Single subject
Time 1: read academic articles
Time 2: read short stories for pleasure
Responded to SILL twice
Interviewed 4 times (background interview, after
SILL responses, summary interview)
Examples of mixed-methods research
SILL responses
Showed major differences between 2 times e.g. “If I guess
the meaning of a word, later I will check whether my guess
is correct by using a dictionary.” rated Always at Time 1;
Never at Time 2
Interview responses
Showed that recent learning contexts influenced different
Triangulation to confirm results or triangulation to
provide different perspectives
Mixed-methods data analysis
“The most common perception of mixed methods
research is that it is a modular process in which
qualitative and quantitative components are carried
out either concurrently or sequentially. Although this
perception is by and large true, it also suggests that
the analysis of the data should proceed
independently for the QUANT and QUAL phases
and mixing should occur only at the final
interpretation stage. This conclusion is only partially
true … we can also start integrating the data at the
analysis stage, resulting in what can be called mixed
methods data analysis”
Dörnyei (2007)
Mixed-methods data analysis (MMDA)
Not common
Narrative profile formation
Using quantitatively obtained questionnaire data
in a qualitative description of a subject
More complex MMDA