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What is a Policy?
The nicest definition for 'policy' that I could find is from
the American Heritage Dictionary of the English
language. It reads:
"A plan or course of action, as of a government,
political party, or business, intended to influence and
determine decisions, actions, and other matters"
• In practical security terms, I define a policy as a
published document (or set of documents) in
which the organization's philosophy, strategy,
policies and practices with regard to confidentiality,
integrity and availability of information and
information systems are laid out.
• Thus, a policy is a set of mechanisms by means of
which your information security objectives can be
defined and attained. Let's take a moment to
briefly examine each of these concepts. First, we
have the information security objectives:
• main concepts of information security objectives
main information security objectives
• Confidentiality is about ensuring that only the people who are
authorized to have access to information are able to do so. It's about
keeping valuable information only in the hands of those people who
are intended to see it.
• Integrity is about maintaining the value and the state of information,
which means that it is protected from unauthorized modification.
Information only has value if we know that it's correct. A major
objective of information security policies is thus to ensure that
information is not modified or destroyed or subverted in any way.
• Availability is about ensuring that information and information
systems are available and operational when they are needed. A
major objective of an information security policy must be to ensure
that information is always available to support critical business
• These objectives are globally recognized as being characteristic of
any secured system.
the mechanisms through which these
objectives can be achieved, namely are
• This is the organization's approach towards information security, the framework,
the guiding principles of the information security strategy. The security philosophy
is a big umbrella under which all other security mechanisms should fall. It will
explain to future generations why you did what you did.
• philosophy is about the organization value, approach and privacy need about
the information.
2 Strategy
The strategy is the plan or the project plan of the
security philosophy. A measurable plan detailing
how the organization intends to achieve the
objectives that are laid out, either implicitly or
explicitly, within the framework of the philosophy.
3 Policies
• Policies are simply rules. They're the dos and the don'ts of
information security, again, within the framework of the philosophy.
• Policies are simply rules and procedures . They're the dos (rules
about action or activities which peoples should do , or what is
allowed for peoples ) and the don'ts (what not allowed to be done
by the peoples or what is not allowed ,, EX editing the database
without authorization ) of information security, again, within the
framework of the philosophy.
• A well-designed policy can become an IT administrator's Bible.
4 Practices
• Practices simply define the how of the organization's policy. They
are a practical guide regarding what to do and how to do it.
• MINE ; it’s about how the organization is practicing and
implementing the policy.
• If the policy is not implemented ( practiced ) then the objectives
will not be meet
Security Planning, Policies, and Mechanisms