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CLFP 3rd Quarter Topics

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Let’s unfold this quarter together! 
Performance Tasks
Performance Task 3.1 Performance Task 3.2

Title: Podcast: Pagbabagong 1 picture (asj mass)

1 picture (outside asj mass)
Subjects Involved: AP,
Filipino, CLFP

Deadine: January 21, 2021


01 02 03
Seeking God’s Overcoming Keeping the
. Guidance in . Obstacles . Gift of
Life Transitions Toward Strong Wisdom
Chapter 7
Seeking God’s
Guidance in Life’s
Learning Targets:
At the end of the period, I can…
Describe the transition crisis that
occurred during the time of Samuel as Israel’s
last judge;
Derive lessons from Samuel’s leadership;
Actively participate during the lesson
Essential Questions:

Do we need to be “like Is obedience important

the others”? for a leader?

Can great leaders fail? What do we do in the

face of changes and
and His
Samuel and His Strong Prayer
Israel was under the leadership Life
of many judges but
they have continued to be unfaithful. Towards the
end of the period of judges, the Israelites had
worshipped other gods.
There was a growing sentiment among the
Israelites that they should have a KING like other
nations have.
At that time, they were still waiting for another
judge to deliver them from their troubles. Little
did they know that Samuel would be the last
The Birth Story of Samuel
A woman named Hannah was barren. In despair,
she prayed to Yahweh,

“O Lord of hosts, if you look with pity on the misery

of your handmaid, if you remember me and do not
forget me, if you give your handmaid a male child, I
will give him to the Lord for as long as he lives,
neither wines nor liquor shall he drink, and no razor
shall ever touch his head.”
(1 Sm 1:11)
God calls Samuel
Samuel leads Israel in Prayer
As a man of deep prayer, Samuel was spiritually ready
to respond to God’s call. When he saw how the
Israelites became disrespectful to the Ark of the
Covenant, he gathered them all and prayed for them
and to give them the chance to repent.
When the Israelites wanted a king, he prayed and
asked God’s help in making big decisions for His
Samuel had motivated them to turn back to God and
led them to religious rituals such as fasting and
dedicated memorial stones to help them remember
God’s goodness.
Samuel leads Israel in Prayer
Samuel’s call was to become a priest and prophet.

PRIEST – He must become a model of faith and


PROPHET – He must tell the people of God His will

for them.
Israel Desires A King
The Israelites’ desire for a king grew stronger. So God
told Samuel to tell His people about the rights and
power of a king. Samuel reminded the people that a
human king would have the power to force men into
military service and imposes taxes.
He also warned them that a human king could make
mistakes and become just as abusive and as
oppressive as their enemies.
The Lord instructed Samuel to do just as the Israelites
Samuel Helps Israel To Go Through
It was God’s will to give Israel a human king but the
true challenge here was on how the Israelites would
maintain their covenant with God. And so, Samuel
called His people to repent and renew their covenant
with God.
During the inauguration of Saul as a king, he patiently
but forcefully reminded the people that a human king
is different from other nation’s king. An Israelite king
should not be autonomous in his power but subjects to
the law of the Lord and the word of the prophet.
The Lesson
From Saul’s
His Failure as
Saul was a shepherd from the south. He came to
Ephraim where Samuel was, to look for his father’s
lost donkeys.
Saul and his servants went to Samuel in the hope that
Saul as a judge and prophet could help them find the
Samuel saw Saul easily in the crowd since he is
strikingly tall. God told Samuel, “This is the man of
whom I told you, he is to govern our people. (1
Sam 9:17)
Samuel greeted Saul and told him that the donkeys
had already been found and returned. He then told
him that he is God’s chosen first king for Israel. He
was reluctant and said, “Am I not a Benjaminite,
among the clans of the tribe of Benjamin? Why say
such things to me?
Eventually Saul accepted the offer to be a king.
The Early Reign of Saul
Saul had all the qualities of an ideal king. He is an
able-bodied man and a capable mediator. He
prevented the fight among tribes and gathered men
and formed an army.
He claimed his first military against the Ammonites
and this brought him more admiration and support.

Saul found favor with God. Under his leadership,

Israel became united.
The Later Reign of Saul
Saul became temperamental and impatient. He had
mood swings and made wrong decisions because of
his growing responsibilities. To make things worse, he
often quarreled with Samuel, his closest advisor.
Saul’s power gradually alienated him from his own
people and this threatened the existence of his own
kingdom. He had forgotten that being a king means to
serve the others. He had grown corrupt and self-
The Later Reign of Saul
Saul became disobedient to Samuel and to God. He
grew distant from his people and often made irrational
decisions that put the Israelites in great danger.
Guided by God, Samuel left at once to find and anoint
the next king.
The Later Reign of Saul
David’s Call and Anointing (1 Sm 16:1-13)
 God led Samuel to the house of Jesse of Bethlehem.
Jesse presented his sons one by one who were all tall
and handsome. But God said, “Do not judge from his
appearance or from his loft stature… Not as man sees
does God see, because man sees the appearance but
the Lord looks into the heart..” (1 Sm 16:7)
 After Samuel had seen all Jesse’s son, he asked him if
has another son. Jesse sent David, his youngest, who
was tending the sheep.
David’s Call and Anointing (1 Sm 16:1-13)
 When David came, God said to Samuel, “There-
anoint him for this is he!”. Then Samuel, with the
horn and oil anointed him… and from then on, the
spirit of the Lord rushed upon David.”

 Although David was the youngest and with the least

experience, it was him whom Samuel anointed to be
the next king of Israel.
The Later Reign of Saul
This tragedy of Saul was because of his unwillingness
to submit to the requirements of his kingly office as
Samuel had painstakingly guided him. He ceased to
be an instrument of God’s rule over his people.
Journal 3.1
God’s Teachings Within Me

 Write about the time when you:

 Followed God’s teachings
 Disobeyed God’s teachings

Write your answer in any piece of paper and upload it in

Google Classroom.
Strong Faith
David at the Court of Saul
Saul experienced too much emotional torment by evil
thoughts. He asked his servants to find him a skillful
harpist who would play music to calm him whenever
these moods attacked. They found David who was
very good at playing the harp.
David’s music helped him calm and his soothing
melodies became a great comfort to Saul. Saul asked
David to remain in his service and so, David stayed as
one of Saul’s armor bearers.
David at the Court of Saul
Although Saul had been comforted by David’s music
but he needs to deal with serious problems. The
Philistines continued to threaten the Israelites. Battles
were still breaking out and worst of all, there was a
giant Philistine warrior named Goliath whom no
Israelite soldier dared to fight against.
Goliath was feared by the Israelites who believed
fighting against this giant is a suicide. Goliath
represented the cruelty and intimidating presence of
their enemies. His height alone caused the Israelites to
fear him and the Philistines.
David’s Victory Over Goliath
All Saul’s soldiers are afraid of the giant. He became so
desperate and offered money even his daughters to
anyone who could defeat the giant.
Goliath dares the Israelites. For forty days, the Philistines
waited for the Israelites to send someone to fight him.
During this time, David arrived at the Israelite’s camp to
bring food to his brothers who joined the army. He was
surprised that none of the armies dared to fight the giant
and he said, “Who is this Philistine…that he should insult
the armies of the living of God?” His oldest brother told
him to stop being so arrogant.
David Accepts Goliath’s Challenge
Instead of keeping quiet, David approached King Saul
and offered to fight Goliath. The Philistines laughed at
hm because David was so small and weak. He did not
even have an armor or sword since these were too big for
him. He only had a staff, a sling and five stones.
Goliath taunted David saying, “Am I a dog that you come
against me with a staff?”. David answered, “You come
against me with sword and spear…but I come against you
in the name of the Lord of hosts.”
He completely placed himself in God’s hands.
David wins the Battle
Goliath advanced toward David and went for a kill. David
took a stone and hurled it with a sling at the Philistine’s
forehead. With one shot, he knocked Goliath out. He then
took Goliath’s sword and killed him in front of the lock-
jawed Philistines.

The Philistines having seen that their was champion was

dead, ran away. The Israelites cheered wildly and pursued
their enemies into the wilderness.
David wins the Battle
Goliath advanced toward David and went for a kill. David
took a stone and hurled it with a sling at the Philistine’s
forehead. With one shot, he knocked Goliath out. He then
took Goliath’s sword and killed him in front of the lock-
jawed Philistines.

The Philistines having seen that their was champion was

dead, ran away. The Israelites cheered wildly and pursued
their enemies into the wilderness.
David wins the Battle
David wins the Battle
Goliath advanced toward David and went for a kill. David
took a stone and hurled it with a sling at the Philistine’s
forehead. With one shot, he knocked Goliath out. He then
took Goliath’s sword and killed him in front of the lock-
jawed Philistines.

The Philistines having seen that their was champion was

dead, ran away. The Israelites cheered wildly and pursued
their enemies into the wilderness.
Saul becomes Jealous of David
Submission of CLFP 3rd Quarter
Performance Task: Assessment Pointers:
PT: Prayer Composition
1. Chapter 7 – Seeking
Instruction: Compose a brief God’s Guidance in Life
and sincere prayer for the Transitions
people who were greatly 2. Chapter 8 – Overcoming
affected by Super Typhoon Obstacles Toward
Odette. Write your prayer in Strong Faith
any clean paper. Take a 3. Chapter 9 - Keeping the
clear photo of it and submit it Gift of Wisdom
in our CLFP Google
David’s Friendship with Jonathan

David became close friend with Jonathan, Saul’s son. He

learned about his father’s plan of killing David and so he
told David about it and helped him escape. He just did
not save his father to become a murderer but he also
saved David’s life. He was not just a good son but also a
good friend.
David Spares Saul
King David’s Reign

With Saul gone, David became the king of Israel. He

knew very well that he needed God’s guidance more
than ever. He asked God on where he should go. God
told him to go to Hebron which was at the center of
Judah. There, the men of Judah anointed him as their
new king. They publicly recognized him as God’s
David’s Accomplishments

 David gains military and political victories

 David establishes Jerusalem as the seat of power
 David encourages the writing of the Old Testament
 David receives God’s promises
King David’s Sin and Repentance

David was a great leader, but he was not

perfect. Like Saul, he, too succumbed to
temptation and sin.
David’s Repentance
David thought no one would notice, but nothing could
escape God. God was displeased with David’s
evildoings so He sent the prophet Nathan to denounce
his sinfulness.

Nathan used a powerful story to point out David’s

hidden sins to make him realize the great injustice he
had committed. David acknowledged his sins and faced
the consequences of his actions. He eventually received
God’s grace.
King David’s Psalms and Our Prayers
Psalms are rich and vivid lines of praise to God. David
wrote psalms as a young man and prayed them often.
When he came a king, he promoted the writing of the
book of Psalms and other books of the Old Testament. It
became a central part of Jewish prayer life especially of
temple worship.
Three Classifications of Psalms
1. Psalm of praise – expresses worship and
thanksgiving for the saving acts of God and a please
for His continued care.
2. Psalm of lament – communicates anguished and
sorrowful feelings.
3. Psalm of thanksgiving – expresses gratitude to God
for His goodness and generosity.
Solomon: The Wise but Extravagant King
Solomon Proclaimed King
Solomon was the second son of David and Bathsheba.
He was an educated man who had been prepared by his
father to be the next king. David passed his thrown
simply; he had Solomon ride in his mule to symbolize
that Solomon had taken over his royalty, authority and
privilege. He was anointed by the priest Zadok and the
prophet Nathan in Gihon. He was considered not just the
people’s choice but also God’s choice.
The Splendor and Glory of Solomon’s
1. Solomon requests for the gift of wisdom – When
God appeared to Solomon in a dream and offered
him anything that he wanted, Solomon asked for a
2. Solomon used his gift of wisdom – Solomon became
famous for his ability to pass wise judgment on the
cases brought before him. Like his father, he also
wrote wise sayings and composed songs. He also
wrote much of rich literature in the Wisdom books
and encouraged the writings and collection of many
Old Testament books, particularly the Torah.
The Splendor and Glory of Solomon’s
3. Solomon builds the great temple of Jerusalem– The
temple of Jerusalem became the centerpiece of
Solomon’s reign. It was a huge and spectacular building
adorned with cedar and gold. He had the temple built
beautifully because he wanted to give God the best
house possible. But God reminded him that it was
obedience to His will that pleased Him well.
The Splendor and Glory of Solomon’s

4. Solomon brings Israel to its golden age – During the

reign of David and Solomon, Israel experienced prosperity,
peace and religiosity. Solomon made Israel a world power.
Solomon was hailed as one of the greatest kings the world
ever had.
Solomon’s Sins and Eventual Downfall

Solomon’s power, however, did not last. Overtime, he

slowly forgot David’s instructions to follow God’s laws.
From being a simple and wise king, he became extravagant,
idolatrous and proud.
Solomon’s Extravagance

In his early reign, Solomon used his wisdom to expand and

strengthen Israel’s political territory, but in the latter part of
his reign he used exploitative methods such as forced labors
and heavy taxation to accomplish his goals. While building
Jerusalem, he ignored the countryside and was only
interested in it for the materials it provided the temple.
Because of his extravagance, the resources of the once
overflowing treasury slowly depleted.
Solomon’s Neglect of the People

Solomon desired gold too much that he gave up twenty (20)

cities in Galilee to foreign kings to acquire more gold. While
he became richer, the northern tribes became poorer. He also
forced his people to build monuments. He created social
injustice in his kingdom.
God saw the acts of Solomon that went against the covenant.
He had forgotten about loving God and his neighbors. He
neglected his people while pursuing wealth and greatness for
Consequences of Solomon’s Sins

Solomon had almost everything at his disposal. Slowly, he

became materialistic and militaristic. He drifted away from
God’s covenant. Eventually, he became less responsive to
God and his people.
And so, God rendered judgment to Solomon. God raised
many adversities against Solomon. One of them was
Jeroboam who rebelled against him. Under Jeroboam’s
leadership, ten tribes were unities and leaves him only one
tribe --- Judah. When Solomon died, he left Israel on the
brink of division and civil war.
Solomon and the Wisdom Books

Despite his tragic ending, Solomon left a great legacy, the

Wisdom Books. We learn from the wisdom of Solomon
through these books, which contain his proverbs and
teachings the meaning of life, the value of material things
and the need to follow God’s commandments.
Solomon and the Wisdom Books
1. Psalms – inspired prayers and songs about personal and
communal concerns
2. Job – a dramatic poem on the meaning of life
3. Ecclesiastes or Qoholeth – a set of reflections of the
apparent meaninglessness of existence
4. Proverbs – a collection of wise sayings about everyday
5. Song of songs – a poem about love/relationships
6. Wisdom – praises wisdom and its effects; uses Solomon
as spokesperson
7. Sirach or Ecclesiasticus – contains numerous maxims on
topics such as the individual, the family, and community
relationship with one another and with God.
School mission and vision

Missi Visio
Mercury is the closest planet to n name and
Venus has a beautiful
the Sun and the smallest one in is the second planet from the
the Solar System—it’s only a Sun. It’s hot and has a
bit larger than the Moon poisonous atmosphere
Our values

Reliability Efficiency Commitm

Mercury is the closest Mars is actually a very Venus ent
is the second
planet to the Sun cold place planet from the Sun
A picture is
worth a
thousand words
Important facts
Experience Teachers
Mercury It’s the closest Despite being red, Mars is
planet to the Sun and the actually a cold place. It’s full
smallest in the Solar System of iron oxide dust

Achieveme Students
Venus has a beautiful name
and is the second planet from
Despite being red, Mars is
actually a cold place. It's full
the Sun of iron oxide dust
Our success

98% 9/10 250

Pass all Average High honors
You can speak a bit about this
success here
You can speak a bit about this
success here
You can speak a bit about this
success here
0K students
Big numbers catch your audience’s attention
You can enter a subtitle here if you need it
What sets us apart?
● Saturn is a gas giant and has several rings. It's
composed mostly of hydrogen and helium. It
was named after the Roman god of wealth
and agriculture
● Neptune is the farthest planet from the Sun.
It's also the fourth-largest object by diameter
in the Solar System
● Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the
only one that harbors life in the Solar System.
This is where we all live
Our students goals

First goal
Your students first goal, for example,
have fun and entertain studying

Secondary goal
Your students secondary goal, for
example, improve their skills
Academic areas

Art Music Dance

Mercury is the closest Venus is the second planet Mars is actually a very
planet to the Sun from the Sun cold place

History Drama Literature

Jupiter is the biggest planet Saturn is composed of Neptune is the farthest
of them all hydrogen and helium planet from the Sun
Student progress
Mercury is the closest Venus is the second Despite being red, Mars Jupiter is the biggest
planet to the Sun planet from the Sun is a cold place planet of them all

1st term 2nd term 3rd term 4th term

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You can speak a bit about this person
Fairy Alexa
You can speak a bit about this person
Fantasy students
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Student information

85% 65% 55% 75%

Music Drama Photograp Dance

Mercury is the closest Neptune is the farthest Jupiter is the biggest Venus has a very
planet to the Sun planet from the Sun of them all beautiful name
Student information
15 students 25 students Student
Less than 3 4 to 6 age
Despite being red, Mars Neptune is the farthest
is a cold place planet from the Sun

55 students 15 students
7 to 9 More than 10
Mercury is the closest Venus has a very
planet to the Sun beautiful name

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Saturn is composed of
hydrogen and helium
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Enrollment process
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Date July 7th July 12th July 14th

Neptune is the farthest Earth is the third planet Mercury is the closest
planet from the Sun and from the Sun and the only planet to the Sun and also
the fourth-largest object one that harbors life in the smallest one in the
by diameter the Solar System Solar System
Special reminders
Do you know what helps you make your point
very clear?
Lists like this one:
● They’re simple
● You can organize your ideas clearly
● You’ll never forget to buy milk!
And the most important thing: the audience
won’t miss the point of your presentation
Does anyone
have any
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