Electrical Machines Notes For GME
Electrical Machines Notes For GME
Electrical Machines Notes For GME
• Squirrel cage motors are widely used on ships due to their rugged
construction and simple design, few e.g. of their applications are:
• Lifts
• Cranes
• Large capacity exhaust fans
• Engine Auxiliary pumps
• Engine blower fan motor
• Engine room heavy load pumps –Ballast, Fire, Freshwater, Sea Water
• Winch motor
• Windlass motor
A three phase induction motor runs on a three phase AC
supply. 3 phase induction motors are extensively used for
various industrial applications because of their following
advantages -
• In fact the relative motion is the main cause for the induced e.m.f. in the
rotor. So induced e.m.f. will vanish and hence there can not be rotor current and
the rotor flux which is essential to produce the torque on the rotor. Eventually
motor will stop.
• But immediately there will exist a relative motion between rotor and rotating
magnetic field and it will start.
• But due to inertia of rotor, this does not happen in practice and motor
continues to rotate with a speed slightly less than the synchronous speed of the
rotating magnetic field in the steady state. The induction motor never rotates at
synchronous speed. The speed at which it rotates is hence called sub synchronous
1.1.1 Construction, principle of operation of 3-phase induction motors
a 3-phase induction motor has two main parts (i) stator and (ii) rotor. the
rotor is separated from the stator by a small air-gap which ranges from 0.4
mm to 4mm, depending on the power of the motor.
1. Stator:
• Stator
• It consists of a steel frame which encloses a hollow, cylindrical core
made up of thin laminations of silicon steel to reduce hysteresis and
eddy current losses.
• One copper or aluminum bar is placed in each slot. All these bars are joined at each
end by metal rings called end rings This forms a permanently short-circuited winding
which is indestructible.
• The entire construction (bars and end rings) resembles a squirrel cage and hence the
name. The rotor is not connected electrically to the supply but has current induced in it
by transformer action from the stator.
• Those induction motors which employ squirrel cage rotor are called squirrel cage
induction motors
• . Most of 3-phase induction motors use squirrel cage rotor as it has a remarkably
simple and robust construction enabling it to operate in the most adverse
• However, it suffers from the disadvantage of a low starting torque. It is because the
rotor bars are permanently short-circuited and it is not possible to add any external
Wound rotor or Slip ring Rotor
• The rotor winding is uniformly distributed in the slots and is usually star-connected.
• The open ends of the rotor winding are brought out and joined to three insulated
slip rings mounted on the rotor shaft with one brush resting on each slip ring.
• At starting, the external resistances are included in the rotor circuit to give a large
starting torque. These resistances are gradually reduced to zero as the motor runs
up to speed. The external resistances are used during starting period only.
• When the motor attains normal speed, the three brushes are short-circuited so that
the wound rotor runs like a squirrel cage rotor.
Working principle of 3 phase IM
• We use the single-phase power system more widely than three phase
system for domestic purposes, commercial purposes and some extent
in industrial uses.
• . Due to all these advantages, the single phase motor finds its
application in vacuum cleaners, fans, washing machines, centrifugal
pumps, blowers, etc.
• There are two basic reasons for the use of single-phase motors rather
than 3-phase motors.
1. For reason of economy, most houses, offices and also rural areas are
supplied with single phase a.c, as power requirements of individual
load items are rather small.
• Single-phase motors are generally built in the fractional-horsepower range and may be classified into the
following four basic types:
3. Repulsion motors
(i) Repulsion-start induction-run motor
(ii) Repulsion-induction motor
4. Synchronous motors
(i) Reluctance motor
(ii) Hysteresis motor
Working Principle of Single Phase Induction Motor
• NOTE: We know that for the working of any electrical motor whether its AC or DC motor,
we require two fluxes as the interaction of these two fluxes produced the required torque.
• When we apply a single phase AC supply to the stator winding of single phase induction motor,
the alternating current starts flowing through the stator or main winding. This alternating current
produces an alternating flux called main flux.
• This main flux also links with the rotor conductors and hence cut the rotor conductors. According
to the Faraday’s law of electromagnetic induction , emf gets induced in the rotor.
• As the rotor circuit is closed one so, the current starts flowing in the rotor. This current is called
the rotor current. This rotor current produces its flux called rotor flux. Since this flux is produced
due to the induction principle so, the motor working on this principle got its name as an induction
• Now there are two fluxes one is main flux, and another is called rotor flux. These two fluxes
produce the desired torque which is required by the motor to rotate.
• When the stator of a single phase motor is fed with single phase supply, it
produces alternating flux in the stator winding. The alternating current
flowing through stator winding causes induced current in the rotor bars (of
the squirrel cage rotor ) according to Faraday's law of electromagnetic
induction .
• This induced current in the rotor will also produce alternating flux. Even
after both alternating fluxes are set up, the motor fails to start. However, if
the rotor is given a initial start by external force in either direction, then
motor accelerates to its final speed and keeps running with its rated speed.
This behavior of a single phase motor can be explained by double-field
revolving theory.
• Double-Field Revolving Theory
• (ii) Since main winding is made highly inductive while the starting winding
highly resistive, the currents Im and Is have a reasonable phase angle a (25°
to 30°) between them. Consequently, a weak revolving field approximating
to that of a 2-phase machine is produced which starts the motor.
• (iii) When the motor reaches about 80% of synchronous speed, the
centrifugal switch opens the circuit of the starting winding. The motor then
operates as a single-phase induction motor and continues to accelerate till it
reaches the normal speed. The normal speed of the motor is below the
synchronous speed and depends upon the load on the motor.
Applications of Split Phase Induction Motor
• This type of motors are cheap and are suitable for easily starting loads
where the frequency of starting is limited. This type of motor is not used for
drives which require more than 1 KW because of the low starting torque.
The various applications are as follows:-
• We are familiar with this fact that the current flowing through the capacitor
leads the voltage. So, in capacitor start inductor motor and capacitor
start capacitor run induction motor we are using two winding, the main
winding and the starting winding. With starting winding we connect a
capacitor so the current flowing in the capacitor i.e Ist leads the applied
voltage by some angle, φst.
• The running(main) winding is inductive in nature so, the current flowing in running
winding lags behind applied voltage by an angle, φ m.
• Now there occur large phase angle differences between these two currents which
produce an resultant current, I and this will produce a rotating magnetic field. Since the
torque produced by these motors depends upon the phase angle difference, which is
almost 90o.
• So, these motors produce very high starting torque. In case of capacitor start
induction motor, the centrifugal switch is provided so as to disconnect the starting
winding when the motor attains a speed up to 75 to 80% of the synchronous speed
• But in case of capacitor start capacitors run induction motor there is no centrifugal
switch so, the capacitor remains in the circuit and helps to improve the power factor and
the running conditions of single phase induction motor.
• Application of Capacitor Start IM and Capacitor Start Capacitor Run
These motors have high starting torque hence they are used in conveyors,
grinder, air conditioners, compressor, etc. They are available up to 6 KW.
• Two capacitors are used in capacitor start capacitor run motor or two
value capacitor motor, one for starting purpose and other for running
• Starting purpose capacitor is of electrolytic type and is disconnected from
the supply when the motor attains 75% of synchronous speed with the
help of centrifugal switch S, connected in series with Cs.
• The value of the two capacitors is different. Starting capacitor Cs, which
is electrolytic type, is of high value.
• The capacitor start capacitor run motor gives the best running as well as
starting conditions. Such motors operate as two-phase motors giving the
best performance.
• Starting torque is high, starting current is reduced and gives better
efficiency, better p.f. The only disadvantage is high cost.
• Direction can be reversed by interchanging the connection of supply to
either of the main winding or starting winding.
• The Permanent Split Capacitor motor also has a cage rotor and the
two windings named as main and auxiliary windings similar to that of
a Capacitor Start and Capacitor Start Capacitor Run Motor.
• It has only one capacitor connected in series with the starting winding.
The capacitor C is permanently connected in the circuit both at the
starting and the running conditions.
• The starter is a safety and a protecting device by which we can control or minimize the
starting current in order to prevent the motor winding of the respective motor.
• In induction motor large current at starting is due to the absence of back emf.
• If an induction motor is directly switched on from the supply, it takes 5 to 7 times its full load
current . But it develops a torque is only 1.5 to 2.5 times to full load torque.
• This large starting current produces a large voltage drop in the line, which may affect the
operation of other devices connected to the same line. Hence, it is not advisable to start
induction motors of higher ratings (above 25KW) directly from the mains supply.
• The initial inrush of current is controlled by applying a reduced voltage to
the stator (motor) winding.
• During the starting period and then the full normal voltage is applied when
the motor has run up to speed.
• For the small capacity motors say up to 3HP, normal voltage can be applied
at the start. How ever to start and stop the motor and to protect the winding
from the over load current and low voltages, a starter is required in the
motor circuit.
• In addition to this the starter may also reduce the applied voltage to the
motor at the time of starting.
• Availability of full rated torque at starting
• High line power factor
• Absence of line current harmonics
• Smooth and wide range of speed control
• Reduced efficiency because of the slip energy is wasted in the rotor
circuit resistance
• Speed changes very widely with load variation
• Unbalance in voltages and current of rotor circuit resistances are not
Starting of Squirrel Cage Motors
• Advantages Auto transformer starter:
2) It is used for large motors, in which start by direct connection to the network is not
possible. For large motors also the star-delta starter cannot be used, especially if they are
started with a significant load.
c ) Due to the size of the auto-transformer starter, much larger control panels
are required which increases the price.
1.1.2 Design features of star and delta motors
• Star connection in a motor
• A three-phase motor will have three coils and it can be connected to the supply and the coil would have
connections in both sides, in the below image we can see the R, Y, and B, it is the coils and they are
connected to the supply and we can also see the three terminals that are interconnected or shorted in
the image. The below image shows the star connection of a motor in this the upper end of the coil is
connected to the supply so the R, Y, B is connected the phase line and the end part of the coil is
connected to each other and because of this connection, the voltage will be zero in this part. In a star
connection, the same ends of the three coils are connected to create a neutral point.
• Star connection is used only when we require less power and it would only give low power when
compared to the delta connection because the three terminals are shorted and it would become neutral.
So there will be three winding in this connection and each winding would get 220 supply. So because
of this, we use star connection for low loads. Star connection is mostly used in places where we require
a neutral point and two separate voltages.
Delta connection of the motor
Delta connection is done for high loads, in the delta connection the terminals are
connected in a different way than the star connection and it is shown in the below image
and we can see that the opposite ends of three coils are connected together. This type of
terminal connection would give 440v to the windings because for each winding there is
two-phase and because of that each winding has 440v and due to this there will an
increase in torque and that’s why delta connection is used for heavy loads. A delta
connection is done where the neutral is not needed.
• It consists of two buttons, GREEN for starting and RED for stopping purpose
of the motor.
• If any fault occurs, the auxiliary coil gets de-energized, and hence the starter
disconnects the motor from supply mains.
Working of DOL Starter
• The above wiring connection is of DOL starter. The DOL starter connects the 3-
phase main with the motor.
• The control circuit is connected to any two phases and energized from them only.
• When we press the start button, the current flows through contactor coil (Magnetizing
Coil) and control circuit also. The current energizes the contactor coil and leads to
close the contacts, and hence 3-phase supply becomes available to the motor.
• If we press the stop button, the current through the contact becomes discontinued,
hence supply to the motor will not be available, and the similar thing will happen
when overload relay operates, Since the supply of motor breaks, the machine will
come to rest.
• The contactor coil (Magnetizing Coil) gets supply even though we release start
button because when we release start button, it will get supply from the primary
contacts as illustrated in the diagram of the Direct Online Starter.
• Overload Protection When motor draws excessive current to meet the load requirement and If load
requirement goes beyond the rated limit, termed as Overload.
• Overload protection is a type of security when motor draws over current or excessive current and causes
overheating of the equipment. Overload is also the type of over current. So overload relays are employed to
limit the amount of current drawn. But that does not mean that protects the short circuit.
• Fuse or MCB used in the system protects the over current. Overload protection opens a circuit at relatively
low currents that are a little higher than the rating of the motor.
• Overload currents are likely to damage if they persist for a long time, i.e. it will not trip if a high value of
current flows for a short period such as starting of the motor.
• We often provide the overload protection by an overload relay. Overload relays may be solid-state devices
with adjustable trip setting also called as the electronic relay or by interacting with related temperature
sensors called as a thermal relay or if only operates for excess current flow then called as a magnetic relay.
• For most motors, the maximum rating of the overload protection device is 125% of the full load ampere
Advantages of DOL Starter
• Simple and most economical starter.
• More comfortable to design, operate and control.
• Provides nearly full starting torque at starting.
• Easy to understand and troubleshoot.
• DOL starter connects the supply to the delta winding of the motor.
SIMS Lonavala
Main Features of Synchronous Motor
Following are the characteristic features of a synchronous motor −
• A synchronous motor either runs at synchronous speed or not at
all, i.e., while running, it maintains a constant speed from no-
load to full load.
• The speed of a synchronous motor is independent of load.
• Synchronous motors are not inherently self-starting. Some
auxiliary means have to be provided for starting.
• A synchronous motor will stall if, while running, the load on the
shaft is increased beyond the maximum limit that the machine
can drive.
• A synchronous motor can be made to operate under wide range
of power factor both lagging and leading.
Applications of Synchronous Motor
Synchronous motors are used in the following applications −
• Synchronous motors were primarily used in constant speed applications. But,
with the development of solid-state variable frequency drives like inverters and
cycloconverters has allowed their use in variable speed applications also.
• The synchronous motors are particularly used for low speed (below 300 RPM)
applications because at low speed, the power factor can be adjusted to unity
and hence the efficiency is high.
• An over-excited synchronous motor (called synchronous condenser) can be used
to improve the overall power factor of the plant while carrying their rated load.
• Since a synchronous motor behaves like a variable inductor or a variable
capacitor, it can be used to improve the voltage regulation of transmission lines.
• Power electronic converters generating very low frequency enable us to use the
synchronous motors for ultra-low speed applications such as to drive crushers,
rotary kilns and variable-speed ball mills, etc.
• Some industrial applications of synchronous motors are such as high power and
high speed compressors, blowers, mainline traction, induced and forced draft
fans, servo drives, etc.
Advantages of Synchronous Motor
The synchronous motors have the following advantages −
• It operates at a constant speed (i.e., synchronous speed) from no-load to full-load.
• Power factor of a synchronous motor can be easily controlled by changing the excitation of the
• For low speed (< 300 RPM) applications, synchronous motors are more economical than
induction motors.
• The synchronous motors have high starting torque as compared to induction motors.
• A single synchronous motor can be used for driving the load as well as correcting the power
factor of the plant.
• A rotor that has a set of salient poles excited by direct current to form
alternate N and S
poles. The exciting coils are connected in series to two slip rings and
direct current is fed into the winding from an external exciter mounted
on the rotor shaft.
• The stator is wound for the same number of poles as the rotor poles. As
in the case of an induction motor, the number of poles determines the
synchronous speed of the motor: