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The SCRIMP Process

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Molding Processes


Presented by
 is a heterogeneous combination
of two or more materials
(reinforcing elements, fillers and
binders), differing in form or
 results in a material that
maximizes specific performance
Role of Resins in Composites:
 Resin roles:
 Dissipate loads to the fiber network
 Maintain fiber orientation
 Protect the fiber network from
damaging environmental conditions
such as humidity and high
 The resin often dictates the process
and processing conditions.
Role of fiber in composites:
 fiber network is the load-bearing
Molding processes:
 Resin Transfer Molding
 Resin infusion

 Vacuum Assisted Resin Transfer

 Infusion Molding
Resin Transfer Molding:
 originally introduced in the mid
 closed mold fabrication technique,
 molding process has been
augmented with automated
handling and sophisticated process
control systems.
Process description:

 dry reinforcement is pre-shaped

 oriented into a skeleton of the

actual part known as the preform,
which is inserted into a matched die
 mold is then closed, and a low-viscosity
reactive fluid is injected into the tool.
 air is displaced and escapes from vent
ports placed at the high points.
 During this time, known as the
injection or infiltration stage, the resin
"wets out" the fibers. Heat applied to
the mold activates polymerization
mechanisms that solidify the resin.
 resin cure begins during filling and
continues after the filling process.
 Once the part develops sufficient
green strength, it is moved or
 When a part comes out of the
mold, it is still warm, and therefore
still reacting. The green strength is
an indication of how well it holds
its shape until it is completely
Steps in RTM:
Materials option:

 epoxy,
 polyester,
 vinylester
 phenolic,
 high temperature resins such as
bismaleimides can be used at
elevated process temperatures.
Material options:
carbon (pitch-based or PAN-based),
several types of glass (E, S, S2 or A)
and Kevlar ®
 Any. Stitched materials work well in
this process since the gaps allow rapid
resin transport.
 Some specially developed fabrics can
assist with resin flow.
Parts of RTM:

1. Preforming
2. Tooling
3. Injection
4. Cure
5. Demolding
Parts of RTM:
Schematic view of RTM layout:
 Low capital investment
 Good surface quality -Components
will have good surface finish on both
 Tooling flexibility
 Ability to mold large, complex
structural and hollow shapes.
 Moldings can be manufactured to close
dimensional tolerances.
 Ability to build-in fiber volume fraction
loadings up to 65%.
 Uniformity of thickness and fiber loading,
resulting in uniform shrinkage.
 Inserts may be incorporated into moldings.
 Uses only low pressure injection.
 Ability to produce near net shape
moldings, reducing material wastage.
 Process can be automated, resulting
in higher production rates with less
 Ability to achieve from 0.1mm to
90mm laminate thickness.
 Matched tooling is expensive,
 Generally limited to smaller
 Unimpregnated areas can occur
resulting in very expensive scrap
Volume of manufacturing:
 low-cost/high-volume 500-50,000
parts per year of the automotive
 higher performance/lower volume
50-5,000 parts per year of the
aerospace industry.
 Small complex aircraft
 automotive components,
 train seats
Resin Infusion:
 utilizes a vacuum bag to
compact a parts
 laminate ply of reinforcements
materials laid onto the mold.
 the resin is allowed to be infused
by the vacuum to completely
wetout the reinforcements and
eliminate all air voids in the
laminate structure.

Typical resins used are

 polyester,

 vinyl ester,

 and epoxy

with many being UV cure initiated.

Process description:
 mold may be gel coated and cured.
 dry reinforcement is positioned in
the mold (includes all the plies of
the laminate ).
 Next a flow media consisting of a
coarse mesh/ply is positioned,
 perforated tubing is positioned as a
manifold to distribute resin across
the laminate.
 vacuum bag is then positioned and
sealed at the mold perimeter.
 a tube is connected between the
vacuum bag and the resin
 vacuum is applied to consolidate the
laminate and the resin is pulled into
the mold.
 Vacuum infusion can produce
laminates with a uniform degree of
consolidation, producing high
strength, lightweight structures.
 low cost tooling
 requires minimal equipment.
 Very large structures can be
fabricated using this method.
 wide range of fiber and resin
combinations can be utilized,
 laminates up to six inches thick.
 Relatively complex process to
perform well.
 Resins must be very low in
viscosity, thus comprising
mechanical properties
The VARTM Process:
 Vacuum assisted resin transfer
 fabrication of parts can be
accomplished on a single open
 difference-resin is drawn into a
preform through use of a
vacuum, rather than pumped in
under pressure.
Process description:
 mold is constructed of low cost
materials, such as epoxy
 Reinforcement is then cut to fit the
required geometric pattern and is
arranged by hand in the mold
 Pieces of reinforcement may be
placed in the mold one at a time or
preassembled and then placed in
the mold as a unit of preform.
 the mold is closed and clamped
 vacuum can then be applied to the
mold to extract the air,
 resin is injected at very low
pressures, often below atmospheric
VARTM layout:
 low cost materials used in mold
construction, mold pressures
must be low,
 resulting in slow fill times
 inability of the mold to tolerate
elevated temperatures, coupled
with its poor heat transfer
 slow cure times
 ability to fabricate large complex
 maximum part integration at a low
 high-quality, void-free laminates
 Relatively complex process to
perform well.
 Resins must be very low in
viscosity, thus comprising
mechanical properties.
 Unimpregnated areas can occur
resulting in very expensive scrap
VARTM product:
VARTM Product:
 small yachts, boat hulls,
 train -railcar panels
 Truck/ bus body panels.
The SCRIMP process:
 invented by Bill Seeman.
 Seeman Composites Resin infusion
Molding Process.
 Variant of vacuum-assisted resin
transfer molding process.
 proven method of producing high-
quality composite parts made from a
wide range of fiber and resin
Process description:
 fiber reinforcements, core materials
and various inserts are laid up in a
tool while dry
 a vacuum bag that is placed over the
lay-up and sealed to the tool
 part is then placed under vacuum
and the resin is introduced into the
part via a resin inlet port .
 vacuum pressure compacts the dry
 vacuum removes all of the air from the
lay-up before and while resin is
 pressure differential between the
atmosphere and the vacuum provides the
driving force for infusing the resin into the
SCRIMP process:
 All commercial fibers,
 any resin in the range of
50centipoise to 1000 centipoise
 produce large (2,000 sq. ft.) parts,
 highly complex three-dimensional
trussed parts weighing up to 3,000
 process is repeatable.

 Improved product quality.

 infuse laminates up to 6 inches thick.

 The SCRIMP process is patented
and expensive to license.
 Licensees must pay a royalty on all
products manufactured using the
SCRIMP process.
Uses :
uniquely suited to build large-
scale structural composite parts
where high strength, durability
and light weight.
 compatible with all types of
fiber reinforcements and resin
 marine,
 aerospace,

 transportation,

 and infrastructure applications.


Manufacturing processes are selected

based upon
 Size

 Shape

 Reinforcement & matrix

 Required performance

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