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Connecting Hardware Peripherals

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Connecting hardware peripherals

Connecting hardware peripherals.

 In computer hardware is the physical components that a computer system

requires to function.
 It encompasses everything with a circuit board that operates within a PC or
laptop; including the motherboard, graphics card, Central Processing Unit,
ventilation fans, webcam, power supply and peripherals.
 A peripheral is a piece of computer hardware that is added to a computer in
order to expand its abilities
This module covers the units:

 Client requirements
 Required peripherals devices
 Connecting hardware peripherals
 Connecting workstation to the internet
Learning Objective of the Module
 Confirm requires of client
 Obtain required peripherals
 Connect hardware peripherals
 Connect workstation to the internet
 Module Instruction
 For effective use these modules trainees are expected to follow the following
module instruction:
 Read the information written in each unit
 Accomplish the Self-checks at the end of each unit
 Perform Operation Sheets which were provided at the end of units and
 Read the identified reference book for Examples and exercise
content coverage and topics:
 Basic Concepts of computer
 Identifying and confirming client’s peripherals requirements
 Documentation and reporting client requirements
 Verify client requirements
 client support expectations
This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page. Specifically, upon completion
of this learning guide, you will be able to:
 Understand characteristics, generation and types of computers
 Prepare documentation and reporting of client requirements
 Identify and confirm client’s peripherals
 Verify client requirements
 Ensure client support expectations
1.1 Basic introduction to computer
• An electronic device that manipulates information, or "data."
• It has the ability to store, retrieve, and process data.
• We use a computer to type documents, send email, and browse the internet.
• You can also use it to handle spreadsheets, accounting, database management,
presentations, games, and more for beginning computer users.
• collection of unorganized facts & figures and does not provide any further information
regarding patterns, context, etc.
• Hence data means "unstructured facts and figures".
 is a structured data i.e. organized meaningful and processed data. To process the
data and convert into information, a computer is used. Computers consist of two basic
Components of Computer
• is any part of your computer that has a physical structure, such as the computer
monitor or keyboard.
• Tangible parts of the computer system.
• Can be categorized as internal and external components
• Internal:- those necessary for the proper functioning of the computer
• External:- attached to the computer to add or enhance functionality.
• set of instructions that tells the hardware what to do.
• It is what guides the hardware and tells it how to accomplish each task.
• Some examples of software are web browsers, games, and word processors such as
Microsoft Word. Anything you buy for your computer can be classified as either
hardware or software. Once you learn more about these items, computers are
actually very straightforward
Generation of computer
 Generation of computer is characterized by a major technological development
that fundamentally changed the way computers operate, resulting in
increasingly smaller, cheaper more powerful and more efficient and reliable
 listed below
 First Generation (1946 to 1954): In 1946 there was no ‘best’ way of storing
instructions and data in a computer memory.
 The digital computes using electronic valves (Vacuum tubes) are known as first
generation computers.
 The first ‘computer’ to use electronic valves (i.e. vacuum tubes). The high cost
of vacuum tubes prevented their use for main memory.
 They stored information in the form of propagating sound waves.
Limitations of First-Generation Computer
 They used valves or vacuum tubes as their main electronic component.
 They were large in size, slow in processing and had less storage
 They consumed lots of electricity and produced lots of heat.
 Their computing capabilities were limited.
 They were not so accurate and reliable.
 They used machine level language for programming.
 They were very expensive
Second-generation computer (1955 to 1964):

 used transistors for CPU components.

 They used high-level languages such as FORTRAN & COBOL.
 I/O processor was included to control I/O operations.
 Around 1955 a device called Transistor replaced the bulky
Vacuum tubes in the first-generation computer.
 Transistors are smaller than Vacuum tubes and have higher
operating speed.
 They have no filament and require no heating.
 Manufacturing cost was also very low. Thus, the size of the
computer got reduced considerably.
Advantages of second-generation computers
 Smaller in size as compared to the first-generation computers
 They were more reliable
 Used less energy and were not heated
 Wider commercial use
 Better portability as compared to the first-generation computers
 Beta speed and could calculate data in microseconds
 Used faster peripherals like tape drives, magnetic disks, printer
Disadvantages of second-generation computers
 Cooling system was required
 Constant maintenance was required
 Commercial production was difficult
 Only used for specific purposes
Third Generation computer (1964 to 1975)

 The third-generation computers used the integrated circuits

 Benefits of using all those computers that was made up on the
third generation over second generation:
 Less costly
 Small in size
 Consume less power
 Highly reliable
Advantages of third generation computers
 Smaller in size as compared to previous generation
 More reliable
 Used less energy
 Better speed and could calculate data in nanoseconds
 Used fan for heat discharge to prevent damage

 Disadvantages of third generation computers

 Air conditioning was required
 Highly sophisticated Technology was required for the
manufacturing of IC chips
Fourth Generation Computer (1975 to present)

 Fourth generation computer starts from the year, 1971. At that time
there was an invention of microprocessor chip that has created a
revolution in the computer world.
 The fourth-generation computers started with the invention of
 The microprocessor contains thousands of ICs.
 The size of modern microprocessors is usually 1 square inch.
 It can contain millions of electronic circuits
Advantages of fourth generation of
 Much faster
 Less expensive
 More powerful and reliable than previous generations
 Small in size
 Uses advanced techniques
 Have greater data processing capacity than equivalent size previous
generation computer that is third generation computers
 Fast processing power with less power consumption
 Fan for heat discharging and thus to keep cold
 No air conditioning required
Fifth Generation Computer (Present to beyond)

 Scientists are working hard on the fifth-generation computers

with quick of few breakthroughs.
 It is based on the technique of artificial intelligence (AI).
 All computer machines that will made on the basis of 5th
generation computer will use parallel processing techniques and
artificial intelligence.
 Parallel processing techniques and artificial intelligence are
basically similar to the one used by our brain that is human
Types of computers
 Computers can be categorized on the basis of: size, data handling
capabilities and Purpose
A) On the basis of data handling capabilities

 There three types

1. Analogue computer:
 The data that can change continuously and do not have discrete values
such as temperature, current, speed and pressure.
 The continuous changes Analogue computers don’t wait for the data to
get converted into codes and numbers and rather accept the data from
the measuring device directly.
 Mercury meter and speedometer are the examples of analogue computer.
2. Digital Computers:
 They are designed to perform logical operations and calculations
at a high speed.
 A digital computer accepts raw data as numbers or digits and
then, to produce output, it processes it with the programs stored
in its memory.
 The modern computers like desktops and laptops fall under the
category of digital computers.
3. Hybrid Computer:
• It contains the features of both Digital and Analogue computers.
• It has accuracy and memory like digital computers and is fast like Analogue
• It can process both discrete and continuous data and hence it is widely used in
specialized applications where both digital and analogue data is processed,
example being a petrol pump where a processor is used to convert the
measurement of fuel flow into price and quantity.
B) On the basis of size, can be classified into
four types
1. Microcomputer:
• It is also known as Personal Computer.
• This general-purpose computer is mainly designed for individual use.
• It consists of a microprocessor, which works as the Central Processing Unit,
storage area, memory, and input and output unit.
• The most famous examples of Microcomputers are Desktop computers, Laptop
computers and palmtop.
2. Min computer:
• It is a multiprocessing computer of midsize.
• It has the capacity of entertaining 4 to 200 users at one given time and
consists of 2 or more processors.
• Mini computers are mostly used in departments and institutes for the tasks
like inventory management, billing and accounting.
3. Mainframe computer:
• They have the capacity of supporting hundreds or thousands of users
simultaneously and they can also support multiple programs at the
same time.
• This means that different processes can be executed simultaneously
by a Mainframe Computer.
• Hence, organizations that need to process and manage high volume
of data find mainframe computers ideal for them.
• Telecom and banking sectors are examples of such organizations.
• Mainframe computers are useful for tasks related to:
o Industry and consumer statistics
o Census taking
o Enterprise resource planning
o Transaction processing
o e-business and e-commerce
4. Super/Macro computers:
 They are the fastest in speed and the biggest in size and specialize in
processing a huge amount of data.
 A supercomputer contains thousands of interconnected processors that help
it process trillions of instructions in just a second.
 Supercomputers are used for complex tasks, such as:
o Climate research
o Weather forecasting
o Scientific simulation
o Oil and gas exploration
o Quantum mechanics
C) On the basis of Purpose there are two types
1. General Purpose Computer
 Designed to perform a range of tasks
 Can run various types of software applications
 Example:-
o Desktops,
o Notebooks,
o Smartphones and tablets

2. Special Purpose Computer

 Built for a specific task
 Found in industrial machines, medical equipment, and scientific
 Example:-
o an ATM, digital camera, mobile phone, washing machine, video games,
Characteristics of computer
 most popular 5 characteristics are
1. Speed:
• computer can work very fast. It takes only few seconds for
calculations that we take hours to complete. You will be surprised to
know that computer can perform millions (1,000,000) of instructions
and even more per second.
2. Accuracy:
• Accuracy of a computer is consistent.
• Computer gives us accurate result or calculation.
• Error occurs in result for any calculation in a computer is only due to
wrong program or instruction, inaccuracy in input data etc..
3. Consistency:
 It means that computer never gets tired of working more.
 You can use computer to perform your task without any error for any number of hours,
any number of hours means you can use your computer system continuously for 24 hours
a day and 365 days a year.
4. Storage:
• The Computer has an in-built memory where it can store a large amount of data.
• You can also store data in secondary storage devices such as floppies, which can be kept
outside your computer and can be carried to other computers.
5. Flexibility:
 means that a computer can work in many areas like you can use your computer system
o Watch movies or videos
o Listen sounds or music’s
o Play games
o See pictures
o Write textual documents and save
o Open and read anything
Basic concept:- Internal and external hardware
External Components

• Describes a hardware device that's installed outside of the computer.

• For example, a printer is an external device because it connects to the back of the

computer and is outside the case.

 Keyboard: It is one of the most important tools used to enter the information and

numbers and different characters to the computer to address and get the results.

 Mouse: It is a tool used to mark or identify certain information that appears on the

computer screen, and it needs a person or an assistant to manage it correctly.

 Microphone: A device that specializes in receiving sounds and inserting them into the

computer in order to modify or retain them. It also contributes greatly to the various

voice conversations on the computer.

 Scanner: A device that helps to insert various images and graphics into a
computer, converting it from its graphic nature to another digital nature.

 Printer: Used to output information, data, such as numbers, letters, and

images printed on paper.

 Plotters: Used in the output of geometric drawings, and in various sizes, and
then printed on paper.

 Camera: which works to capture different images and keep them in the

 Minitor: Adevice that displays the graphical user interface of the whole
computer system operations.
Internal Hardware components

 Internal describes a device that's installed inside the computer.

For example, a video card is an internal device. When referring
to a drive, an internal drive (e.g., internal hard drive) is any
drive inside the computer.

 In the picture to the next page is an example of computer

memory and an example of internal hardware.
Identifying and categorizing computer software

 Software: Means instructions that tell a computer what to do, when to do

and how to do the hardware part of the computer.
 Software comprises the entire set of programs, procedures, and routines
associated with the operation of a computer system.
 There are different types of software that can run on a computer such as
system software, utility software, and application software.
1. System Software
• Is a set of programs that control and manage the operations of
computer hardware.
• It also helps application programs to execute correctly.
• System Software’s are designed to control the operation and extend
the processing functionalities of a computer system.
• System software makes the operation of a computer faster, effective,
and secure. Example: Operating system, programming language,
Communication software, etc.
 Operating System:- Manage, organize, maintain, and optimize the
functioning of the computer system.
 Utility Software:- Performs certain tasks like virus detection,
installation, and uninstallation, data backup, deletion of unwanted
files, etc. Some examples are antivirus software, file management
tools, compression tools, disk management tools, etc.
2. Application Software
 Is a type of computer program that performs specific functions.
 These functions, performed by application software, can be
personal, business as well as educational.
 Thus, application Software is also known as end-user software
or productivity software.
 This application software includes: Microsoft products such as
Office, PowerPoint, Word, Excel, Outlook, etc.
Documenting and reporting client requirements
 If the peripheral is an essential part of the computer system (for
example mouse, keyboard or monitor) it is logical to record
information about the device within the documentation for the
computer to which it is connected.
Manufacturer: Dell
Model: OptiPlex GX280MT Minitower—Power

Operating System: Windows 10

Serial number: 12345

Hard disk space: 500 Gb
Monitor: Dell OptiPlex 7010
Printer: HP LaserJet d402
Keyboard: Dell USB keyboard
Pointing device: Dell USB 2-button optical mouse with scroll
Verifying client requirements
 Client hardware requirements may vary depending upon the installed base of
computers at your facility. However, based on experience with multiple
customer sites, we recommend the following configuration:
 Pentium 4-based computer with 2 GB of RAM (minimum)
 80-GB hard drive space (minimum)
 DVD drive
 Network interface software for network communications supporting TCP/IP
 Monitor for the lab and floor operations, 100 percent IBM compatible,
supporting a 24-bit graphics card for 1024 x 768 or higher resolution and at
least 65535 colors
 Two-button mouse with scroll wheel or compatible pointing device such as a
touch screen
Taking action to ensure client support expectations

Vendor Warranty
 A warranty is an agreed upon term which covers a computer or computer component. Generally,
most computers have a 1- or 3-year warranty. This warranty may or may not cover the service,
repair and replacement of computer parts.
 An extended warranty is an available option provided by manufacturers or third-party
companies that provides additional support and/or repair of a computer or other hardware
devices beyond its standard warranty.

Support Services
 It is important to know what kind of support services are offered by the prospective supplier.
There are many questions to consider such as:
 If a device requires repairs, does it have to be sent back to the supplier (called ‘Return to
base’) or will they provide on-site visits?
 What is the average response time if service is required?
 What kinds of maintenance and repair costs could be incurred during the duration of use of the
 Will the device require regular servicing? If so, how many services will be necessary over a one-
year period?

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