Grp2 Reporting Comdev
Grp2 Reporting Comdev
Grp2 Reporting Comdev
dynamics in community
What is group dynamics?
Maintenance Behaviour
Self-interest Behaviour
Task functions
This is the most important reason for forming a group. They'll need members who can play one or
more of the following roles to complete the task:
a) Initiating: by proposing tasks or goals, defining problems and suggesting procedures for a
b) Information seeking: by demanding facts, pursuing relevant information, and requesting for
suggestions or ideas;
c) Information giving: by presenting the facts, giving information, stating beliefs, and giving
suggestions or ideas;
d) Clarifying ideas: by analysing and clarifying input, implying alternatives, and giving examples;
e) Bringing closure: by summarising, restating, and providing solutions;
f) Consensus testing: by verifying for agreements and sending up 'trial balloons'
Maintenance Behaviour
To be effective, each group requires social-emotional support.
Some members of the organisation will take the lead in delivering this assistance, which will include:
a) Motivating: by showing regard for other members and providing positive response to their
b) Increasing group cohesion: by expressing group feelings, sensing moods and relationships, and
sharing feelings
c) Harmonizing: by reconciling differences and reducing group tension
d) Compromise: by admitting errors and looking for alternatives;
e) Gate-keeping: by attempting to keep communications flowing, facilitating the participation of
others, and suggesting procedures for sharing discussion
f) Standard-setting:by reminding members of group norms, rules, and roles.
Self-interest Behaviour
This third function displayed by some individuals, members generally takes away from group
performance and affects task achievement at the expense of the group. Activities that identify self-
interest behaviour are as follows:
a) Dominating and controlling: by displaying lack of respect for others, cutting them off,
not listening, and restating other members’ suggestions with a different meaning;
b) Blocking: by stifling a line of thought, and changing the topic either away from the point of view
or back to his or her own interest;
c) Manipulating: by providing self-serving information, or a single point of view designed to achieve
a decision that is consistent with their position;
d) Belittling: through put-downs, sneering at other’s point of view, or making jokes about another
member’s contribution;
e) Splitting hairs: by nit-picking, searching for insignificant details that delay a solution, or
undermining another person’s point of view
Group dynamics can be defined as the
interactions that influence the behavior and
attitudes of individuals when they are in
groups. This is very important in the areas
of sociology, psychology, and
communication studies.