Group 3 Reporting
Group 3 Reporting
Group 3 Reporting
Fama, Justine Grace D.
Castro, Vhanjune P.
Marcaida, Jude J.
Sambajon, Anthoine Leo G.
Adan, Maria Chielo A.
Procedures in the Investigation of Heinous and
Sensational Crimes
The Special Investigation Task Group (SITGs) shall
spearheaded and coordinate the investigative and
prosecutorial efforts of the PNP to facilitate the speedy
resolution and successful prosecution of heinous/sensational
cases to include the conviction of the perpetrators.
1. The institutionalization of Command Responsibility at all
levels of the organization shall be highly observed. As such, the
respective Commanders/Supervisors in whose areas of
jurisdiction the heinous/sensational crimes transpired are
expected to personally and effectively manage their SITGs by
closely monitoring, supervising, directing, coordinating, and
controlling the overall activities of their subordinates. Hence,
SITGs shall be created as follows:
Composition and Organization of SITG:
1.Regional Level – (To investigate killings and violence committed against Senators, Congressman, Governors,
Cabinet Secretaries, Undersecretaries, and SC and CA Justices):
a. SITG Supervisor – Regional Director
b. SITG Commander – DRDO
c. Assistant Commander – DD/PD or CD, CPO
d. Spokesperson – Regional PIO
e. Members – RCIDU
Regional Intelligence Division
- Regional Legal Office
- Regional Crime Laboratory
- COP, CPS/MPS/Station Commander
- Investigator-on-Case
2. PPO/District/CPO Level – (Killings and violence committed against Vice Governors, Provincial Board Members, Mayors,
Vice Mayors, Judges, Prosecutors, & IBP Lawyers, Militants, Media Practitioners, Foreign Nationals)
a. SITG Supervisor – Deputy Regional Director for Operations (DRDO)
b. SITG Commander – DD, PD/PF,PPO/CD,CPO
c. Assistant Commander – PO/Field Officer/CIDT
d. Spokesperson – PIO (District/PPO/CPO)
e. Members – Provincial/City Legal Service
Provincial/City Intelligence Section
- Provincial Crime Laboratory
- Investigator-on-case
- Chief of Police
2. Whenever a heinous or sensational crime transpires, SITG shall be
immediately organized and be headed by the concerned District
Director/Provincial Director/City Director or the Deputy Regional for
Operations depending on the gravity of the incident and/or upon
order/discretion of the PNP.
3. It shall be the responsibility of every established SITG to properly
manage the assigned case and ensure its resolution by applying the best
investigative techniques/practices and utilizing all its available resources.
4. CIDG shall assume the responsibility of pursuing the investigation when
the case is not solved within six (6) months and already classified as a cold
Organizational Procedures
1. Whenever a serious crime is committed, the concerned Chief of Police (COP) or
Station Commander shall immediately assess the situation and communicate to the
DD/PD/CD the attendant circumstances and its updates which will be basis of the
DD/PD/CD for recommending to the RD whether or not there is a need to activate the
2. Concerned COP or Station Commander shall base his/her assessment and
recommendation on the report of the first responders and his assigned investigator-on-
case. The creation of a SITG is not necessary for crimes that can be resolved at the said
level. Otherwise, A District/PPO/CPO level SITG shall be organized that will take
cognizance of the investigation of heinous and sensational cases initially investigated by
the City/Municipal/District Police Stations.
3. The Regional Director (RD) shall issue orders organizing the District/PPO/CPO SITG,
indicating the ranks and names of its personnel complement. It shall be headed by the territorial
Chief/Commander/Head of Unit such as the District Director/Provincial Director/City Director:
a. The SITG shall be composed of Investigation Team, Case Record Team, Technical/Legal
Support Team, Admin/Logistics Teams and Evidence Team;
b. The Case Record Team shall be headed by an Officer from Investigation and Detective
Management Division/Branch/Section who shall be at the same time the Case Record Officer
and the Evidence and Record Custodian, responsible for the preservation of evidence.
4. The Investigator-on-Case (IOC), who is part of the Investigation Team, shall gather and
prepare relevant documents for filing of appropriate case(s) in Court and serve as liaison with
other law enforcement agencies/government agencies, NGOs/NGAs, and other person or entities
which could possibly help the SITG in the resolution of the case. The IOC shall also be the
Evidence Custodian, except for pieces of evidence which need to be submitted to Crime
Laboratory, the courts, and other technical agencies for technical examination and analysis;
5. In cases where the designated Commander or members of the SITG cannot effectively comply
with the operational requirements, and/or has “perceived biases” of any kind, the RD shall
immediately reorganize the said SITG and designate other officers who are more capable of
accomplishing the job.
6. Upon the creation of a SITG, a “Case Investigation Plan” must be made to serve as operating
guidelines in the conduct of investigation of heinous and sensational cases. This will include the
journal of the case which pertains to the daily progress on what has been done and accomplished
in the investigation of the case, to include the minutes of case conferences and coordination with
other office/units. This will also be the basis of funding the SITGs activities.
7. The CPNP may direct/task any operational support unit of the PNP to assist the investigation.
Likewise, he may also order the reorganization of the SITG as he deems it necessary.
8. The SITG shall be deactivated upon the solution of the particular case being investigated.
9. Every SITG shall have six (6) months to resolve a case from the time it takes cognizance of the
said case.
Operational Procedures
The following are the operational procedures to be undertaken by the SITG pertaining to investigations of all
heinous/sensational crimes:
1. Investigation starts from the arrival of the First Responder on the ground who shall perform important tasks
as earlier enumerated;
2. Aside from the usual investigative procedures, the SITG shall immediately validate and confirm the
affiliations of the victims, issue press releases on a regular basis and establish an On-Scene Command Post
(OSCP) by putting up a tent or similar structures or deploying a Mobile Investigation Van (if available) at/or
near the crime scene. The SITG Commander or his deputy who is also a member of the SITG must be
present/available in the OSCP at all times;
3. The OSCP shall be maintained for as long as necessary and shall only be deactivated or transferred with the
clearance and approval of the Regional Director;
4. The OSCP shall be utilized by the SITG to conduct on-scene or on-the-ground investigation. The tent or van
of the OSCP shall be marked appropriately as “PNP On-Scene Command Post” and shall also be posted with
the mobile phone or contact numbers of the SITG Commander, Assistant Commander and the Investigator-On-
5. The Police Station which jurisdiction over the area shall be utilized as alternate OSCP of the SITG; Follow-up
actions and efforts must be undertaken to:
a. Give special focus to ascertaining/establishing motive;
b. Effectively conduct profiling if victims, suspects and witnesses;
c. Proficiently link/matrix analysis and exploit evidence information; and
d. Hold paramount the convenience of witnesses when extracting their statement or affidavit.
6. The SITG commander supported by the Investigation Team, Technical Teams, and Case Record Officer shall
prepare the CIPLAN and take notice, prepare, and observe the following:
a. The Investigation Management System consists of evidence matrix, resource spreadsheet, standard tactical plan,
and major investigation plan;
b. The CIPLAN must be prepared and shall be in the following format (Six Point Plan); Situation, Mission,
Execution, Contingency, Administration and Logistics, Command and Communication (SMECAC);
c. Prepare the Crime Scene Matrix Template which is necessary in the conduct of crime analysis. It can come in
tandem with the evidence and resource matrix of the investigation plan; and
d. Surveillance must also be done to assess and make decisions on competencies needed and allocation of
7. Strengthen the coordinative mechanism in order to:
a. Strictly observe the chain of custody of evidence and flow of communications; and
b. Develop and resolve the issues under investigation through case conference/s with DOJ
and other concerned agencies.
8. Initiate build-up and follow-up investigation;
9. Consolidate all the forensic results, testimonial documents and other investigation reports
as well as the compliances of the members of the SITG;
10. Initiate the crime matrix analysis in coordination with all members of SITG;
11. Initiate the preparation of the case folder with the assistance of other members of
12. File or refer the case to the Department of Justice (DOJ);
13. Conduct case reviews (Internal/external) to be done by senior investigators or detectives. It can be seen as a
form of risk management that seeks to apply the principle of system audit to reduce recurrence of typical errors.
Case reviews shall be in form of:
a. Informal “Golden Hour” review (at the early stage of investigation);
b. Self-Inspection (Self-Completion of a short pro forma to provide prompt actions and highlight emerging
c. 28-Day Progress Review (assure quality and assist investigators identify investigative opportunities to
advance the inquiry);
d. Concluding Reviews (provide overview), Case Development Reviews (Cold Case Review);
e. Detective Case Review (review of their sample solve cases and learn best practices: and Thematic Review
(focus upon specific issue);
f. All case folders including pertinent documents must be kept by the case record officers with copies furnished
to the evidence custodian of the local police station;
g. In case the investigator-on-case is dismissed or retired or separated from the service, all remaining members
of the investigation team shall be responsible for the court presentation of the case; and
h. Conduct case tracking until the final disposition of the case.
14. The extension of the SITG can be considered based on the manifestation of the Regional
Director to TDIDM (Attn: C,CMD) as a result of his/her evaluation that the case could be
resolved in the certain period of time, but in no case shall this exceed in a one (1) month period.
15. If the case has been solved, the SITG shall be deactivated immediately. The SITG
Commander shall inform TDIDM (Attn: C, CMD) regarding its deactivation;
16. Once the warrant of arrest has been issued, the RIDMD concern shall monitor the Unit
Commander concerned to serve the warrant. Further, the RIDMD shall monitor the Unit
Commander handling the case to ensure the attendance of prosecution witnesses when directed
by the Court or Prosecutor;
17. The RIDMD shall make a monthly progress report on all SITG cases filed in Court or
Prosecutor’s office to TDIDM (Attn: C, CMD);
18. If the SITG fails to resolve the case within six (6) months or after the extension, the case
will be considered a “cold case”. Hence, the SITG shall be deactivated under obligation to ensure
that all documents, pieces of evidence and any other related materials are accounted and secured;
19. All the records of the cold cases and cleared cases including the pieces of evidence
gathered shall be officially turned over to the Regional Criminal Investigation and Detection
Unit (RCIDU), CIDG in the respective PROs for the continuation of the investigation.
Likewise, chain of custody of evidence must be strictly observed;
20. CIDG must submit to TDIDM (Attn: C, RAD), a modified CIPLAN or new CIPLAN
in the conduct of the follow-up investigations on all cases that were turned over to them.
Progress Report on all “cold cases” that were turned over to CIDG shall be submitted to
RIDMD (copy furnished CMD, DIDM). The latter shall monitor and periodically evaluate
the case being investigated by CIDG and make appropriate assessment for its final
disposition. Strengthen the coordinative mechanism in order to:
a. Strictly observe the chain of custody of evidence and flow of communications; and
b. Develop and resolve the issues under investigation through case conference with the DOJ
and other concerned agencies.
21. All concerned PNP units are enjoined to exert extra efforts in order to identify, locate or
cause the identification and arrest of the culprit(s):
a. They shall immediately organize a dedicated TRACKER TEAM to pursue a particular target
b. They shall enhance information gathering and intelligence build-up for the identification and
apprehension of the suspects;
c. They shall work in close coordination with the NBI, DOJ and all other law enforcement
agencies, as necessary. The SITG must therefore closely coordinate with their respective local
prosecutors and ensure that a prosecutor is included as a member of the Technical/Legal Support
team; and
d. They shall prepare posters of wanted personalities especially those covered with rewards.
Rogue galleries at the city and municipal levels shall also be prepared for this purpose.
22. While the tasked units shall operate on existing logistical and financial allocations,
Regional Directors shall also provide logistical and financial support to SITG.
on Labor Disputes
General Policy and Guidelines
1. The involvement of PNP personnel during strikes, lockouts and labor disputes in general shall be
limited to the maintenance of peace and order, enforcement of laws, and implementation of legal
orders of the duly constituted authorities;
2. The PNP shall only render assistance to labor disputes upon written request addressed to the
Regional Director/District Director concerned. In case of actual violence, the police can respond
without the written request.
3. In so far as practicable, no PNP personnel shall be allowed to render police assistance in connection
with a strike or lockout if there is question or complaint as regards to his relationship by affinity or
consanguinity to any official/leader of the parties in the controversy of if he has financial or pecuniary
interest therein.
4. PNP personnel detailed as peace-keeping force in strike or lockout areas shall be in prescribed
uniform at all times.
5. They shall exercise maximum tolerance and when called for by the situation or when all other peaceful and non-violent
means have been exhausted, police officers may employ such means as may be necessary and reasonable to prevent or repel
an aggression.
6. The matter of determining whether a strike, picket or lockout is legal or not should be left to Department of Labor and
Employment (DOLE) and its appropriate agencies. PNP personnel should not interfere in a strike, picket or lockout except as
herein provided.
7. No personal escort shall be provided to any of the parties to the controversy unless upon written request from DOLE.
Whenever escorts are to be provided, the other party shall be informed accordingly. All escorts shall be in prescribed uniform
at all times.
8. During the pendency of a strike/lockout, the police personnel concerned are prohibited from socializing with any of
the parties involved in the controversy.
9. Liaison shall be established and maintained with the representatives of DOLE, management of the union in the
strike/lockout area for the purpose of maintaining peace and order, as well as to maintain a continuing peaceful dialogue
between parties to the strike/lockout.
10. The peace-keeping detail shall not be stationed in the picket line (or confrontation line) but should be stationed in
such manner that their presence may deter the commission of criminal acts or any other untoward incident from their side.
The members of the peacekeeping detail shall stay outside a 50-meter radius from the picket line. In cases wherein the 50-
meter radius includes a public thoroughfare, they may station themselves in such public thoroughfare for the purpose of
ensuring the free flow of traffic.
Applicable Legal Parameters
The pertinent provisions of the Public Assembly Act of 1985 (Batas Pambansa Bilang
880), the Labor Code of the Philippines, as amended and other applicable laws, shall be
observed during rallies, strikes, demonstrations or other public assemblies. Law
enforcement agents shall, at all times:
1. Exercise maximum tolerance;
2. In case of unlawful aggression, only reasonable force may be employed to prevent or
repel it;
3. The employment of tear gas and water canons shall be made under the control and
supervision of the Ground Commander; and
4. No arrest of any leader, organizer, or participant shall be made during the public
assembly, unless he/she violates any pertinent law as evidence warrants.
Service of Lawful Orders to Writ
The service of Department of Labor and Employment
(DOLE), court, or other lawful orders or writ is the primary
concern of the DOLE representative, sheriff, and
representative of the government agency issuing the order,
respectively. The role of the PNP is only supportive. Only
when specifically stated and requested in the order or writ
shall the PNP enforce such orders or writs.
Prohibited Labor Activities
No personnel of the PNP shall:
1. Bring in, introduce or escort in any manner, any
individual who seeks to replace strikers in entering or
leaving the premises or a strike area; or
2. Work in replacement of the strikers.
Rallies and Demonstrations
1. The PNP adheres to the Code of Conduct for Law Enforcement Officials adopted by the
General Assembly of the United Nations which requires law enforcement officials to respect and
protect human dignity, maintain and uphold the human rights of all persons, and limit the use of force
to situations where it is strictly necessary and to the extent required for the performance of their duty.
2. Public assemblies held in freedom parks or on private property do not need a permit for the
activity. Public assembly with permit or one held in a freedom park or private property shall not be
dispersed as long as it remains peaceful and no incidence of violence occurs.
3. The PNP shall provide police assistance only when requested by the leaders or organizers for
maintenance of peace and order to ensure the safety of those participating in the public assemblies
held in freedom parks or on private property.
4. A public assembly held in a public place must have a permit from the mayor of the city or
municipality exercising jurisdiction over the place where it will be held.
5. A public assembly held with or without a permit may be peacefully dispersed. A public
assembly with a permit may be dispersed if the same is being held in violation of the terms and
conditions imposed in the permit. In both cases, before conducting any dispersal operation, the PNP
shall notify the concerned organizers and leaders of the public assembly.
6. Lightning demonstrations or rallies in areas where public assembly is prohibited shall be
dispersed peacefully. However, should any of the participants refuse to disperse voluntarily or violate
any ordinance during an unauthorized public assembly; they shall be taken into police custody and
be charged accordingly.
7. Ground Commanders are responsible in determining whether there is a permit for the holding
of the public assembly.
8. Close coordination with the mayor of the city or municipality, or his representative, where
the public assembly is being held should always be maintained especially when a permit has not
been issued but an application has been filed prior to the holding of the public assembly.
9. Maximum tolerance shall be exercised in the conduct of dispersal operations. Violators of the
law shall be apprehended and brought to the nearest Police Station for proper disposition.
Limitations on the Role of the PNP
The PNP shall not interfere with the holding of a public
assembly. However, to ensure public safety and maintain peace
and order during the assembly, the police contingent under the
command of a PCO preferably with the rank of Police Senior
Inspector may be detailed and stationed in a place at least one
hundred (100) meters away from the area of activity.
Guidelines for Civil Disturbance Management
(CDM) Contingent during Rallies/Demonstrations
1. CDM contingent shall be in prescribed uniform without firearm.
2. Tear gas, smoke grenades, water cannons, or any similar anti-
riot device shall be used only when the public assembly is attended
by actual violence or serious threats of violence, or deliberate
destruction of property.
Dispersal of Public Assembly with Permit
All public assembly with a permit shall not be dispersed. However, when an assembly becomes violent,
the police may disperse such public assembly in the following manner:
1. At the first sign of impending violence, the Ground Commander of the PNP contingent shall call
the attention of the leaders of the public assembly and ask the latter to prevent any possible disturbance;
2. If actual violence reaches a point where rocks or other harmful objects from the participants are
thrown at the police officers or at the non-participants, or at any property, causing damage to it, the
Ground Commander of the PNP contingent shall audibly warn the participants that if the disturbance
persists, the public assembly will be dispersed;
3. If the violence or disturbance does not stop, the Ground Commander of the PNP contingent shall
audibly issue a warning to the participants of the public assembly, and after allowing a reasonable
period of time to lapse, he shall immediately order it to disperse; and
4. No arrest of any leader, organizer or participant shall be made unless he violates during the
assembly a law, statute, or ordinance.
Dispersal of Public Assembly without Permit
When the public assembly is held without a permit where a permit is
required, the said public assembly may be peacefully dispersed. However,
when the leaders or organizers of public assembly can show an application
for permit duly filed at the office of the mayor which has jurisdiction over
the place where the rally will be held, at least five (5) days prior to the
intended activity and the Mayor did not act on the same, the grant of the
permit being then presumed under the law, and it will be the burden of the
authorities to show that there has been a denial of the application, in which
case, the rally may be peacefully dispersed following the procedure of
maximum tolerance prescribed by law.