiaries, whether directly or indirectly benefitting from the project.
6.2. Has the project Not stated in Superficialor partial Involves a Explain here how the
considered its long-term the program/ discussion on how coherent program/project meets
impact on women’s socio- project the program/project discussion on how the required element
document. could directly or the program/
economic status and indirectly improve project could
and what documents
empowerment? women’s socio- directly or indirectly will be able to verify
(possible scores: 0, 0.33, economic status and improve women’s compliance.
0.67) empowerment. socioeconomic
status and
Note: The discussion of the project’s impact is tied to the objectives and activities to address women’s practical/strategic needs and gender
7.0. Monitoring targets and No gender The program/project The program/ Explain here how the
indicators equality targets monitoring plan project monitoring program/project meets
and indicators. includes indicators plan includes both: the required element
(possible scores: 0, 1.0, 2.0) that are sex- (1) indicators that
disaggregated but are sex-
and what documents
no qualitative disaggregated will be able to verify
indicator of ;and (2) qualitative compliance.
empowerment or indicators of
status change. empowerment or
status change.
Note: Set realistic time-bound quantitative and qualitative targets that signify concrete results of the project’s comment to gender equality
and GAD goals. The indicators should be able to measure the changes or results after addressing the identified gender needs/issues/concerns.
Indicators should be sex-disaggregated.
MOVs: Project Logframe, Monitoring and Evaluation Plan, Work and Financial Plan
National GAD Resource Program
Philippine Commission on Women
10 Elements of a Gender-Responsive
Program or Project
Response (col. 2) Score of the item Results or Comments
Element and Guide No (2a) Partly Yes Yes (2c) or element (Col. 4)
Question (col. 1) (2b) (col. 3)
8.0. Sex-disaggregated M&E The M&E framework All sex- Explain here how the
database requirement framework or or plan requires the disaggregated data program/project meets
plan does not collection of some and qualitative the required element
(possible scores: 0, 1.0, 2.0) require sex- disaggregated information will be
collection of data or information collected to help
and what documents
sex- but not all the monitor GAD will be able to verify
disaggregated information that outcomes and compliance.
data. will track the outputs as stated in
**gender the program/
differentiated project Logframe.
effects of the
Note: The establishment of a sex-disaggregated database should be described under the Monitoring and Evaluation section of the proposal.
Note: Make sure there should be budget allocation provided for the planned activities that will address the gender issues and
facilitate integration of GAD in the project
9.2. Does the project have Not stated/ There is a budget There is a budget Explain here how the
the expertise to integrate reflected in the for GAD-related for GAD-related program/project meets
GAD or to promote gender program/ activities but this is activities that will the required element
project insufficient to ensure build GAD
equality and women’s document. that the program/ capacities among
and what documents
empowerment? OR, is the project will build program/project will be able to verify
project committed to GAD capacities staff or tap external compliance.
investing project staff time among program/ GAD expertise.
in building capacity for project staff or tap
integrating GAD or external GAD
promoting gender equality? expertise.
(possible scores: 0, 0.5, 1.0)
Note: Program/Project strategy includes a discussion of efforts to integrate gender ie. Tapping GAD expert to integrate GAD or to promote
gender equality and women empowerment or committing budget in building capacities of project implementers on integrating GAD or
promoting gender equality
National GAD Resource Program
MOVs: Work and Commission
Philippine FinancialonPlan
Womenwith GAD Activities
10 Elements of a Gender-Responsive
Program or Project
Response (col. 2) Score of the item Results or Comments
Element and Guide No (2a) Partly Yes Yes (2c) or element (Col. 4)
Question (col. 1) (2b) (col. 3)
10. Relationship with the agency’s GAD efforts (max score: 2; for each item or question, 0.67)
10.1. Will the Not stated/ There is a mention The program/ Explain here how the
program/project build reflected in the of the agency’s GAD project is program/project meets
on or strengthen the program/ plan but no direct incorporated in the the required element
project connection is made GAD Plan.
agency/PCW/ document. to incorporate the
and what documents
government’s program/project’s will be able to verify
commitment to GAD efforts into the compliance.
the advancement of plan.
(possible scores:0,
Note: Inclusion of a statement of the project’s alignment to the agency’s commitment to implementation of MCW or any gender-related policy
and its inclusion in the GAD plan as an attributed program/project.
10.2. Will the Not stated/ There is a The GAD efforts Explain here how the
program/project build reflected in the mention of other mentioned in the program/project meets
on the initiatives or program/ GAD initiatives program/project the required element
project in the document clearly
actions of other document. program/project indicates how it will
and what documents
organizations in the coverage but no help other will be able to verify
area? (possible scores: 0, indication of how the organizations in the compliance.
0.33, 0.67) program/project will area also build their
build on these own GAD
initiatives. initiatives.
Note: There should be a discussion of how the project will contribute to the initiatives of other stakeholders.
10.3. Does the Not stated/ Project has a Presence of a Explain here how the
program/project have an reflected in the sustainability plan **SUSTAINABILITY program/project meets
exit (sustainability) plan program/ for its GAD efforts PLAN the required element
project but makes no to ensure that GAD
that will ensure the document. mention of how efforts will be
and what documents
sustainability of GAD these may be institutionalized in will be able to verify
efforts and benefits? Institutionalized the agency and its compliance.
(possible scores: 0, 0.33, within the partners.
0.67) implementing
agency and its (**refers to program/
partners. project plan)
Note: There should be a discussion of how the GAD strategies of the project can be institutionalize in the agency, partners or stakeholders
MOVs: Exit/Sustainability plan
National GAD Resource Program
Philippine Commission on Women
Accomplishing the GAD checklists
Dimension and question Response Score for Result or comment (col.4)
(col. 1) (col. 2) the
No Partly Yes item/
(2a) Yes (2c) element
(2b) (col. 3)
Below 4.0
GAD is invisible Proposal to be returned No attribution
Promising GAD Proposal earning a “conditional
prospects pass”, pending identification of
(conditional pass) gender issue/s and the strategies
and activities to address these, Formula:
and inclusion of the collection of HGDG Score ÷ 20 x 100% x Program
sex-disaggregated data in the Budget
4.0 – 7.9
monitoring and evaluation plan
G G Sample Computation:
Project Budget: 2M
HGDG Score: 8
Gender sensitive Proposal passing the GAD test
8.0 – 14.9 Project Attributable Budget:
D 15.0 –
Gender- Proponent to be commended
8/20 x100% x 2M = Php 800,000
National GAD Resource Program Fully gender-
Philippine Commission on Womenresponsive
Proponent to be commended
Using the Results of the Design GAD Checklist
HGDG Boxes
DESIGN S (Design
Resource Program
Philippine Commission on Women
2. A project rating of 4 and
below in the HGDG Checklists
means that no portion of the
budget can be attributed to
□ True
□ False
NFORMATIO Determined during
N program/project
design assessment
Reviews whether or not the mitigating
strategies or interventions to enhance the
GAD rating of the major program or project
have been implemented
1.0 Supportive project management (max score: 2; for each item, 1.0)
1.1 Is the project leadership (project steering/advisory committee There ARE Project
or management) supportive of GAD or gender equality goals? project documents
For instance, has it mobilized adequate resources to support managers reflect
who are strong
strategies that address gender issues or constraints to women’s
NOT support of
and men’s participation during project implementation? supportive project
(possible scores: 0, 0.5, 1.0) of GAD leadership/
to GAD
1.2 Has adequate gender expertise has been made There is SOME,
available throughout the project? For example, are GAD expertise
gender issues adequately addressed in the project to ensure that
management contract and scope of services? all project
(possible scores: 0, 0.5, 1.0) contracts or
efforts will
contain or
reflect relevant
GAD concerns
• Documented interviews of GAD focal persons and GAD consultants
• Terms of references (TORs), Job description and curriculum vitae of project managers, staff, and consultants
2.0 Technically competent staff or consultants (max score: 2; for each item, 0.67)
2.1 Are the project staff members technically prepared ONLY A FEW
members of the
to promote gender equality or integrate GAD in their project staff
respective positions/locations? OR, is there an have
individual or group responsible for promoting gender competence to
equality in the project? OR, has the project tapped local integrate GAD in
the project
gender experts to assist its staff/partners in integrating
gender equality in their activities or in project
operations? (possible scores: 0, 0.33, 0.67)
• TORs and staff complement of the project to gauge gender balance in program/project team
• TORs and curriculum vitae of members of M&E teams
• Documented interviews of project staff and a sample group of beneficiary population re GAD coverage by M&E teams or
National GAD Resource Program
Philippine Commission on Women
Response (col. 2) Score of the item or
Element and Guide Question (col. 1) element
No Partly Yes Yes (col. 3)
(2a) (2b) (2c)
2.2 Does the project require the presence of women Project policy
and men in the project implementation team? has little to do
(possible scores: 0, 0.33, 0.67) with the
presence of
women in the
2.3 Does the project require its monitoring and Project policy
evaluation team (personnel or consultants) to have has little to do
technical competence for GAD evaluation? with the
presence of
(possible scores: 0, 0.33, 0.67) the internal or
Note: Project Document should mention the gender balance in the composition of women and men in the project
(implementation and the M&E teams)
3.0 Committed Philippine government agency (max score: 2; for each item, 1)
3.1 Are regular agency personnel involved in If agency personnel
implementing project GAD initiatives? OR, are are NOT
agency officials or personnel participating in GAD CONSISTENTLY
involved in
training sponsored by the project? implementing project
(possible scores: 0, 0.5, 1.0) GAD initiatives
3.2 Has the agency included the project’s GAD Some mention is
efforts in its GAD plans? made of the project’s
(possible scores: 0, 0.5, 1.0) GAD activities or
plans in the agency’s
GAD Plan.
MOVs: Documentation of GAD training sponsored by the project, Documented interviews of agency personnel involved in the
project and/or Documentation/reports on the GAD strategy and efforts of the project vis-à-vis agency’s GAD plans
• Program/project documents, reports, and publications that include GAD contents or messages
• Program/project criteria and instructions for subprojects
• Program/project accomplishment reports highlighting the effectiveness of GAD strategies
National GAD Resource Program
Philippine Commission on Women
Response (col. 2) Score of
Element and Guide Question (col. 1) No Partly Yes Yes the item or
(2a) (2b) (2c) element
(col. 3)
4.3 Does the project have a budget for activities that There is budget for
will build capacities for doing GAD tasks (gender ONLY ONE GAD activity
analysis, monitoring, etc.)
(possible scores: 0, 0.25, 0.50)
4.4 Does the project involve women and men in various Involvement of men and
phases of subprojects? women in various
(possible scores: 0, 0.25, 0.50) phases of subprojects or
components supported
by the project are
LIMITED to the project
staff of agency
National•GAD Program/project
budget allocations for GAD and actual expenditures on GAD capacity building and activities
Resource Program
Philippine Commission on Women
• Documented FGDs or interviews with key woman and man informants on how the project had involved women and men
Box. 17 GAD Checklist for Monitoring and Evaluation
Response (col. 2) Score of the item or
Element and Guide Question (col. 1) eleme
No Partly Yes Yes nt
(2a) (2b) (2c) (col. 3)
1.0 Project monitoring system being used by the project includes indicators that measure gender differences in
outputs, results, and outcomes (max score: 2; for each item, 1)
1.1 Does the project require gender-sensitive outputs The project has
token gender
and outcomes? (possible scores: 0, 0.5, 1.0) equality or GAD
outcome or
1.2 Does the project monitor its activities, inputs Uses GAD
and outputs and results using GAD or gender equality indicators in
only a few
indicators? (possible scores: 0, 0.5, 1.0) activities,
inputs or
• Logical Framework (log frame), Performance Measurement Framework (PMF), Results Framework (RF) that include
performance indicators and targets that measure gender differences in outputs, results, and outcomes
National Program/project
Resource Program M&E plan vis-à-vis actual monitoring indicators used
Philippine Commission on Women
Response (col. 2) Score of the item or
Element and Guide Question (col. 1) element
No Partly Yes Yes
(2a) (2b) (2c) (col. 3)
2.0 Project database includes sex-disaggregated and gender-related information (max score: 2; for each item, 0.5)
2.1 Does the project support studies to assess gender The study of
issues and impacts? OR, have sex-disaggregated data GAD or
been collected on the project’s impact on women and monitoring of
GAD impact is
men in connection with welfare, access to resources LIMITED to
and benefits, awareness or consciousness raising, ONLY ONE level
participation, and control? of women’s
(possible scores: 0, 0.25, 0.50) empowerment
and gender
participation, or
• List of studies supported by the program/project and completed research reports
National• GADProject’s database
Resource Program
Philippine Commission on Women
Response (col. 2) Score of the item or
Element and Guide Question (col. 1) element
No Partly Yes (col. 3)
(2a) Yes (2b) (2c)
2.2 Have sex-disaggregated data been collected on Classification of
the distribution of project resources to women and data by sex has
been done
men, and on the participation of women and men in ONLY ONE or
project activities and in decision-making? IF TWO of the
APPLICABLE: Does the project require its subprojects GAD areas
to include sex-disaggregated data in their reports?
(possible scores: 0, 0.25, 0.50)
• Reports generated by the database
• Documented interviews of project managers and staff re usefulness of GAD studies and database
• Reports submitted by subprojects that contain sex-disaggregated and/or gender- related information
• Documented interviews of M&E staff re problems met in the collection and use of sex-disaggregated data
National GAD Resource Program
• Commission
Philippine Program/project
on Women and subproject reports for GAD content
• Program/project GAD database that contain data being reported and used at the national level
Response (col. 2) Score of the item
Element and Guide Question (col. 1) or element (col. 3)
No Partly Yes Yes
(2a) (2b) (2c)
3.0 Gender equality and women’s empowerment targets are being met (max score: 4)
3.1 Has women’s welfare and status NOT ALL the improved
been improved as a result of the project? welfare or status targets are
being or have been met
(possible scores: 0, 1.0, 2.0)
• Monitoring Reports
• Project Evaluation Reports
• Impact Assessment Report
National GAD Resource Program
• Documented
Philippine Commission on Women FGDs/interviews of women beneficiaries re changes in their welfare and status
• Documented interviews of program/project staff re impact of the program/project to women beneficiaries
Response (col. 2) Score of the item
Element and Guide Question (col. 1) or element
No Partly Yes Yes
(2a) (2b) (2c) (col. 3)
MOVs: Monitoring Reports and documentation of FGDs project manager/implementers including GAD focal persons and
5.0 Participatory monitoring and evaluation processes (max score: 2; for each item, 1)
5.1 Does the project involve or consult women Only women and men
and men implementers were
consulted during project
implementers during project monitoring and monitoring but not
evaluation? Does it involve women and women and men
beneficiaries? (possible scores: 0, 0.5, 1.0) beneficiaries
5.2 Have women and men been involved in or Only women and men
consulted on the assessment of the gender implementers were
impacts of the Project? consulted on the
assessment of gender
(possible scores: 0, 0.5, 1.0) impacts
Below 4.0
GAD is invisible Proposal to be returned No attribution
Promising GAD Proposal earning a “conditional
prospects pass”, pending identification of
(conditional pass) gender issue/s and the strategies
and activities to address these, Formula:
and inclusion of the collection of HGDG Score ÷ 20 x 100% x
sex-disaggregated data in the Program/Project Actual Expenditure
4.0 – 7.9
monitoring and evaluation plan
Sample Computation:
Project Expenditure : 1.8M
HGDG PIMME Score: 10
Gender sensitive Proposal passing the GAD test Project Attributable Cost:
8.0 – 14.9 10/20 x100% x 1.8M = Php 950,000
15.0 –
Proponent to be commended
National GAD Resource Program Fully gender- Proponent to be commended
Philippine Commission on Womenresponsive
• HGDG Box 16 – GAD
Checklist for Project
Management and
PIMME Implementation
• HGDG Box 17 - GAD
CHECKLI Checklist for Project
Monitoring and Evaluation
National GAD Resource Program
Philippine Commission on Women REPORT
Attribution to the GAD Budget:
Gender and
GAD Guidelines
HGDG Box 16 – GAD Checklist for
PROGRAM/ Project Management and
The PIMME is used to PROJECT’S Implementation
identify how much of ACCOMPLISHMENT
REPORT HGDG Box 17 - GAD Checklist for
the total budget of the Project Monitoring and Evaluation
attributed FIMME Checklist
project/program can be HGDG Box F2 – GAD Checklist for
reported in the GAD AR Facility Implementation,
Management, and Monitoring and
National GAD Resource Program
Philippine Commission on Women Evaluation
3. Where do we reflect the
results of HGDG PIMME
□ GAD Plan and Budget