Assess 2 Lesson 4
Assess 2 Lesson 4
Assess 2 Lesson 4
Develop an assessment
tool to measure affective
The affective domain (from the Latin
affectus, meaning "feelings") includes a
host of constructs, explicitly they such
as attitudes, values, beliefs, opinions,
interests, and motivation.
Affective Assessment
- It does not determine the grades the
students get.
-Affective assessment can provide
supplemental information about a
learning difficulty or behavior problem
that affects learning.
Taxonomy of affective domain
In the affective domain of learning, Krathwohl et al.
(1964) developed a taxonomy of affective qualities
that can serve as guide in doing affective
-To receive
-To respond
-To value
-To organized
-To characterize
What is the taxonomy of affective domain in
To organize To characterize
To value where the the learner
To receive demonstrates his or
the learner learner has
the learner To respond her beliefs and
demonstrates internalized and attitudes not only in
demonstrates an the learner
commitment to integrated his or a single event or
awareness in an reacts to a
the object, her feelings, situation but in
activity that is given stimulus
knowledge, or emotions, multiple events,
happening such or information showing
activity. The beliefs, opinions,
that he/she gives that has been consistency of the
learner has etc., resulting to
attention to that received. behavior that
internalized a set actions where establishes an
of specific values. new values and image or character
traits emerged. . of the learner. .
What are the affective variables of
1. Assessment is based on authentic tasks that
demonstrate learners’ ability to accomplish
communication goals;
2. Instructor and learners focus on communication,
not on right and wrong answers;
3. Learners help to set the criteria for successful
completion of communication tasks; and
4. Learners have opportunities to assess themselves
and their peers.
What are the affective
variables in learning
A number of variables can be investigated using affective
assessment and these basically deal with how students feel
or think about a lesson, a person, or an activity.
-Values and beliefs
What are affective variables in learning?
Values and Interest
Beliefs , it is what
Values that are students are
included in the Motivation Self-confidence
"into" or the This refers to how a
Attitude curriculum are Brown (1987)
honesty, learner's person feels about
This means we defines
patience, disposition about his or her abilities
are referring to a motivation as an
perseverance, a topic, such as to accomplish a task
person's reaction inner drive, or reach a goal. It is
respect for reading, science,
whether negative others, impulse. the person's
or positive, cleanliness and emotion, or perception of
history, etc. It is himself/ herself and
favorable or order, care for desire that
environment, etc. interest that his or her
unfavorable moves one to a
Beliefs, on the drives the capabilities to
toward an object, particular action.
other hand, refer learner to be perform
activity, person, It arouses and successfully the
to our attentive to the
or environment. convictions or sustains task given to
topic of
opinions we hold behavior. him/her.
discussion or
to be true even
without engage in any
evidence.. academic activity.
What assessment tools are used to
measure affective learning?
- Measurement of affective traits is more challenging compared
to measuring cognitive and psychomotor dimension of
- 1. Select the affective trait you want to assess which you find
relevant to teaching-learning situation.
- 3. Pilot test or field try the inventory and revise the parts that
appear to be unclear. This is advised when you want to measure
more encompassing and long term affective learning outcomes.
Steps in the Construction of the Rating Scale
- 5. Analyze the results and consider the findings and draw the
b. Semantics differential
- This is a widely used scale that employs
ratings of concepts with contrasting
adjectives placed at opposite ends of the
number scale.
2. Prepare a checklist or rating scale that will define the more specific affective
behavior you want to capture.
3. Consult with a colleague or expert about the behavior listed as doable for
observation or not. You can try this with a sample of students.