POM Week 7 - Chap 7
POM Week 7 - Chap 7
POM Week 7 - Chap 7
Chapter Seven
Customer-Driven Marketing
Creating Value for Target Customers
Topic Outline
• Market Segmentation
• Market Targeting
• Differentiation and Positioning
• Chapter 1, 2, 3, 5
• 120 minutes
• Offline, open book
• 3 essay questions
Market Segmentation
Market segmentation
Dividing a market into smaller segments
with distinct needs, characteristics, or
behavior that might require separate
marketing strategies or mixes.
Ex: adult consumers, elderly consumers,
teenagers etc.
Geographic Demographic
segmentation segmentation
Psychographic Behavioral
segmentation segmentation
Demographic segmentation
divides the market into
groups based on variables
such as age, gender, family
size, family life cycle, income,
occupation, education,
religion, race, generation,
and nationality
Geographic Economic
location factors
Political- Cultural
legal factors factors
Substantial Differentiable
Depends on:
• Company resources
• Product variability
• Product life-cycle stage
• Market variability
• Competitor’s marketing strategies