Aol Chapter 3
Aol Chapter 3
Aol Chapter 3
The assessment tools of teacher-made test are
divided into;
Objective Test
There are two main types of Objective Tests.
These are the;
• Recall Type
• Recognition Type
Improved Form:
1. Sum of scores
2. Number of cases
Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of Completion Test
1. The father of Educational measurement is . 1. Thorndike
2. The country noted as first leader of 2. France
abnormal psychology is .
3. Intelligence quotient is obtained by 3. Mental Age
dividing the by the chronological age.
4. The country wherein first psychological 4. Germany
laboratory was established is .
5. A German psychologist who was the 5. Ebbinghaus
founder of quantitative study of memory is .
Rules and Suggestions for the Construction of Completion Test
• Alternative response
• Multiple choice
• Matching type
• Analogy
• Rearrangement; and
• Identification
• Recognition Type
• Alternative Response
1. Stem-and-options variety
This variety is most commonly used in
classroom testing, board examinations, civil
service examinations, and many others. The stem
serves as the problem and followed by four more
plausible options in which examinees choose the
best option or correct answer.
Kinds of Multiple-Choice
2. Setting-and-options variety
The optional responses to this type of
multiple choice test is dependent upon a setting
of foundation of some sort. A setting can be a
form of sentence , paragraph, graph, equation,
picture or some forms of representation.
Kinds of Multiple-Choice
3. Group-term variety
5. Contained-options variety
are more options than items to minimize the guessing
Suggestions for the Construction of Matching type
6. Option column must be arranged in alphabetical order, if dates in
chronological order, to facilitate the selection of correct answer. To
facilitate the examinees not to read all the options.
Suggestions for the Construction of Matching type
waste of time and energy in turning the pages.
• Recognition Type
• Rearrangement type
1. Purpose
2. Cause and Effect
3. Part-Whole
4. Part-Part
5. Action to Object
6. Object to Action
7. Synonym
8. Antonym
• 15 kinds of relationship of analogy test
9. Place
10. Degree
11. Characteristics
12. Sequence
13. Grammatical
14. Numerical
15. Association
Suggestions for the Construction of Analogy Type of Test
examinees to the incorrect response. The process of
obtaining the correct answer is by logical elimination.
Suggestions for the Construction of Analogy Type of Test
formula (Right minus one-half Wrong or R-W/2) is applied.
Suggestions for the Construction of Analogy Type of Test
• Recognition Type
• Identification type
subjectivity in scoring because responses are short and exact.
Advantages of Objective Type of Test
5. Eliminates bluffing. Bluffing is eliminated in objective type of
test because examinees choose only from the options provided.
Advantages of Objective Type of Test
questions because it involves short statement and there are
options provided for them to choose their answers from.
Disadvantages of Objective Type of Test
1. Difficult to construct. Construction of objective test is difficult
because there are so many items involved.
2. Encourages cheating and guessing. Objective test encourages
cheating and guessing due to short response in each item.
Response can be a letter, a number, a word, or a phrase.
3. Time consuming. Because there are so many items in an
objective test, preparation of this kind of test is time consuming
on the part of the teacher.
Disadvantages of Objective Type of Test
4. Expensive. Due to adequate sampling of objective test, it is expensive
when it comes to duplicating the test materials because questions cannot
be written on the board. It is disadvantageous to schools with inadequate
duplicating facilities.
5. Encourages rote memorization. Objective test encourages rote
memorization rather than logical memorization since responses for each
item only involves a letter, a number, a word or a phrase. Examinees
abilities to think critically, express, organize, and reasoning are not fully
Essay Test
Essay test are assessment tools which consist of
specific question or problem wherein the examinees
respond in one or more sentences. It is widely
considered to measure students ability to think and
express their ideas critically within a certain period of
Suggestions in Constructing Essay Test
careful and even distribution of the lessons must be
Suggestions in Constructing Essay Test
3. After the test has been planned and questions have been
written tentatively, precautions on the causes of unreliability
must be taken.
4. In assembling the questions into its final form, the
yeacher must be careful that questions are phrased clearly
so that the scope of the question is clear to the students.
Suggestions in Constructing Essay Test
Advantages of Essay Test
1. Easy to construct. Essay test is easy to construct
because only few items involved.
2. Economical. Essay test is economical because the
questions can be written on the board. It is also
economical to schools which lack the duplicating facilities
like computers, mimeographing machines, scanners,
printers and many others.
Advantages of Essay Test
3. Saves time and energy. It saves the time and energy of
classroom teacher in constructing the test because few number of
test items are involved.
4. Trains the core of organizing ideas. Essay test trains the
students to organized their ideas.
5. Minimize guessing. It minimizes guessing because the answer
is long wherein it involves a sentence or more.
Advantages of Essay Test
6. Develops critical thinking. Essay test develops the
students critical thinking in logical analysis , comparison,
discussion, and reorganization of facts.
7. Minimize cheating. Cheating is minimized in essay test
because the response is evaluated according to content and
form and the answer is long. It involves one or more
Advantages of Essay Test
with comprehension and logical understanding is needed to easily
answer essay questions.
Advantages of Essay Test
Disadvantages of Essay Test
1. Low validity. Essay test has low validity because it has
limited sample since there are only few items involved.
2. Low reliability. Essay test has low reliability because of
subjectivity in scoring. Teachers react favorably to test
papers of bright students and react unfavorably to weak
students test papers.
Disadvantages of Essay Test
3. Low practicability. Essay test is time consuming on the part of the
teacher in scoring the test and also time consuming on the part of the
students in answering the questions, hence, much time and energy are
4. Encourage bluffing. Essay test encourages the students to bluff their
response especially if the answer involves a paragraph or two. In return the
teacher gets tired in reading the answers and his reaction is either to react
favorably or unfavorably to the response.
Disadvantages of Essay Test
the teacher will have hard tie in reading the contents of his
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
1. Planning the test. In planning the test, five
principle must be considered. These are as follows:
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
taking into consideration the adequacy of facilities
and equipment.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
appraise the critical thinking and reasoning power, the
scores are to be usedfor classification and grouping.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
of materials and duplicating facilities must be
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
preparing the test are as follows:
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
minimize monotony on the part of the examinee.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
draft of the test for possible inclusion on the final
draft. Items with less important must be deleted.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
content functions in determining the answer rather
than a part of it.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
i. The direction of the test must be brief, clear, and complete
to the examinees.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
do the encoding, printing, scanning, and mimeographing
the test questions.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
and questions about the direction must not be entertained
while the test is ongoing.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
the time the test has started, and the time it will end.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
b. In case of a test with two or three options in each item,
correction formula is applied.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
However, correction formula is not applicable to four or more
options in a item and to elementary pupils.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
each item, items with 100 percent and 0 percent answered
by examinees are valueless and they must be revised.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
are compared of the same test item.
Steps in Constructing Teacher-Made Assessment Tools
the index of discrimination, consider formula below.