Sampling technique
The small group that is chosen for the study.
Whole group is called population
Importance of sampling
• Blood and urine test etc
• A few drop of water are tested whether it is drink able or not
• Medicine is tested to the some people to find the efficiency of
• Estimation of population parameter.
• To test hypothesis
• To minimize cost, time and resources
• A population is any entire collection of people, animals, plants or things from
which we may collect data. It is the entire group we are interested in, which we
wish to describe or draw conclusions about.
For example
• Pathologist often examines only some drops of blood,
Why sampling is necessary
1. To bring the population to a manageable number
2. To reduce cost
• Non-probability Sampling
For e.g. for a health survey of families in the villages of Nepal, a sample of zone
may be taken first. From each of these selected zone, a sample of district is taken.
Then a few villages are selected from each of the selected districts. Lastly, some
families are selected from each of the selected villages.
Nepal Demographic Health survey is conducted using this type of sampling design.
size is not fixed)
The investigator initially selects small sample and
tries to make inferences, if not able to draw results,
he/she then adds subjects until clear-cut inferences
can be drawn.
It is that sampling procedure which does not afford any basis for
estimating the probability that each item in the population has of
chance being included in the sample.
In such sampling, personal element has a great chance of entering into
the selection of the sample.
• Convenience sampling:
from somewhere convenient to researcher
• Purposive sampling:
according to the needs of the study
• Quota sampling:
Proportional to that in the population
• Snowball Sampling:
• when participants might be hard to find
• Participants recruits other members
• The main reason behind sampling error is that the sampler draws various
sampling units from the same population but, the units may have individual
variances. Moreover, they can also arise out of defective sample design,
faulty demarcation of units, wrong choice of statistic, substitution of
sampling unit done by the enumerator for their convenience. Therefore, it is
considered as the deviation between true mean value for the original
sample and the population.