Unit Four - Plan and Organize Workflow
Unit Four - Plan and Organize Workflow
Unit Four - Plan and Organize Workflow
Unit Contents:
4.1 Scheduling work
4.2 Delegating work
4.3 Assessing workflow
4.4 Assisting colleagues of workload
4.5 Providing input to management staffing needs
Step 2
• Break down the major tasks for the activity into smaller steps that you need to take for
completion, essentially creating a to-do list for the project. If other employees are working
on the tasks with you, assign each person a role and specific responsibilities to divide the
Step 3
• Establish the timeline for completing the work activity. Assign each individual task that goes
into the activity a completion date to make sure everything is completed in a timely manner.
Give yourself enough time to complete all associated tasks before the deadline passes.
1. Assignment of Responsibility:
o The first step in delegation is the assignment of work or duty to the
subordinate i.e. delegation of authority. The superior asks his subordinate to
perform a particular task in a given period of time. It is the description of the
role assigned to the subordinate. Duties in terms of functions or tasks to be
performed constitute the basis of delegation process.
2. Grant of Authority:
o The grant of authority is the second element of delegation. The delegator
grants authority to the subordinates so that the assigned task is accomplished.
3. Clarify the desired results. When the results are clear, it allows the employee
to use his or her own creativity and resources to accomplish the task. An
added benefit of effective delegation is the individual may find a better and
more effective way to accomplish the task or achieve the desired results.
Support: When you support your colleagues, they may be more likely to
support you.
Health: A happy work environment can reduce stress and improve your
2. Recognize their challenges: You can ask how you can be of help when you
see they are dealing with a challenge. Use your own experience to help
recognize when others are struggling. Example: If you notice a colleague is
stressed and working hard to meet a deadline, stop by their desk and ask if
there is anything you can do to help. Listening to their concerns can show
empathy and help them feel less stressed.
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3. Volunteer your time: If you notice a colleague needs help or has a large
workload, offer to help them complete some tasks. Sometimes offering
moral support is enough if you do not have time or are not permitted to
help with their work tasks.
B. It allows you to get rid of the distasteful tasks & assign to someone else.
C. It is a tool to help you achieve more and develop your people at the same
D. It allows you to punish the smart alecks with so much work they will
never dig out.
A. True
B. False
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6. During the Delegating class, your Instructor covered the 8 steps to effective delegation.
Which one of the following choices best describes the “Controls/Follow-up” step?
A. There is backup and moral support
B. As your boss I will have license to micromanage you
C. Use Disc knowledge to temper delegation assignments
D. I will provide you with a schedule of milestones and we will have “check ins” so I
can appraise your progress
7. The first step in Delegating is called “Directions.” In this step the manager
A. Provides a step-by-step list of actions the employee should follow.
B. Provides a clear picture of what “done looks like.”
Instruction: write short answer for the given question. You are provided 3
minute for each question and each point has 5Points
1. Write down the three (3) key methods to assess workflow and progress
during work against agreed objectives and timelines
2. Why manager fail to delegate?
3. Why is it important to help others at work?
4. List down Delegation elements.
1. _________ is any process that you put in place to guide a team through a
project or assignment.
2. ___________ is the obligation of a subordinate to perform the duties
assigned to him