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Verb Tenses

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verb tenses

Tense refers to the form a verb takes to indicate

when and/or how long the action is, was, or will
be done (whether it is done in the present, or
during the past, or in the future). Look at the
table below that shows the use of auxiliary verbs
according to tense
Singular Plural

Present Am, is, does Are, do

Past Was, did Were, did

Future Will be Will be

Has, has done, had, had Have, have done, had, had
done done

Progressive Has been, had been Have been, had been

The following tables show how verbs are formed according to tense
A. The Simple Tenses

Tense Usage Example

*used to tell a general truth or The earth revolves around the sun.
*used to show habit I always go to the gym.

*used to show an existing The dress is worn out.

PRESENT condition
(Add –s or ­–es at the end if *used to explain a process When the leaves of a plant receive
the subject in the sentence is sunlight, photosynthesis begins.
singular.) *used in conditionals When he finishes his meal, please
tell me.
*used to retell stories (like in One man hits another, then Tommy,
movies) the hero, comes to the rescue.

*used to promote something Brand X cleanses the skin like no

(as in an advertisement) other soap can.
Tense Usage Example
*used to indicate an The scouts decided to move
action which is true only the trip from May 5 to May
in the past 28
PAST *used in conditional If you did continue your
(verb with –d or –ed sentences to refer to a studies, you might have
for regular verbs; verb probable or supposed been a lawyer.
changed in spelling for event
irregular verbs) *used to complement I really thought I could
other verbs which are dance well. (The verb
used in the past tense in thought complements could)
the sentence

FUTURE *used to show simple She will dance in the

(verb with the modal action or condition in contest tomorrow.
will or shall) the future
B. The Perfect Tenses

Tense Usage Example

*used to show an action Lani has worked like a dog
that happened before and is ever since the supervisor
still done up to the present. came.
*used to show a state of She has been sick since
PRESENT being that was true before Friday.
PERFECT and still is up to the present
(has/have + past *used to show an event to Once they have written the
participle) be finished in the future book, we will publish it
*used to show a recently The project has ended
concluded action with the recently.
help of the adverb just,
already, or recently
Tense Usage Example
*used in a past action that came Andy had left when the teacher
before another past action came. (This means that Andy left
PAST PERFRECT (Therefore, “had” is placed in the first then the teacher came.)
(had + past participle) first past action and the other
verb is only in simple past.)
PAST PERFECT **The expression had had is I had had wine and cheese before
(had + past participle) simply “had + past participle of I ate the main dish.
*To understand how this tense is Four years from now, Bea will
used, imagine a person talking to have been a licensed nurse. (This
somebody. Then he takes him to the means that before the four years
future by giving time markers lapse, Bea already became a licensed
FUTURE PERPECT preceded by “by” such as by nurse.)
(will have ­+ past participle) tomorrow, by the next decade, or
others such as ten years from now,
few months from now, etc. Then he
uses the future prefect tense to show
a complicated action before that
certain time.
B. The Progressive Tenses
Tense Usage Example
PRESENT PROGRESSIVE *used to show an on-going action She is strolling along with her
(am/is/are + present participle) at the moment friend in the park.
*used to show future action My dad is leaving for the U.S.
PAST PROGRESSIVE *used when something was going Ricky was filing the papers
(was/were + present participle) on at one point in time when when his manager called him.
another thing happened

*This is similar to the future By the time she graduates, Myrna

perfect tense. This also includes will be receiving many awards.
time markers preceded by “by”
such as by the year ends, by the
(will be + present participle) start of the week or others like a
week from now, a few months I will be sleeping by ten this
from now, etc. This tells the morning.
continuous action that is about to
happen when certain times
Present Past Future

simple I walk. I walked. I will walk.

I am I was I will be
walking. walking. walking.

I have I had I will have

walked. walked. walked.
B. The Progressive Tenses
Tense Usage Example
*used to state an action that started in a. complaints
PRESENT PERFECT PROGRESSIVE the past and is still continuing up to e.g. He has been waiting here for
the present. an hour.
(has been/have been + present
participate) b. Attempt to do things
e.g. I have been calling you since
*used to state a past continuous action My brother-in-law had been playing
PAST PERFECT PROGRESSIVE when another past action happened. with his band before he finally settled
down in Chicago.
(has been + present participle)
We had been eating when the phone
*used to tell an action that is predicted By this afternoon, will have been
FUTURE PERFECT PROGRESSIVE to continuous happen when certain arriving from the airport.
time comes. A month from now, Lito will have
(will have been + present
been travelling in Athens.

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