NSTP - 1 Chapter 4
NSTP - 1 Chapter 4
NSTP - 1 Chapter 4
Leadership Training
Learning Objectives
2. WIT
Good leaders can make sound judgements and decisions
even during crucial situations.
Good leaders are very passionate and intensely obsessed
in whatever they are focused on, be it business, sport, or
Characteristics of a Good Leader
Good leaders show compassion for their
supporters and followers.
They possess exemplary coaching and
development skills.
They consistently care for their constituents.
They are not selfish, and they have a heart
for others.
Characteristics of a Good Leader
Good leaders are captivating, charming individuals who
tend to draw people toward them. It could be because of
the way they talk,or carry themselves.
They excel in building relationships and eliciting
performance from their group.
Good leaders are usually great orators and persuaders.
They can express their ideas clearly and convincingly.
Characteristics of a Good Leader
Good leaders are determined to attain their
goals in spite of the obstacles and
They believe that the benefits of attaining
their goals outweigh the risk and
Good leaders mean what they say. They
walk the talk, practice and they preach, and
keep their promises. They are reliable.
Characteristics of a Good Leader
Good leaders are bold, willing to take risks,
and determined to chase their dreams amid
the reality of fear and uncertainty. “Courage is
a virtue on which all other virtues rest.” (Winston
Good leaders observe self-control and order.
Where most people are easily distracted or
dejected, good leaders manage to stay
focused and steady regardless of the situation.
Traits of a Leader
Maxwell (1999) says that a leader should recognize, develop,
and refine certain personal characteristics needed to be a truly
effective leader, the kind of leader people will want to follow.
1. Character
2. Charisma
3. Commitment
4. Communication
5. Competence
6. Courage
Traits of a Leader
1. Character - is the quality of a person's behavior as
revealed by his/her habits, thoughts and expressions,
attitudes and interests, actions, and personal
philosophies in life. Be a piece of the rock. There are
always two paths to choose from: Character and
Compromise. Opt for character.
2. Charisma - is a special gift bestowed temporarily by the
Holy Spirit on a group or an individual for the general
good. It is an extraordinary power in a person, group, or
cause, which takes hold of popular imagination and wins
popular support.
Traits of a Leader
A. Transformation of values
From power as dominion to power as liberation
From war and conflict to peace
From efficiency consideration to equality and equity
From growth to sustainability
From "winner-take-all" norm to sharing and caring
The transformation of values, processes, and
institutions appears as follows:
B. Transformation of processes
From hierarchical to participatory
From corrupt to clean
From secretive to transparent
From burdensome to empowering
C. Transformation of institutions
From bureaucratic to egalitarian, responsive, and
Moving from transactional leadership to
transformational leadership requires a shift in
leadership functions.
1. Task Functions
2. Team Functions
3. Leadership Functions
Transformational Leadership Functions
1. Transformational leadership and task functions:
Defining the tasks--involves others
Making the plan--involves others
Allocating the tasks--involves others rather than the leader
giving out tasks
Controlling the tasks--uses peer pressure and self-control
rather than being disciplinary
Checking the performance--more self-management within
the transformational approach
Adjusting the plan--with group review
Transformational Leadership Functions
2. Transformational leadership and team functions:
Setting the standards--involves the group
Enforcing discipline
Promoting team spirit
Encouraging and motivating
Developing sub-leaders
Communicating with the group--has to be open and honest
Training--lifelong learning process everyone needs to
Transformational Leadership Functions