Purchasing & Material Management 1
Purchasing & Material Management 1
Purchasing & Material Management 1
Vendor Rating
Negotiations International Buying
Purchasing & Materials Management
Unit No. 1
Materials The Profit Centre
-Sales & Marketing - HRD - Finance & Taxation - Business Overheads - Operations Every Rupee saved adds to P&L Accounts
1:- The Profit Centre Is Material Management is about Negotiation & Buying? BOM Enquiries & Quotation Comparative Analysis, Commercial Negotiations & terms agreement. Release of PO, Delivery Schedule and Follow-up Logistics and Storage Billing & Payment Forecasting of materials Vendor Management & Evaluation
2. Right Quantity
3. Right Time 4. Right Source 5. Right Price
balance between confidence & diffidence
Conflict Handling-assertiveness
Practical-Speculative, Objective-Speculative
Build working relationships
know the rules of the game
Do homework on the culture
Be truthful & check for truth in your opponent
Introduce more variables, communicate creativity
Its all about information
Rephrase your objective
Slow down things to give you breathing space
-To have uninterrupted & Effective Flow of materials with lowest cost e.g. Small shopkeeper & Department Stores - Location of Purchasing depends on type of - Industry (Food Industry, Shelf Life) - Variety (Cosmetics, Merchandizing) - Volume (Mass production) - Purchase function: Stores, inventory, planning, cost reduction, Transportation, value engineering. - Purchase is not function of -Finance (Min inventory, Max Cash Flow) - Production (Max Inventory, Min Cash Flow) - Administration (Waste of Inventory & Cash Flow) - First Source of outside supplier hence public relations, corporate image.
Purchase Enquires Source identification and quote by tenders Negotiations & PO Follow-up with supplier, transport Stores, Quality inspection and documentation Receipt, Acceptance of correct material, rejection of incorrect material. Payment of supplier bills Purchasers at Corporate Situation are been seen as Corporate Image & Public relation officer for organization.
Centralized Procurement o Economy of Sales o Volume Negotiation o One Point contact with all o Resource Utilization o Delay in Procurement o Inferior Quality o Restoring emergency procurement o Team understanding technical specs o In process inventory due to compiled quantity o Improper Planning / Cancellations, rejections
De- Centralized Procurement o Better Commitment o Knowledge of needs o Short communication time o Better liaison & Performance Control o Speedy Execution & Short inventory o Lesser Economy of Scale o Resource waste o No Volume / Bulk discount o Higher Logistical Cost
Representation item by number, alphabet, group digit, subgroup, type, dimension, stores & bin location, sometimes suppliers name. Number Alphabet Group digit Subgroup Type Dimension Stores & Bin Location Suppliers Name : Supplier country, Area Code : Item Starting alphabet : Production, Administrative, Packaging, Finance : Metal, Wood, Paper : Raw Material, Stationary, consumables, Tools, spares : Size, Capacity : Material, Administrative, Rack location, Tray / Bin : ESSAR, NAVNEET, CAMLIN, FEVICOL, BOSCH
While deciding codes: o logical, simple & easy rules o Unique o similar group & easy retrieval o flexibility to add new items Why codification? o Easy recognition o Small names o Logical grouping o No duplication o Less items o Bulk ordering with staggered delivery o Less lead time and More Working Capital o Simplification, Standardization & Computerization o Stock Transfer
Purchasing & Materials Management
Conceived by E G Brisch & J Gombinski. Block of numerals separated by decimals. First Block: Major Classification e.g. Raw Material, Fasteners etc Second Block: Secondary Classification by types & kinds Third Block: Dimensions or other distinguish features. XX
Material (Size , 1, L)
Developed by Eastman Kodak Co. of USA. Its a 10 digit numerical code. Three Group of digits separated by hyphens. E.g.
(XXXX Main Class XX XXXX) (XX Sub Class XXXX XXXX) (XXX Type & Kind XXXX XXX) Dimensions & Characteristics Minor Variants
PSHCSSM10020 / SPR200ASR34
PSHCSSM10020 P S H CSS M10020 SPR200ASR34 S P R 200 AS R 34 : Production Department : Steel item : Hardware : CS Screw : M100 x 20 : Stationary Department : Paper product : Long Register : 200 Pages : Administration Stores : Rack No : Shelf no.
- Pareto Principle
CLASSIFICATION ABC Analysis HML Analysis VED Analysis SDE Analysis GOLF Analysis SOS Analysis MNG Analysis FSN Analysis XYZ Analysis
Criterion Employed Usage Value = Consumption x Price Unit Price Criticality of Item (Prodn Loss) Procurement Difficulties Nature of Suppliers Seasonability of Item Stock Turnover Rate Inventory Turnover Ratio Value of Stocks on hand
Purposes To Decide stocking policies, improve store keeping, degree of control To access storage & security requirement, Control consumption , Frequency of stock, buying & control policies, power of cash purchase. Spares Inventory Control Method of buying, responsibility of buyers Allocation of Procurement Responsibility Procurement strategies Disposal of surplus material, identification of non existing item to save space Disposal of Surplus & obsolete stock. Which items to control to bring down current inventory
Buyer to Give
Seller to Give
Long Term Business. Timely Payment. Minimized unscheduled deliveries & rush orders. Acceptance of Justified price Increases. Avoidance of Unnecessary. Avoidance of Harassment. Avoidance of force price Reduction. Occasional Help
Timely deliveries w/o constant follow-up. Advance communication in case of expected failure in delivery. Shorter lead time in Emergency Competitive Pricing. Defect Free Supplies. Correctness of Paper Work. Ability to Hold Prices.
HOLDING Cost - Stock Out Cost: Cost of being out of stock i.e. loss due to non availability of an item in stock. SOC depends on nature of item or bought out parts SOC = Premium Price Paid for Item = Market Price Vendor Price
SETUP Cost: Change Over Time to switch from ONE ACTICITY TO ANOTHER
Setup Cost can be reduced by Traditional Method : Time & Motion Study SMED : Single Minute Exchange of Dies
Purchasing & Materials Management
Item Cost:
Cost corresponds to price paid for the goods themselves.
Penalty Cost:
Cost paid for each demand item which cannot be served directly from inventory.
Cost incurred apart from the Cost of Raw Material viz. - Cost of Procurement - Freight & Logistics - Follow-up & Travel Charges - Operational Overheads - Meetings, Postage, Advertisement - Other capital cost & its Depreciation Settlement of Bills: Payment deliveries from Finance for the receipt of material from vendor. Clearing the Bills, Raising payment advice, Payment follow-up and communication with Vendor. Late payments would result in non appreciated relations & increase source prices as the interest would be additional multiple due to late payment.
Receipt & Quality approved entry of Material & being a major cost incurred aspects refers to - Pricing Issues - Evaluation & Verification of Stocks - Credit Reversal of Taxes, Duties, Excise & other components For A/c various terminologies are used for better evaluation viz. -FIFO (First In First Out) - LIFO (Last In First Out) - Weighted Average Two year end Stock value is to be include in Balance Sheet.
AUDITS: To verify and check whether the integrity & effectiveness of transactions are consistent with organizational Objectives, Procedures, Strategies, Policies & manual. -Management Audit - Internal Audit - External Audit - Cost Audit - Social Audit - Proprietary Audit - Accountant General Audit
Trade Discount
Quantity Discount Off Season Discount Cash Discount Standard Package Discount OEM Discounts Turnover Discounts
Shipping Terms :-
Ex Works
FOB (Station of Dispatch) FOR (Freight on Road) Buyers Works At Site Works Contracts
@ @ @ @ @
Sellers Premises
Sellers Station Buyers Station Door Delivery Delivery at Site / Stores Ready for Use
Inventory Control:-Finished Goods inventory Reduction : - Pull Production - Heijunka Learning Production - WIP Inventory Management : - Small Batch Size - Setup Reduction - Cellular Layout / Flow Management - Buffer Stock Management: - Lesser Defects - Absenteeism - Breakdowns - Fundamental Problems: - Small Lot Purchase - Supplier Proximity - Vendor Managed Inventory - Kanban - JIT
Purchasing & Materials Management
Motivation for holding Inventories:-Economy of Scale -Uncertainty of Demand - Smoothing Demand Over Time - Flexibility in Planning Motivation for not holding Inventories:-Capital -Depreciation - Flow Time
AICC = Annual inventory x ICC in fraction APC = No of Order per year x Procurement Cost Per order Annual Total Cost = AICC + APC
EOQ q =
Assumptions for EOQ and valid on:-Price / unit is independent of Order Quantity - Item can be procured within zero time lag - Items are consumed at known constant rate - Items can be procured free from any restrictions - Item has fairly long shelf life, no obsolescence - ICC & APC are common to all items and they are known.
2xSxCp Cu x i
But referred above EOQ may require modification due to business constraints viz. -Follow-up Difficulties - Supplier Minimum quantity condition - Lead Time - Seasonal availability - Shelf Life - Packing Size - Space Restrictions SOLUTION: - STAGGERED DELIVERIES Purchasing & Materials Management
Consumption / Month = 75 Nos. Cost per unit = 25/Cost of Procurement = 36/Inventory Carrying Cost per month = 1.5% Soln:Annual Consumption = 75 x 12 = 900 units Annual ICC = 1.5% x 12 = 0.18
2 x S x Cp Cu X i
2 x 900 x 36 25 x 0.18
120 Nos.
Inventory Controls :- When inventory level hits a predefined value, an order of fixed size is then launched. These are Fixed Quantity ( Q system of Procurement) Periodic Review (P System of Procurement) Order Quantity (Q) Fixed Review Time Continuous Periodic X X X Variable
Safety Stock:
We may run out of stock because of a re-supply delay or higher than anticipated usage. If we can predict demand then we merely place EOQ orders on time. Thus we need to assure a minimum level of inventory, quantity of which replicates wrt Lead Time, Consumption pattern and buffer Stock.
Service Levels:
We risk a stock-out with unpredictable demand, usage and re-supply so introducing a safety or buffer stock reduces the risks of variable demand/lead time. However, the level of material consumption would vary due to constraints / bottlenecks of other resources viz. non availability of manpower, power outrage which affects the Planning.
Replenishment System
When to Order
As per Stock
As per Time
Fixed Quantity
Variable Quantity
Methods of Evaluation:
FIFO: FIRST IN FIRST OUT (material issued in chronological order)
Date Qty 5th Jan 6th Jan 10th Jan 12th Jan 14th Jan 16th Jan 200 300 Receipt Rate 1.00 1.20 Value 200 360 Qty 100 100 150 Issue Rate 1.00 1.00 1.20 Value 100 100 180 Qty 200 300 100 300 150 Stock Rate 1.00 1.20 1.00 1.20 1.20 Value 200 360 100 360 180
LIFO: LAST IN FIRST OUT (material receipt last are issued first)
Date Qty 5th Jan 6th Jan 10th Jan 12th Jan 14th Jan 16th Jan 200 300 Receipt Rate 1.00 1.20 Value 200 360 Qty 100 200 150 Issue Rate 1.20 1.20 1.00 Value 120 240 150 Qty 200 300 100 200 50 Stock Rate 1.00 1.20 1.20 1.00 1.00 Value 200 360 120 200 50
Average Price: The issues are valued on simple average price. Method is very accurate due to approximation. As prices are not weighted by quantities purchased, the Average prices obtained do not give a proper presentation facts. Since the valuation is
not at cost, the closing stock value will differ from actual value, giving rise to profit/loss
due to system adoption. Weighted Average: Issues of production are split into equal batches from each
shipment at stock. Being realistic methods the price levels and stabilizing cost figures.
The total unit cost is arrived with weighted average is computed to production and a new price is computed on purchases of extra material purchased.
Standard Cost: Forecasted unit price for specific period of one year or more is used to
evaluate the issue. Actual price being different from standard cost helps in evaluating the performance of purchasing.
Purchasing & Materials Management
Replacement Cost: Relevant in inflation in built economy, the purchases are valued on price paid, issue price is based on replacement price i.e. price on replacing them on date of issue. Value of stock on hand would be difference between the sum of
mistakes may be committed in more no. of transactions. Issues with indents, improper
receipts, pilferage, obsolescence, deterioration & damage due to different causes of improper storage, evaporation, spillage etc.
Management of SOS: Holding SOS results in non moving stock & cost. These includes ICC (30%), maintaining records, security cost, preservation, capital loss & opportunity cost, Manpower, space. Category of SOS: Obsolete stock are not damaged but not required & have economic value. Items like spare parts, foods & drugs, change in product designs, technological innovation, cannibalization, inaccurate forecasts, wrong purchases, wrong
codification, poor maintenance, stores handling. All SOS being non moving cannot be
obsolete being coverage from insurance. These items either have no immediate use nor are reasons of above mentioned errors. Dormant/slow moving stocks are those categories whose usage is infrequent. Reason for Obsolescence: Sudden Development of High Tech New tech
Purchasing & Materials Management
Public Auction
Purchasing & Materials Management
Indent Status: Material request with technical details, quantity, codes, time. PO should contain:
Order No
Date Serial No Full Name & Address of Supplier
Purchasing & Materials Management
Incoming Inspection
Bill Settlement Documentation
Transport Cost: Accounting to 15-20% of the cost of material purchased. At time cost of transportation is more then the cost of raw material due to Vendor located in remote place
As buyer we need to seek constant improvements in transportation to cut down transportation cost achieving greater speed and better quality of service in the light of
Railways: More economical for longer distance and heavy volumes. Road Transport: Carry assignments of smaller weights at a lesser cost. Since other mode
cant reach everywhere, RT is only mode to be relied upon for linkages of source.
Water Transport: WT is generally resorted in case of imports & is cheaper mode of transport but takes longer time. Air Transport: AT is one of the most costliest transport mode but the fastest. Perishable or smaller shelf life items are been shipped. Buyer needs to make setoff to the cost of transport wrt the opportunity cost. Containerization: Depot-Depot. Door-Door with cheaper handling charges. Reduce rates compare to AT, Lesser CIF-Taxes-Duties.
Few Dos & Dont in Transportation: Shouldnt permit vendor to ship the material Inspect Freight bills carefully
Vendors are best intangible assests to any organization and thus both new & established vendors are coming for critical review of their plant capacities, financial capabilities, performance in todays scenario. Evaluating Potential Suppliers: Step is to evaluate each prospective supplier individually. The type of evaluation required to determine supplier capability varies with the nature, criticality, complexity, and dollar value of the purchase to be made. The evaluation also varies with the supply managers or sourcing teams knowledge of the firms being considered for the order. Complex, high-dollar-value, and perhaps critical, purchases, additional evaluation steps are necessary. For complex, high-dollar-value, and perhaps critical, purchases can include surveys, financial condition analysis, third party evaluators, evaluation conferences, plant visits, and selected capability analyses.
Supplier Surveys Financial Condition Analysis Third Party Evaluators Evaluation Conference Facility Visits Quality Capability Analysis Capacity Capability Analysis
Quality System Raw Material
Supplier Audit
Surface Protection
Special Process
Supplier assessment and orientation Supplier self evaluation Quality system survey Design validation Manufacturing validation Production part approval process Source approval testing Demonstration of total quality capability Audit of supplier quantity system Achieve ship to use status Implement quality maintenance activities Pre-certification review Certification
IBM Quality Rating System: Uses quality costs as basis for rating suppliers. VQR = Desired Cost of Inspection Actual Cost of Inspection x 100
Bell Quality Rating System: Vide Lot Quality Index assessment is done on lots received against lots rejected, by disposition & category.
Where, L is Total No. of lots received during period. X is (L1x1.00)+(L2x2.10)+(L3x2.90) L1 is lots received and accepted L2 is lots rejected by sampling but labeled L3 is lots rejected and disposition and needs rework Weights were determined at company after study of complexity & No. of operations.
Objective of Negotiation Process Price Factor Strategy & Tactics Qualities of Negotiator What to Negotiate Process of Negotiation Theory of Bargaining Precautions of Negotiation
Negotiations Is an art by which a buyer & seller, usually face to face, tends to resolve differences to reach at the precise terms of contract. Purpose of Negotiations - Delivery. - Packaging, Parking and transportation. - Insurance - Bonus penalty clauses, - Frequency of reporting progress. NEGOTIATIONS TECHNIQUE CAN BE BEST LEARNT FROM LABOUR UNIONS: UNION OFFICIALS:- NEVER ENTER A NEGOTIATION WITHOUT BEING FULLY PREPARED. - NEGOTIATE ONLY WITH MGMTS REPRESENTATIVE HAVING LEGAL POWER TO CONLCUDE CONTRACT. - PUT THEIR INITIAL DEMANDS VERY HIGH. - CLASSIFY THEIR DEMAND INTO HIGH IMPORTANT AND NOT IMPORTANT & MAKE MGMT CONCEDE TO THEIR VITAL DEMAND IN EXCHANGE FOR CONCESSION OF LEAST IMPORTANT. - DETERMINE WELL IN ADVANCE WHAT CONCESSIONS THEY CAN MAKE AND WHICH CONCESSIONS out of this are of vital importance to the management. - They hold back vital concessions and make only minor concessions. Crucial elements in Negotiations: Information: The more u know about the other party and its needs. The more u are in control. Time: the more the other side is under time constraint, the more you are in driving seat. Power: The more power and authority u posses, the more commanding position u get.
Crucial elements in Negotiations: Information: The more u know about the other party and its needs. The more u are in control. Time: the more the other side is under time constraint, the more you are in driving seat. Power: The more power and authority u posses, the more commanding position u get. Principles of Negotiations: Prior knowledge of opponents bargaining strengths helps buyer to plan his appropriate tactics. 1. Sellers Strengths i. Sellers need for the order. ii. Sellers confidence in securing the order. iii. Time available for negotiations. iv. Criticality of items involved. v. General market condition. vi. Monopolistic status. vii. Knowledge of cost elements. 2. Good initial planning can increase your chance of success. 3. Talk to the right person. 4. A buyer also has some selling to do. 5. A good offence is the best defense. 6. Time constraints in negotiations, as in other activities, are subject to 80-20 rule. 7. Diversions at the appropriate time era essential for keeping control and avoiding bad judgment. 8. Hard won concessions, regardless of its value to the buyer, provide greater satisfaction to the receiver (the seller) of the concession. 9. Tact and diplomacy is necessary to make supplier do face saving. 10. Negotiations should not end up with an unhappy supplier. 11. Commitments once made must be kept. 12. Critical review of ones own performance after the negotiations usually helps in sharpening negotiations skills.
Purchasing & Materials Management
Unit No. 15
International Buying
Why Imports
Cost, Options, Quality, Benefits from Govt for Imports, International markets. Import Policy: Import Trade Control Classification of Importers:
EXIM policies, Registration, Documentation, Duties & Taxation, Logistical Policies Letter of Credit Bill of Lading
Customs Clearance
Way Ahead in International Buying International buying for cost, better options, quality, association with 3PL/4PL, Economy of purchases with multiple options and branding.
Purchasing & Materials Management
ABC Analysis
relations with his suppliers. On the day of marriage of his sister one of his supplier presented to him a
costly gift, a Television set. The policy regarding the gifts in the company reads, Gifts beyond Rs. 200 shouldnt be accepted. His plea with the supplier that cant accept the gist makes the supplier snub him Is Malti only your sister. She is my sister as well & I am giving the gift to my sister Mr. Mullick is confused. if he doesnt accept the gift, the supplier will create a scene & if he accepts there is of course going to be problem. Analyze the situation & suggest best course of action for Mr. Mullick to follow. Mr. Mullick if cant refuse the gift, he should accept the gift however should inform to concerned authority in the organization about the gifts.
A manufacturer of a hand grinder requires a special roller bearing at the rate of 300 no's
per year. Each bearing cost the company Rs. 36, the procurement cost & Inventory
carrying cost have been calculated at Rs. 30 & 20% respectively. Calculate the EOQ of bearing
An Education Institute Library has 120 Operations Management books of different Authors with their
Theory of Constraints
Information Technology in Operations Retail Management Operations Research
6 7 2
The librarian needs your help to identify the categories of book with respect to the readers and needs to know the location of storing the books to can have ease to issue the books to readers without much time delay. The librarian needs your helps to categories the books using Inventory Control Model and design the storage plan to avoid any time delay.
Purchasing & Materials Management
Since the issuing of books are based on readers Inventory tool which can be used is
Logistics Management
Inventory Control Theory of Constraints Retail Management Information Technology in Operations Enterprise Resource Management Total Quality Management Operations Research
11 8 7 6 5 4 2
Now applying 80-20 Pareto Rule, the requested books groups would be High Group 80%, Medium
Group 15% and Low Group 5%. Thus, calculating the books in percentage category
Operations Management Purchasing & Material Management Production Management Supply Chain Management Logistics Management Inventory Control Theory of Constraints Retail Management 20 16 15 14 12 11 8 7
5 4 2
Layout of Library
Good Companies practicing JIT view inventories as road block to World Class Mfg. Inventories: Hide Problem (Production, Material Shortage) Consume Resources (Other process, Pending Work) Cause Various Waster (Rejection, Depreciation) Finished Goods in Inventory Reduction o o o Pull Production Heijunka Learning Production Small Batch Size Setup Time Reduction Cellular Layout Pull Production & Kanban System
o o
Reduce Buffer by solving chronic problems of defects, Absenteeism, Breakdown Attacking fundamental problems of Small Lot Purchasing, Supplier Proximity, VMI, Kanban, Local Vendor
Small Lot Size: Lot Size refers to quantity of an item purchased / produced / shipped at a time. Purchased Produced Shipped Transported Lot Option Size: : Purchase or Order Qty : Production or Process Batch : Delivered Quantity : Transfer Batch Lot for Lot Quantity (LFL) Period Order Quantity (POQ) Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) Economic Manufacturing Quantity (EMQ) JIT recommends small lot size, an ideal lot size is one piece flow or make one & move one Advantages Low Inventory Investment Quick Problem Identification Quality Improvement Lower Manufacturing time Shorter Delivery & Waste Elimination Disadvantages Frequent Machine Setups Loss of Production Capacity Setup Losses Greater Skill of labor
Stores Management
Stores Management involves receiving movement, storage and issue of items, raw material required for production, maintenance and operation of plant and finished goods until their dispatch to customers Store is the custodian of all materials and responsibilities of Receiving Storage Preservation Issue Accounting
Stores is required for Time lag between receipt & consumption if materials / parts Economy of buying Business constraints Forward buying Prevention of loss of sales Economy in manufacturing Reduction in operations waiting time
Purchasing & Materials Management
Scientific Stores Management: Identification of stores Receipt of materials Inspection of materials Storage
CLOSED STORE SYSTEM Material physically stored in closed area Direct access to store personnel only Material movement in/out of store when accompanied by authorized documents Expensive item liable to pilferage Light material easy to issue Delicate, perishable items can be stores Stores personnel responsibility Perpetual records OPEN STORE SYSTEM Material stored closed to point of use Direct access of workmen No authorized document needed as materials can be picked up by operations No chance of pilferage Material are too heavy or bulky Production supervisors responsibility No perpetual records
RECEIVING STORES MAIN STORES FG STORES SPECIAL STORES SCRAP YARD Incoming material, Rejection Stocking, Inventory FG Goods Bonded, Special materials Scrap, waste, Residue
Security of stores includes specific measures against: Prevention of Theft (By Outsiders) Prevention of Pilferage (By Employees) Prevention of Malpractices (By Stores personnel) Prevention of Fire Prevention of Rodents & Termite Measures High Compound Wall Minimum No. of Window, Glass Shutters & Open Ventilators Fittings of windows & skylights with bars and wire mesh Security guards at strategic points Outsiders not to be permitted to enter store beyond serving counters Patrolling to look after store by watchman during OFF hours Expensive items to be kept locked in steel almirah Insurance against burglary Vehicle should bring only companies items should be allowed Vehicle should be weighed @ incoming & outgoing
Prevention of Theft
Prevention of Pilferage: Entry of only authorized personnel Personnel items not allowed to be carried inside store Items liable for pilferage to be mono grammed with Co.'s name or marked for identification Fresh material against return of old ones Surprise check / audits Immediate enquiry incase of malpractices Prompt disciplinary actions Adequate publicity of punishment for pilferage Daily security check of storage with personnel
Prevention of Malpractices: Through checks of outgoing vehicles Gate passes to take material out of company Indemnity bonds or bank security from store employees Rotation or change of duties Recruitment of store personnel from different communities
Prevention of Fire: Doors & Staircase of fire resistant materials No smoking in stores Adequate earthing Prevention of leakage of inflammable oil / grease / fluids Small combustible materials to be stored in covered metal bins Large quantity to be stored in small lots in more location with gaps Telephones at strategic locations with ready access to telephones Material storage inside store to be planned keeping fire hazard in mind Appropriate provision of fire fighting equipment & Fire insurance cover Smoke detectors Fire drills & Regular inspection by local fire brigade officers Segregation of Risk Materials Fire doors & emergency exits to be kept absolutely clear Fumigation of Stores Rat Traps Regular spray pesticides and fungicides
Purchasing & Materials Management
Prevention of Malpractices:
Q. Which of the following is not one of the Rs of Materials Management A. Right Source B. Right Quantity C. Right Place D. Right Price Q. Which of the below is not a Purchasing Function A. Quotation Enquiry B. Cost Comparison C. Technical Data D. Negotiations Q. What is the disadvantage of Centralized Procurement A. One Point contact to all B. Restoring Emergency Procurement C. Volume Negotiations D. Economy of Scale. Q. Delegation of Power (Authority) is important in which type of Procurement A. Centralized B. De-Centralized C. Both of the above D. None of the above
Purchasing & Materials Management
Q. Representation of Components by their part nos is referred as A. Identification B. Codification C. Demarcation D. None of the Above Q. Which of the below are standard codification system used worldwide A. JIT B. Brisch System C. IBM System D. Toyota Process Control Q. Which of the following Statements for ABC Analysis is not true A. Used to decide stocking policies B. Used to improve Store Keeping C. Offers Degree of Control D. Evaluates on material consumption Q. Which of the following Statements for HML Analysis is not true A. Used to plan access Storage B. Helps in identifying in Security requirements C. Used based on Frequency of Stock D. Used for disposal of Surplus & Obsolete inventory
Purchasing & Materials Management
Q. Stock Out cost is A. Cost of material in stock B. Loss of opportunity cost with material not in stock C. Cost of Procurement D. None of the above Q. Setup Cost is A. Change over time from one activity to another B. Machine Downtime C. Production time Loss D. A, B and C Q. Of the following which is true in case of penalty cost A. Delay in Material Delivery B. Rejection of Material C. Early Shipment D. None of the above Q. How many years stock value is to be included in Balance Sheet A. One Year B. Six Months C. Two Years D. Not to be included
Purchasing & Materials Management
Q. Finished Goods Inventory Reduction can be done with A. Pull Production B. Push Production C. Lean Production D. A & C Only Q. Buffer Stock Management is practiced to address A. Emergency Stock B. Reduce Setup Cost C. Kanban D. Lesser Defects Q. Procurement vide EOQ is not practiced for A. Minimum Cost of Procurement B. Optimized Quantity of Procurement C. Minimum Inventory Stock Cost D. Annual Inventory Consumption Q. Which of the following assumptions are not made calculating EOQ A. Unit Price is independent of Order Quantity B. Unit Price is constant C. Supplier agrees to Minimum Order Quantity D. ICC & APC are common
Purchasing & Materials Management
Q. P & Q system of inventory is A. Productive & Quality System B. Fixed Quantity & Periodic Review System C. Fixed Review & Periodic Quantity System D. None of the above Q. Service Levels are risked with Stock Out Cost due to A. Unpredictable Demand B. Higher Safety Stock C. Lesser Safety Stock D. Managing Inventory Q. Which of the following is not a Replenishment model A. Fixed Quantity as per time B. Fixed Quantity as per Stock C. Variable Quantity as per time D. Variable Quantity as per Stock Q. Two Bin System is used for A. Fixed Quantity as per time B. Fixed Quantity as per Stock C. Variable Quantity as per time D. Variable Quantity as per Stock
Purchasing & Materials Management
Q. One of the Principles relevant while designing the warehouse is A. Design Criteria B. Inventory Stock C. Safety Stock D. None of the above Q. Material Handling in a warehouse is analyzed based on A. Procurement Scale of Economies B. Production Scale of Economies C. Movement Scale of Economies D. None of the above Q. Stock Valuation doesnt helps in A. Performance of Organization B. Gross Profit Analysis C. Increasing the Profit Margin D. Inventory Management Q. Which of the mentioned method uses forecasted pricing for stock valuation A. Weighted Average B. Standard Cost C. Average Price D. Replacement Cost
Purchasing & Materials Management
Q. Holding of Surplus and Obsolete Stock doesnt results in A. Non Moving Stock B. Inventory Carrying Cost C. Capital loss D. Production Cost Q. Which among the below is not a reason for Obsolescence A. New Technology B. Bulk Purchase C. Rationalization D. Diversification Q. Scrap generated from manufacturing process is not categorized in A. Metal Scrap B. Waste C. Recycle Scrap D. Ferrous Scrap Q. A Purchase Order is not valid unless it doesnt have A. Warranty Clause B. Cancellation Provision C. Authorized Signatures D. Serial No
Purchasing & Materials Management
Q. Transportation Cost cannot be reduce by A. Selecting Right mode of Transportation B. Reducing the Cost of Procurement C. Better Route Selection D. Rate Verification Q. Road as a mode of transportation is generally used for A. Smaller Volumes B. For Heavy Volumes C. Imports D. For Longer Distance Q. As a Purchaser we should A. Allow Premium Transport Mode B. Inspect Freight Bills C. Permit vendor to Ship material D. Negotiate for Transportation Q. The mode of transportation isnt selected based on A. Material Type B. Vendor Type C. Criticality of Material D. Cost of Transportation
Purchasing & Materials Management
Q. Methodology not used for Supplier Survey A. Supplier Surveys B. Third party Evaluators C. Profile Evaluation D. Facility Visits Q. Among the following tools which is used for Vendor rating A. IBM Quality System B. BRISCH System C. Toyota Quality System D. GE Supplier Chain System Q. Which of the following are crucial elements in Negotiations A. Information B. Time C. Power D. All of the Above Q. Classification of Importers is not done based on A. Actual Users B. Customs Users C. Registered Exporters D. Registered Importers
Purchasing & Materials Management
In case of any queries / doubts you can contact at Jaro Education Or ravi@sbsalumni.org / ravi.magroriya@otis.com Wishing you all the very best for your future Endeavour in life.