Vet Micro Biology
Vet Micro Biology
Vet Micro Biology
Veterinary Microbiology
Minda A (DVM, MSc)
June, 2022
Unit 1: History of Microbiology
A. The microscope
I. Zacharias Janssen
Developed the first compound microscope in Middleburg, Holland(1590)
Janssen’s microscope consisted of three tubes
One tube served as the outer casing and contained the other two tubes
At either ends of the inner tubes were lenses used for magnification
Janssen’s design enabled scientists to enlarge the image of a specimen 3x and 9x
times the specimen’s actual size
I. Francesco Redi
Italian physician Francesco Redi (1668) developed an experiment that
demonstrated that an organism did not spontaneously appear
He filled jars with rotting meat
Some jars he sealed and other he left opened
Those that were open eventually contained maggots, which is the larval stage of
the fly
The other jars did not contain maggots because flies could not enter the jar to lay
eggs on the rotting meat
His critics stated that air was the ingredient required for spontaneous
generation of an organism
Air was absent from the sealed jar and therefore, no spontaneous generation
could occur, they said Redi repeated the experiment except this time he placed a
screen over the opened jars
This prevented flies from entering the jar
There weren’t any maggots on the rotting meat
Until that time scientists did not have a clue about how to fight disease
They used Redi’s findings to conclude that killing the microorganisms that
caused a disease could prevent the disease from occurring
Kill that microorganism and you will not have new microorganisms, the theory
went – you could stop the spread of the disease
The theory of biogenesis states that a living cell is generated from another living
II. Louis Pasteur
Although the theory of biogenesis disproved spontaneous generation, spontaneous generation was hotly
debated among the scientific community
Louis Pasteur(1861), a French scientist, resolved the issue once and for all
Pasteur showed that microorganisms were in the air
He proved that sterilized medical instruments became contaminated once they were exposed to the air
Pasteur came to this conclusion by boiling beef broth in several short-necked flasks
The opened flasks became contaminated with microorganisms while no microorganisms appeared in the
closed flasks
Pasteur concluded that airborne microorganisms had contaminated the opened flaks
The beef broth remained uncontaminated even after months of being exposed to the air
The very same flask containing the original beef broth exists today in Pasteur Institute in
Paris!!! and still shows no sign of contamination
Pasteurization, one of the best-known sterilization techniques, was developed and named for
Pasteurization kills harmful microorganisms in milk, alcoholic beverages, and other foods
and drinks by heating it enough to kill most bacteria that cause spoilage
III. John Tyndall and Ferdinand Cohn
The work of John Tyndall and Ferdinand Cohn in the late 1800s led to one of the
most important discoveries in sterilization
They learned that some microorganisms are resistant to certain sterilization
Until their discovery, scientists had assumed that no microorganisms could
survive boiling water, which became a widely accepted method of sterilization
This was wrong!!!
Some thermophiles resisted heat and could survive a bath in boiling water
This means that there was not one magic bullet that killed all harmfull
C. Germ theory
Until the late 1700s, not much was really known about diseases except their impact
It seemed that anyone who came in contact with an infected person contracted the
A disease that is spread by being exposed to infection is called a contagious disease
The unknown agent that causes the disease is called a contagion
Today we known that a contagion is a microorganisms, but in the 1700s many found it
hard to believe something so small could cause such devastation
I. Robert Koch
Koch made some observations on the disease caused by Bacillus anthracis called
Koch developed the ”germ theory” that states “disease-causing microorganisms
should be present in animals infected by the disease and not in healthy animals”
The microorganisms can be cultivated away from the animal and used to inoculate a
healthy animal
The healthy animal should then come down with the disease
Samples of a microorganism taken from several infected animals are the same as the
original microorganism from the first infected animals
Four steps used by Koch to study microorganisms are referred to as “Koch’s
1. The microorganism must be present in the diseased animals and not presence in
the healthy animal
2. Cultivate the microorganism away from the animal in a pure culture
3. Symptoms of the disease should appear in the healthy animal after the healthy
animal is inoculated with the culture of the microorganisms
4. Isolate the microorganism from the newly infected animal and culture it in the
The new culture should be the same as the microorganism that was cultivated
from the original diseased animal
Koch‘s work with anthrax also developed techniques for growing a culture of
He eventually used a gelatin surface to cultivate microorganisms
Gelatin inhibited the movement of microorganisms
Those who survived smallpox never contracted smallpox again, even when they
were later exposed to someone who was infected with smallpox
Milk maids who contracted cowpox never caught smallpox even though they
were exposed to smallpox
Jenner had an idea
He took scrapings from a cowpox blister found on a milkmaid and, using a
needle scratched the scrapping into the arm of James Phipps, an 8-year-old
Phipps became slightly ill when the scratch turned bumpy
Phipps recovered and was then exposed to smallpox
He did not contract smallpox because his immune system developed antibodies
that could fight off variola
Jenner’s experiment discovered how to use our body’s own defense mechanism to
prevent disease by inoculating healthy persons with a tiny amount of the disease-
causing microorganism
Janner called this a vaccination, which is an extension of the Latin word vacca
The person who received the vaccination became immune to the disease-causing
Edward Jenner
Also known as the “Father of Immunology”, Edward Anthony Jenner was an
English scientist and is famous for his discovery of smallpox vaccine
II. Elie Metchnikoff
Elie Metchnikoff, a 19th century Russian zoologist, was interested by Jenner’s
work with vaccinations
Metchnikoff wanted to learn how our bodies react to vaccination by exploring
our body’s immune system
He discovered that white blood cells (leukocytes) engulf and digest
microorganisms that invade the body
He called these cells phagocytes, which means “cell eating”
“Metchnikoff was one of the first scientists to study the new area of biology
called immunology, the study of the immune system
E. Killing the Microorganism
I. Ignaz Semmelweis
Great studies were made during the late 1800s in the development of antiseptic
It began with a report by Hungarian physician Ignaz Semmelweis on a dramatic
decline in childbirth fever when physicians used antiseptic techniques when
delivering babies
Infections become preventable through the use of antiseptic techniques
Scientists from all over set out to use Ehrlich’s findings to find drugs that could make
infected patients well again
One of the most striking breakthroughs came in 1929 when Alexander Fleming
discovered Penicillin notatum, the organism that synthesizes penicillin
Penicillium notatum is a fungus that kills the Staphylococcus aureus
microorganism and similar microorganisms
(a) Staphylococcus aureus.Gram stain (1,000). (b) Enterococcus faecalis. Note the
chains of cocci
Most commonly encountered bacteria have one of two shapes:
Cocci (s., coccus) - roughly spherical cells
They can exist as individual cells
Characteristic arrangements - are frequently useful in bacterial identification
Diplococci (s., diplococcus) - arise when cocci divide and remain together to form
- Long chains of cocci - result when cells adhere after repeated divisions in one
Genera - Streptococcus, Enterococcus, and Lactococcus
o The shape of the rod’s end often varies between species: may be flat, rounded, cigar-
shaped, or bifurcated
Diversity in bacterial shape
is often the result of life cycles that represented survival strategies in
addition to
those of maximizing growth rates
The shape of a cell is a strategic consequence of this adaptation
The shape of a cell is not limited in any fundamental way to a rod, coccus or
The variety of cell shapes and groupings far exceeds those offered in early
views as rod, coccus or spiral
There are bacteria that are amorphous, ovoid, square, stellate, filamentous
They may be grouped as pairs, clumps, chains, rosettes, cuboid packets, flat
squares, networks, mycelia or fruiting bodies
→ Each type of cell morphology is uniquely appropriate for the ecological
niche of that cell
The abundance of coccoid and rod-shaped bacteria suggests that both are very
effective growth forms and that they probably are simpler than other shapes to
Moreover, it can be argued that one or the other might have been the first
member of the Domain of Bacteria
It is argued that, probably, the first bacterium was a Gram-positive bacillus
Diversity in Cell Size
The conventional wisdom that prokaryotic cell diameters are typically near 1μm,
whereas eukaryotic cells are 10 μm or larger is generally true
significant exceptions exist
Members of the Bacteria can show enormous diversity in cell size
Dehalococcoides ethenogenes
- a diameter of 0.4–0.5 μm and a height of 0.1–0.2 μm so that its volume is near
- about one twentieth that of E. coli
Epulopiscium fishelsonii
- found in the gastrointestinal tracts of certain fish
- a diameter as great as 80 μm and lengths up to 600 μm
The volume of these cells is near 2 million μm3
Bacteria vary in size as much as in shape
o The smallest are about 0.3 μm in diameter
e.g., some members of the genus Mycoplasma
- approximately the size of the largest viruses (the pox viruses)
Moreover, the smaller cells have 10 times greater total surface area (ca.
3,140 μm2) than the larger one (ca.314μm2)
The smaller size apparently avoids the need for the organellar
compartmentation and internal membrane systems generally found in
eukaryotes because molecules can traverse the distances in the prokaryotic cell
more easily by diffusion
Fine/ Ultrasructure of Bacteria
The terms “fine structure” and “ultrastructure” refer to subcellular features that
are best observed using the electron microscope
The electron microscope was used at various steps in the procedure to identify
and assess the purity of the structures
Internal Structures
The DNA of prokaryotes is a circular, or more rarely a linear, double-stranded
helical molecule
The DNA appears as a fibrous material in the cytoplasm when prokaryotic cells
are viewed in thin sections
The DNA of prokaryotes does not appear in a confined area within the cell
rather, it appears as a somewhat diffuse, dispersed fibrous material
The region is termed as a nucleoid or nuclear area
The typical prokaryotic DNA contains about 4 × 106 base pairs (4 mega-base
pairs, or 4 mgb)
The DNA is many times the length of the cell and highly folded and compacted
-Ex. Escherichia coli
Cell size: around 3–4 μm in length but contains a DNA molecule some 1400 μm
in length!
The DNA may be associated with certain bacterial proteins, but these are not
the same as the histones found in eukaryotic chromosomes
The cell envelope/ Cell Surface
The interface between a bacterial cell and its surroundings is where the cell will first
have to deal with a variable environment
It is thus the part of the bacterial cell where one might expect to find the greatest
It is the cell surface that
- determines the nature of attachment to a substrate or to another cell
- determines what gets into and out of the cell and the nature of that transport process
Cell Envelope : Cell wall and Cell membrane
Peptidoglycan structure
Peptidoglycan or murein - is an enormous polymer composed of many
identical subunits
The polymer contains two sugar derivatives:
- N-acetylglucosamine (NAG) and N-acetylmuramic acid (NAM) and
several different amino acids
Three of the amino acids —D-glutamic acid, D-alanine, and mesodiaminopimelic
acid (DAP) —are not found in proteins
The presence of D-amino acids – protects against attack by most peptidases
DAP is a rare amino acid, only found in the cell walls of prokaryotes
This is contrary to the situation in proteins and confers protection against
proteases specifically directed against L-amino acids
The backbone of this polymer is composed of alternating N-
acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid residues
A peptide chain of four alternating D- and L-amino acids is connected to the
carboxyl group of N-acetylmuramic acid
Many bacteria substitute another diaminoacid, usually L-lysine, in the third
position for meso-diaminopimelic acid
Chains of linked peptidoglycan subunits are joined by cross links between the
Often the carboxyl group of the terminal D-alanine is connected directly to the
amino group of diaminopimelic acid but a peptide interbridge may be used
Most gram-negative cell wall peptidoglycan lacks the peptide interbridge
This cross-linking results in an enormous peptidoglycan sac that is actually one
dense, interconnected network
These sacs have been isolated from gram-positive bacteria and are strong
enough to retain their shape and integrity, yet they are elastic and somewhat
They also must be porous, as molecules can penetrate them
Gram Positive Cell Wall
Normally the thick, homogeneous cell wall of gram-positive bacteria is
composed primarily of peptidoglycan
- which often contains a peptide interbridge
In addition, gram-positive cell walls usually contain large amounts of teichoic
- polymers of glycerol or ribitol joined by phosphate groups
Amino acids such as D-alanine or sugars like glucose are attached to the
glycerol and ribitol groups
The teichoic acids are connected to either: the peptidoglycan itself or plasma
membrane lipids; → lipoteichoic acids
Teichoic acids - appear to extend to the surface of the peptidoglycan
They are negatively charged
- help give the gram-positive cell wall its negative charge
The functions of these molecules are still unclear
- they may be important in maintaining the structure of the wall
- Teichoic acids are not present in gram-negative bacteria
Teichoic Acid Structure. The segment
The Gram-Positive Envelope of a teichoic acid made of phosphate,
glycerol, and a side chain, R. R may
represent D-alanine, glucose, or other
Gram Negative Cell Walls
Gram-negative cell walls are much more complex than gram-positive walls
The thin peptidoglycan layer next to the plasma membrane may constitute not
more than 5 to 10% of the wall weight
In E. coli it is about 2 nm thick
-Contains only one or two layers or sheets of peptidoglycan
The outer membrane - lies outside the thin peptidoglycan layer
Appears similar to a cell membrane when viewed by electron microscopy
-Lipids and proteins predominate
Polysaccharides extend into the aqueous environment
Lipoprotein - the most abundant membrane protein
Lipopolysaccharides (LPSs) - the most unusual constituents of the outer
Consist of three parts:
(1) lipid A
(2) the core polysaccharide
(3) the O side chain
The lipid A region contains two glucosamine sugar derivatives, each with
three fatty acids and phosphate or pyrophosphate attached
It is buried in the outer membrane and the remainder of the LPS molecule
projects from the surface
The core polysaccharide is joined to lipid A
o Somatic polysaccharides or O-polysaccharides - specific side-chain
- Vary from one species of gram negative bacterium to another
The LPS is important for several reasons other than the avoidance of host
Lipid A is a major constituent of the outer membrane, and the LPS helps
stabilize membrane structure
Furthermore, lipid A often is toxic; as a result the LPS can act as an endotoxin
- cause some of the symptoms that arise in gram-negative bacterial infections
The Mechanism of Gram Staining
1884 : Christian Gram - Danish
- devised a differential stain based on the ability of certain bacterial cells to retain
the dye crystal violet after decoloration with 95% ethanol
The difference between gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria may be due to
the physical nature of their cell walls
If the cell wall is removed from gram positive bacteria, they become gram
The peptidoglycan itself is not stained; instead it seems to act as a permeability
barrier preventing loss of crystal violet
Gram staining procedure
The bacteria are first stained with crystal violet and next treated with iodine to
promote dye retention
When gram-positive bacteria then are decolorized with ethanol, the alcohol is
thought to shrink the pores of the thick peptidoglycan
Thus the dye-iodine complex is retained during the short decolorization step and
the bacteria remain purple
In contrast, gram-negative peptidoglycan is very thin, not as highly cross-linked,
and has larger pores
Alcohol treatment also may extract enough lipid from the gram negative wall
- increases its porosity further
For these reasons, alcohol more readily removes the purple crystal violet-iodine
complex from gram-negative bacteria
Archaeal Cell Wall(Jumped)
The domain Archaea consists of three major phyla:
o Crenarchaeota - contains the hyper-thermophilic organisms
o Euryarchaeota:
-the methane-producing group (methanogens) and
-the extreme halophilic group (salt-loving bacteria)
o Korarchaeota - much less well known because isolates have not yet been
Some methanogens - have proteinaceous cell walls
- The two amino sugars are linked in a 1,3 rather than a 1,4 configuration, and
- have glycopeptide cell walls containing a variety of sugars linked covalently to protein
The differences in cell wall composition may explain how these species are able to
survive in their special environments
Antibiotics and Cell Wall
Some antibiotics exert their effect against bacteria by preventing the synthesis of
normal cell walls
Penicillin causes lysis and death of bacteria only under conditions that permit growth
and cell wall synthesis
o Thus, when antibiotics are used therapeutically, bacterial cells that are not
growing and dividing can survive and may begin growing following the antibiotic
o These cells must be eliminated by the host’s own defense activities, such as by
The effect of antibiotics on the cell wall is different from that of lysozyme
Penicillin is active only on growing cells, because it affects only the synthesis of
Thus, animals treated with these antibiotics are not affected, because animal
cells do not synthesize peptidoglycan
Penicillin is generally much more effective against gram-positive bacteria than against
gram-negative bacteria
- the major structural component of gram-positive cell walls is peptidoglycan,
- the outer membrane of gram-negative bacteria provides a permeability barrier to antibiotics
such as penicillin G
For use against gram negative bacteria, penicillin and other antibiotics can be modified to
permit better solubility in the lipid outer membranes
Ampicillin, for example, is a penicillin with greater hydrophobicity that is used for gram-
negative infections
A most important outer membrane function is to serve as a protective barrier
It prevents or slows the entry of bile salts, antibiotics, and other toxic substances that might
kill or injure the bacterium
Even so, the outer membrane is more permeable than the plasma membrane and permits
the passage of small molecules like glucose and other monosaccharides
This is due to the presence of special porin proteins
- The outer membrane also prevents the loss of constituents like periplasmic enzymes
Components External to the Cell Wall
Bacteria have a variety of structures outside the cell wall that can function in
- Protection
- Attachment to objects
- Cell movement
Capsule, slime Layers, and Surface(S) Layers
Capsule - Some bacteria have a layer of well organized material lying outside the
cell wall
- not easily washed off
A slime layer - a zone of diffuse, unorganized material that is removed easily
A glycocalyx – a network of polysaccharides extending from the surface of
bacteria and other cells
Capsules and slime layers usually are composed of polysaccharides, but they may
be constructed of other materials
For example, Bacillus anthracis has a capsule of poly-D-glutamic acid
o Capsules are not required for bacterial growth and reproduction in laboratory
they do confer several advantages when bacteria grow in their normal habitats
i. They help bacteria resist phagocytosis by host phagocytic cells
- When it lacks a capsule, it is destroyed easily and does not cause disease,
whereas the capsulated variant quickly kills mice
ii. Capsules contain a great deal of water and can protect bacteria against
iii. They exclude bacterial viruses and most hydrophobic toxic materials such as
They consist of one species of (glyco) protein - the S-protein, which assembles
into characteristic two-dimensional crystalline layers (lattices) at the cell surface
The lattices can be quite porous, with pores occupying up to 70% of their surface
S-layer proteins are among the most abundant cellular proteins - constitute
between 5-10% of the total protein content of the cell
- It is associated with the peptidoglycan surface in gram-positive bacteria
- It may protect the cell against ion and pH fluctuations, osmotic stress, enzymes
- The S-layer also helps maintain the shape and envelope rigidity of at least some
bacterial cells
- The layer seems to protect some pathogens against complement attack and
phagocytosis, thus contributing to their virulence
Pili and Fimbriae
Fimbriae (s., fimbria) - short, fine, hairlike appendages that are thinner than
flagella and not involved in motility
A cell may be covered with up to 1,000 fimbriae
they are only visible in an electron microscope due to their small size
They seem to be slender tubes composed of helically arranged protein subunits
- are about 3 to 10 nm in diameter and up to several micrometers long
Some types of fimbriae attach bacteria to solid surfaces such as rocks in
streams and host tissues
Pili (s., pilus)
About 1 to 10 per cell
differ from fimbriae in the following ways:
- Pili often are larger than fimbriae (around 9 to 10 nm in diameter)
- They are genetically determined by sex factors or conjugative plasmids and are
required for bacterial mating – sex pilli
- Some bacterial viruses attach specifically to receptors on sex pili at the start of
their reproductive cycle
A single bacterial cell may produce more than one type of fimbria or pilus
- but not to the cell surface or to other types of fimbriae or pili produced by the
same bacterial species
o Pili are known to be important for the attachment of some bacteria
For example
-“sex pilus”- one type of pilus of Escherichia coli mediates the attachment of the
two types of mating cells during sexual conjugation
- pili produced by Neisseria gonorrhoeae are responsible for the attachment of
pathogenic strains to endothelial tissue of the genito-urinary tract in humans
Only piliated strains cause gonorrhea
- In some Pseudomonas species, pili are involved in the extrusion of protein from
the cell
Types of pilli
-Conjugative or F (Fertility or sex) pili - are involved in the mating process
- Common or generalized pili - are also produced by numerous bacterial species
These pili play a role in adherence of microorganisms to surfaces or to specific
receptors on eukaryotic cells
aiding in the colonization of these ecological niches
- Type IV pili - are involved in a form of motility known as twitching
Pilli of Enterobacteriacea(Jump it)
Members of the Enterobacteriaceae produce a wide assortment of pili or fimbriae
These pili are composed of a short-tip fibrillar structure containing FimG and
the Fim H adhesin attached to a rod composed of FimA subunits
- Spores may be located
- centrally –
- close to one end (subterminally) –
- terminally
Spore formation - sporogenesis or sporulation
Commences when growth ceases due to lack of nutrients
It is a complex process and may be divided into seven stages
o stage I - An axial filament of nuclear material forms
o stage II - an inward folding of the cell membrane to enclose part of the DNA
and produce the forespore septum
o stage III - the membrane continues to grow and engulfs the immature spore in a
second membrane
o stage IV - cortex is laid down in the space between the two membranes stage V
- calcium and dipicolinic acid are accumulated
o stage VI - Protein coats then are formed around the cortex, and maturation of
the spore occurs
o stage VII - lytic enzymes destroy the sporangium releasing the spore
The cell cycle is the period of time in which a newly formed bacterium elongates, replicates its
DNA, and divides to generate two cells
The replication of DNA and events involved in division to form two cells is under tight regulatory
C phase
o In a newly formed cell there is a regulatory event that initiates the replication of the
bacterial genome
o The time required to replicate the 4.2 × 106 base pairs in the DNA of bacteria with a
generation time between 20 and 60 minutes is 40 minutes
D (delay) phase
After completion of DNA replication (termination), there is a 20-minute period before
division occurs
During the D phase, the replicated DNA is separated into opposite ends of the elongated
The cytoplasmic membrane is involved in this separation
After separation of the DNA, the process of constructing cytoplasmic membrane and cell
wall begins at the midpoint of the cell
The division into two distinct daughter cells is called transverse fission
The Growth Curve
Population growth is studied by analyzing the growth curve of a microbial
When microorganisms are cultivated in liquid medium, they usually are grown in
a batch culture or closed system —that is, they are incubated in a closed culture
vessel with a single batch of medium
Because no fresh medium is provided during incubation, nutrient
concentrations decline and concentrations of wastes increase
The growth of microorganisms reproducing by binary fission can be plotted as
the logarithm of the number of viable cells versus the incubation time
The resulting curve – Growth curve
- has four distinct phases
Microbial Growth Curve in a Closed System
Lag Phase
As a result of these and many other mechanisms, the starved cells become
harder to kill and more resistant to starvation itself, damaging temperature
changes, oxidative and osmotic damage, and toxic chemicals such as chlorine
These changes are so effective that some bacteria can survive starvation for
These lytic products of cells can provide nutrients for other cells, and these
divide and replace the dead ones
However, most of the population in the stationary phase survives but simply does
not proliferate
The individual cells in this phase differ in certain biochemical components from
cells in the exponential phase
Generally, stationary phase cells are more resistant than exponential phase cells
to adverse physical conditions such as increased heat, radiation, or
change in pH