Activate Pitch Deck: WADHWANI FOUNDATION - Entrepreneur
Activate Pitch Deck: WADHWANI FOUNDATION - Entrepreneur
Activate Pitch Deck: WADHWANI FOUNDATION - Entrepreneur
Pitch Deck
• The problem is a problem worth solving / opportunity worth pursuing (high pain intensity for the customer)
• Problem validation done with verifiable evidence - 25 customers under b2c and 2 customers under b2b.
• The persona captures the customer profile & behaviors - demographic, geographic, psychographic, buying behaviors etc.
• The venture can identify how the customer solves the problem today and the gaps in the existing alternatives.
• The venture has identified a market segment and the niche therein
• The venture has identified the competition - direct and indirect competitors
Creating Jobs. Changing Lives.
Problem Statement
coconut products offer a range of nutritional The root cause of problems related to coconut Ultimately, customers play a crucial role in shaping
benefits, culinary versatility, and potential health products requires thorough investigation and the market demand and driving improvements in
advantages that make them an appealing choice for analysis of factors influencing product quality, product quality, safety, and sustainability. By actively
many people. However, individual preferences and safety, and supply chain integrity. Addressing root engaging with suppliers, sharing feedback, seeking
dietary needs should always be considered when causes often involves implementing corrective alternatives, and advocating for change, customers
incorporating coconut products into one's diet. actions, improving quality assurance processes, and can contribute to a healthier and more transparent
fostering transparency and accountability coconut product industry.
throughout the supply chain.
The emotional impact on customers when facing a One of the primary disadvantages of alternatives
The frequency and type of problems that problem can vary4depending on the nature of the is that they may not effectively solve the problem
customers face can vary widely depending problem, the individual's personality, their previous at hand. Some solutions may lack the necessary
on factors such as the industry, the nature of experiences, and the level of support they receive. features or capabilities to address all aspects of
the products or services they use, their the problem, leading to incomplete or temporary
demographics, and their individual resolutions.
What is the measurable impact (include units)?
How many customers did you interview? (At least 25 for B2C and 2 for B2B) 27 for B2C and for B2B 4
How many of them agree this is a problem that needs to be solved? 17 agreed in B2C and 3 agreed
How many of them said they can already solve this problem and don't need a new solution? 2
Scientists also found that coconut extracts, particularly from the husk, showed antimicrobial properties and were effective
against various bacteria, fungi, and viruses in lab tests. Coconut endocarp and virgin coconut oil also have high antioxidant
activity, which is good for resisting harmful molecules in the body.
Customers may choose to use coconut products for their nutritional value, versatility, allergen-free nature, unique flavor,
potential health benefits, sustainability, and cultural significance.
Steps of Problem Definition:
• Put the problem in the context
• Propose a solution
1. Key Players
Tropical Traditions
Carrington Farms
Nature's Way
Trader Joe's
2 . Recent Innovations
Coconut-based Snacks
Functional Coconut Products
Coconut-based Beverages
3. Sales Cycles
Sales cycles for coconut products can vary depending on factors such as seasonality, consumer trends, and
marketing efforts. However, coconut products often experience increased demand during certain times of the
year, such as the summer months when consumers seek refreshing beverages like coconut water or during the
holiday season when coconut-based ingredients are used in baking and cooking.
4. Adoption Rates
The adoption rates of coconut products have been steadily increasing in recent years, driven by growing
consumer interest in plant-based foods, natural ingredients, and healthier alternatives to conventional
Market Sizing
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• Top-down approach
It has raised a total funding of $673K over 1 round.
It's latest funding round was a Angel round on Jan 08,
2022 for $673K.
• Bottom-up approach
• The bottom-up approach in business refers to a strategy where decision-
making and innovation originate at lower levels of the organizational
hierarchy and are gradually implemented or adopted by higher-level
management. This approach empowers employees at all levels to
contribute ideas, solve problems, and drive change within the
Customer Persona Template
Cheerful Confident Innovative
Our Mission is to Deliver the best quality and safe product
Photo with economical price for all the end customers without any
added preservatives.
We always let our imagination flow to create a unique way to
Samir Mehta
enjoy the coconuts. Our business comes handy with such
Age: 33
Occupation:Software engineering
Location:Vadodara Our Culture is based on integrity in the operation and managing the cooperation in
Personality doing business with our supply chain and business partners.
Handling coconut is an ART. Hands do all the process and heart directs it. We treat our
coconut handler as an artist who process the coconuts and makes every coconut a
mega star.
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Solution description:
We offer a COCFITT
Currently the customers are addressing the problem by
Our solution offers customers the benefit of COCFITT Mission is to Deliver the best quality and safe product with economical
price for all the end customers without any added preservatives.
The details of our offering consist of:
Why this business will work in our market/region or country:
Coconuts are created into a variety of fun and fresh fruit flavorful ice creams for the very first time in our nation.
It's the one and only ice cream made from pure coconut base.
• The problem is a problem worth solving / opportunity worth pursuing (high pain intensity for the customer)
• The problem statement is well defined - crisp and succinct
• Problem validation done with verifiable evidence - 25 customers under b2c and 2 customers under b2b.
• The venture has identified and defined it's niche
• The venture has created a customer persona / multiple customer personas
• The persona captures the customer profile & behaviors - demographic, geographic, psychographic, buying behaviors etc.
• The venture can identify how the customer solves the problem today and the gaps in the existing alternatives.
• The venture has identified a market segment and the niche therein
• The venture has identified the competition - direct and indirect competitors
• The venture has identified the customer needs, pains and gains (Well made VPC)
• The venture has a compelling value proposition (See comment)
• Identify your customer's main problem.
• Identify all the benefits your product offers.
• Describe what makes these benefits valuable.
• Connect this value to your buyer's problem.
• Differentiate yourself as the preferred provider of this value.
• The venture has employed the right format of the Canvas and the the business model tells a comprehensive story
Place your
What do you offer that makes the ? What would make the customer happy?
customers happy? Customers want their issues addressed quickly and efficiently. They
prefer timely responses and resolutions to their problems without
Our menu is completely PRESERVATIVE unnecessary delays.
FREE. And we do not indulge in ? What do the clients want when facing the problem?
PASTEURIZATION process The wants and needs of clients facing a problem can vary widely
depending on the nature of the problem, their personal
preferences, and the context of the situation
You have validated your original idea or your new MVP I would WANT:
What is the product or service that you
are offering? GAIN GAINS What do the clients do (actions) when facing the
CREATORS problem?
We serve coconut juices, dairy free PRODUCT/ When facing a problem, clients may take a variety of
(shakes, smoothies and ice creams) at the SERVICE JOBS
actions depending on the nature of the problem, their
most affordable and reachable price. personality, resources available to them, and their
KILLERS level of urgency in resolving the issue.
What are the pains of the clients when facing the problem?
Which features of your offering relieve
Problems can disrupt clients' routines, plans, and daily lives,
the customer's pains?
causing inconvenience and frustration. This disruption can
affect their productivity, well-being, and ability to focus on
other priorities.
Creating Jobs. Changing Lives.
Competition Analysis
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Palm oil industry Secondary competitors in the coconut product business can be Indirect competitors of a coconut product business can be
Almond product industry other businesses that offer alternative products or solutions in other businesses that offer alternative products or solutions in
Olive oil industry the same market segment. These may include: the same target market, even if they don't directly compete
Shea butter industry Almond-based products: Almond milk, almond butter, and with coconut-based items. Some examples include:
Peanut butter industry other almond-based food items can be considered secondary Other nut-based product businesses, such as almond,
Cashew nut product industry competitors as they cater to the same health-conscious cashew, or peanut-based products.
Avocado oil industry consumer group seeking plant-based alternatives. Fruit-based product businesses, like those that produce
Macadamia nut product industry Soy-based products: Soy milk, tofu, and other soy-based food jams, juices, or snacks made from various fruits.
Sesame seed oil industry items target a similar audience and offer a different plant- Plant-based milk businesses, as coconut milk competes
Sunflower seed oil industry based option. with other plant-based milk alternatives like almond, soy, or
Canola oil industry Nut butter alternatives: Sunflower seed butter, peanut butter, oat milk.
Walnut oil industry and other nut or seed-based spreads could be seen as Oil-based product businesses, such as those that produce
Pecan nut product industry secondary competitors, as they provide a similar spreadable, olive, sunflower, or canola oils, which could be used as
Hazelnut product industry nutritious option. substitutes for coconut oil in some recipes or applications.
Argan oil industry Oat-based products: Oat milk, oatmeal, and other oat-based Food and beverage companies that offer products targeting
food items can be considered competitors, as they also cater similar health benefits, like those promoting high protein,
to the health-conscious consumer group seeking plant-based low-carb, or vegan diets.
Fruit-based beverages: Fruit juices, smoothies, and other fruit-
based drinks can be seen as secondary competitors, as they
offer an alternative to coconut water for hydration and
nutrient intake.
Creating Jobs. Changing Lives.
Place your
What competitive advantages will you build to keep the promise of your Unique Value Proposition?
For customers seeking health and wellness solutions, COCFITT's coconut-based products offer a unique value proposition by providing
natural, nutrient-rich alternatives. Our competitive advantages include: Customer Value Statement – Suggested
Sustainable sourcing: We ensure our coconuts are sourced from eco-friendly, sustainable farms, promoting environmental responsibility.
Premium quality: COCFITT's products are made from high-quality, fresh coconuts, ensuring maximum nutritional benefits and superior
taste. For [customer] who has [wants, needs, opportunities],
Innovative product range: We continuously develop innovative products catering the
to [product name],needs,
diverse customer is a [product category]
such as coconut that and
oil, milk,
flour, to name a few. [compelling reason for the customer to buy/key benefit
Transparency: We maintain transparency in our production process, from sourcing for to
customer].giving customers the confidence to make
informed choices.
Educational resources: COCFITT provides valuable information on the health benefits of coconut-based products, empowering customers to
make better lifestyle decisions.
Exceptional customer service: We prioritize customer satisfaction by offering prompt, personalized support and addressing any concerns or
queries promptly.
By focusing on these competitive advantages, COCFITT remains committed to delivering on its unique value proposition and keeping the
promise of enhancing customers' health and wellness journey.
Customer Value Statement
• To defend your competitive advantages and maintain your unique value proposition, consider implementing the following strategies:
• Continuous improvement: Regularly evaluate and enhance your products, processes, and services to stay ahead of competitors and meet
evolving customer needs.
• Protect intellectual property: Safeguard your unique ideas, inventions, and innovations by obtaining relevant patents, trademarks, and
• Foster strong relationships: Nurture partnerships with suppliers, distributors, and other stakeholders to ensure a reliable and efficient supply
• Employee training and development: Invest in your team's growth and expertise to maintain high-quality products and exceptional customer
• Monitor market trends: Stay updated on industry developments, competitor moves, and consumer preferences to adapt your strategies
• Diversify your offerings: Expand your product line or services to cater to different customer segments and reduce reliance on a single product
or service.
• Leverage marketing and branding: Develop a strong brand identity and implement effective marketing strategies to communicate your unique
selling points and competitive advantages to your target audience.
• Customer retention: Focus on building long-term relationships with customers by providing exceptional experiences, personalized
communication, and loyalty programs.
• Adapt to changing market conditions: Be prepared to pivot or adjust your strategies when faced with unexpected market shifts, economic
downturns, or other challenges.
• Stay transparent and responsive: Maintain open communication with customers, addressing their concerns and incorporating feedback to
continuously improve your offerings.
Business Model Canvas
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Inter-bank and intra manufactures(exporters)
Suppliers Low fees RELATIONSHIPS Business Model (Explain with a process diagram)
– bank integration Wholesale resellers
Manufacturers Country and currency Self Service
Automated Big box
Research and development support Agent assisted
workflows retailers(importers)
(R&D) partners Bundled Products Competenc
Core value
Marketing and advertising Dispute resolutions ies
Processing fees
General and admin
Customer Support
• The problem is a problem worth solving / opportunity worth pursuing (high pain intensity for the customer)
• The problem statement is well defined - crisp and succinct
• Problem validation done with verifiable evidence - 25 customers under b2c and 2 customers under b2b.
• The venture has identified and defined it's niche
• The venture has created a customer persona / multiple customer personas
• The persona captures the customer profile & behaviors - demographic, geographic, psychographic, buying behaviors etc.
• The venture can identify how the customer solves the problem today and the gaps in the existing alternatives.
• The venture has identified a market segment and the niche therein
• The venture has identified the competition - direct and indirect competitors
• The venture has identified the customer needs, pains and gains (Well made VPC)
• The venture has a compelling value proposition (See comment)
• Identify your customer's main problem.
• Identify all the benefits your product offers.
• Describe what makes these benefits valuable.
• Connect this value to your buyer's problem.
• Differentiate yourself as the preferred provider of this value.
• The venture has employed the right format of the Canvas and the the business model tells a comprehensive story
• The business plan/basic financial plan (activate) instills confidence on the financial viability of the venture
• The venture has created a showcase-able prototype
Full product/service description: COCFITT’s Natural and healthy Products Place your
• Pricing: logo here
Vision What does my organization aspire to become? We envision a world where everyone can achieve their fitness
and wellness goals with ease, fueled by our premium coconut-
based products. With a commitment to sustainability, quality,
and innovation, we aim to inspire and support our customers on
their journey to optimal health and vitality. Our vision is to be a
trusted partner in wellness, offering products that nourish the
body, mind, and spirit, while fostering a deeper connection to
nature and a more sustainable future for generations to come.
Mission What does my organization stand for and what do we value? Our mission is to be a trusted ally in our customers' journey
towards optimal health, supporting them every step of the way
with products that nourish, energize, and rejuvenate both body
and mind."
Promise What do we promise to customers at the most fundamental level? We promise to provide you with the highest quality coconut-
based products, meticulously crafted to enhance your health,
fitness, and overall well-being.
Brand What are the core values your brand believes in and stands for? Quality Assurance: Cocofitt prioritizes quality in all aspects of its
Values operations, from sourcing raw materials to manufacturing
processes and end products. This commitment to excellence
ensures that customers receive premium coconut-based
products that meet high standards of purity, freshness, and
Brand Framework Place your
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Brand Values What are the core values your brand believes in and stands for? Health and Wellness Focus: Cocofitt is deeply rooted in
the health and wellness industry, offering products
designed to support and enhance individuals' physical,
mental, and emotional well-being. The brand's
association with natural, nutritious ingredients like
coconuts reinforces its commitment to promoting a
healthy lifestyle.
Brand What are the human characteristics associated with your brand? Authentic: Cocofitt is genuine and sincere, reflecting its
Personality commitment to natural ingredients, transparency, and
integrity. The brand's authenticity builds trust and
credibility among consumers who value honesty and
Adventurous: Cocofitt embraces adventure and
exploration, encouraging customers to step out of their
comfort zones and try new things. The brand celebrates
curiosity, discovery, and the joy of discovering new ways to
nourish and energize the body and mind.
Brand Framework Place your
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Emotion What does it feel like to engage with us? Joy: Coy: Cocofitt aims to bring joy to its
customers' lives by promoting health and
vitality. The brand's products and
messaging can evoke feelings of happiness
and well-being, encouraging customers to
enjoy life to the fullest.
Empowerment: Cocofitt strives to
empower individuals to take control of
their health and make positive changes in
their lives. The brand's messaging can
inspire feelings of empowerment and self-
confidence as customers embark on their
wellness journey.
Financial Feasibility Template Place your
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No. of
Revenue (for 30 days) Customers (per month) months SUMMARY
Number of customers 6000 200 30 Revenue R
Units per customer purchased 2 180000
Price per unit (in your currency) 3 0
Purchase frequency during month 5 0
Total sales in units (no.) 60000 Total 180000
Total sales revenue (RAND) 180000
Profit -2785900
Breakeven -2129.79
Pay back period
(months) 0.00
Contribution (margin) -44.84
Thank You!