Social Psy Assignment
Social Psy Assignment
Social Psy Assignment
Social influence processes improves group decision making .Recognizing social influence
processes helps in developing strategies to promote critical thinking and reduce conformity
(Cialdin and Goldstein 2004) .This is because there would be exposure to diverse thoughts or
viewpoints providing room where the group can evaluate their own beliefs and decisions.
This results to a more innovative and rounded solution within the group. However, there may
be suppression of individual views which might be of assistance to the present situation. This
might occur due to fear of causing conflict or the need to feel acceptable by aligning to the
presented ideas.
Social influence processes enhances group cohesion. The process foster unity and
cooperation within groups by fostering shared norms, facilitating mutual support and
strengthening interpersonal relationships within the group members. This helps create an
environment where group members feel connected and committed to the group. It emphasizes
on emotional support to each other. For instance during stressful times, members support
each other providing emotional and practical support which solidifies their connections
making it easy to understand group behaviour according to Salas (2015).
Group behaviour can be explained through social influence as it helps in understanding the
group’s norms. Understanding social influence processes reveals how norms emerge and
spread. It is essential for understanding social norms, as it shapes individual behaviour and
attitudes within a group context. Social norms are the unwritten laws that govern behaviour in
social groups and social influence processes such as conformity, compliance and group
dynamics. Individual adjust their environments to align with the group norm. This tendency
to conform helps establish and reinforce social norms as individuals observe and mimic the
behaviour of others. For example according to Asch (1951) in his experiment individuals
were asked to judge line lengths in a group setting. Many individuals conformed to the
incorrect majority answer, illustrating how group pressure can lead to changes in individual
judgment and the establishment of a group norm, even when it contradicts reality.
Groupthink is also essential for understanding group behaviour as it shades light on how
social influence impacts individual`s opinions in order to feel accepted within a group, Guzzo
and Shea (1992). This can be vital for understanding behaviour in teams, organisations and
communities. Individuals often adjust their opinions or behaviours to align with those of the
group, especially when they seek acceptance or fear rejection. This phenomenon can lead to
consensus but may also suppress individual perspectives. For example in team settings, a
member may agree with a proposed idea during a meeting even if they have reservations,
fearing that dissent could disrupt group harmony. However there is overgeneralization of
the dynamics of all groups, ignoring the complexities and variations in group behaviour. Not
all groups exhibit groupthink, and the presence of dissent can sometimes enhance decision-
Groupthink encourages analysis of specific contexts such as leadership style, group size, and
external pressures that can contribute to group dynamics according to Bass (1985). This helps
organizations tailor their approach to decision-making and group management.
Understanding these factors allows groups to tailor strategies that enhance group performance
and mitigate the risks associated with groupthink. For instance allowing diverse thoughts
during discussion by the group leaders in order to let every member feel accommodated.
However in reference to Nemeth (1986) in hierarchical organizations, lower-status members
may feel pressure to conform, skewing the group's overall decision.
Groupthink highlights how groups may prioritize consensus over critical thinking, leading to
poor decision-making according to Janis (1972). Understanding this phenomenon can help
groups identify potential pitfalls in their decision-making processes. Research has shown that
groupthink can significantly impair decision making processes especially in high stake
environments such as healthcare and corporate settings. For example, in healthcare teams
groupthink can lead to diagnostic errors when team members fail to voice concerns about a
proposed treatment due to pressure to conform. This indicates the need to create an
environment which environment where diverse opinions are encouraged and valued. However,
groupthink's applicability can vary across cultures. In collectivist cultures, where conformity
may be more valued, groupthink may manifest differently compared to individualistic
In conclusion, social influence processes and groupthink are essential concepts for
understanding group behaviour. Social influence seeks to explain how individuals are shaped
by their interactions with others, while groupthink highlights the potential pitfalls of
excessive conformity and the suppression of dissent. By recognizing the dynamics of these
processes, leaders and group members can create environments that promote healthy debate
and critical thinking, ultimately enhancing group decision-making and effectiveness.
Understanding these mechanisms is crucial not only in organizational contexts but also in
broader societal interactions, as they shape how individuals navigate the complexities of
group dynamics.
1. Asch, S. E. (1951). Effects of group pressure upon the modification and distortion of
judgments. Journal of Abnormal and Social Psychology, 46(2), 166-179.USA, Pittsburgh
Pennsylivia, Psychological Monographs Press
3. Cialdin, R. B., & Goldstein, N. J. (2004). Social influence: Compliance and conformity.
Annual Review of Psychology, 55(1), 591-621.DOI:10.1146, USA, Annual Reviews
4. Guzzo, R .A and Shea G, P (1992) “Group Performance and Teamwork: The Role of
Groupthink". Organizational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes, 52(2), 310-
339.California USA,