• A garden is a planned space, usually outdoors,
set aside for the cultivation, display, and
enjoyment of plants and other forms of nature.
• Neolithic Times Gardens
• Mesopotamian Gardens
• Medieval Gardens
• Greek Gardens
• Roman Gardens
• Modern Gardens
Based on Function
• Landscap e Gard ens
• Cou rty ard Gardens
• Roo fto p Gard ens
• Formal Gard ens
• Kit ch en Gardens
Based On Historical Context
Hamilton Gardens
Neolithic Times Gardens
Mesopotamian Gardens
• Mesopotamian gardens were typically enclosed by walls, creating a
sense of separation from the harsh desert environment.
Medieval Gardens
• Me dieva l gardens were typic ally e nc losed by walls for
protection a nd to cre ate a microc lima te . Walls a lso
provide d priva cy a nd a sense of separation from the
often c ha otic world outside.
• Symbolic Layouts: The organiz ation of the garde n ofte n
refle cte d re ligious belie fs or social orde r. Geometric
layouts with central space s or quartered designs were
• Developed in reaction to the r igid for mality of • L ocated within the footprint of a building,
earlier styles, landscape gar dens aim to recreate an courtyard gardens offer a pr ivate outdoor space.
idealized version of nature. • T hey can be designed in various styles but often
• T hey often incorporate winding paths, open utilize vertical elements like climbing plants and
meadows, and strategically placed tr ees and shrubs to strategically placed tr ees to cr eate a sense of
cr eate a sense of depth and mystery. enclosure.
Formal Gardens Rooftop Gardens Kitchen Gardens
Plant Selection:
Scale and Proportion:
• Choose plants that
complement the ar chitectur al
• Co nsider the size o f the style, climate, and maintenance
building and surro undin g space
while designing the garden.
Integrating Gardens with Architecture
• Gard e n s fo s t er c o m m u n i t y i n t eract i o n an d
03 p ro v i d e a s p a c e fo r s o c i a l g at h eri n g
Thank You! Done By
• Efrata Amha
• Etsehiwot Tesfaye
• Fikir Dereje
• Faiz Getaneh
• Minas Fasil