Presentation 01
Presentation 01
Presentation 01
GCMS Analysis
Sample Collection
1 Terminalis arjuna
3 Azadirachta
2 Catharanthus roseus indica
Isolation of Endophytes
Leaves and
stem were
sterilized leaf
washed and
Sample and stems
immersed in
plant cut placed in
70% alcohol
into small Potato
followed by
pieces Dextrose agar
medium and
for few sec.
Fungal and Bacterial Cultivation
Culture centrifuge at
Culture filtered to remove the 8000 rpm and collect
mycelial mats supernatant
Extraction of Antimicrobial Compoun
creening of Antimicrobial Compound
from the Bacterial Endophytes
Cross Streaked method
Single pure bacterial endophytes
were inoculated in nutrient broth
culture were streak on one edge of
the Nutrient agar plate Incubated in a rotary shaker at 30C,
120 rpm for 5 days
Human bacterial pathogen were Centrifuge at 8000 rpm and pellet
horizontally streaked from other was collected
5 different polar and nonpolar
Incubated at 37 for 24 – 48 hours solvents were added and mixed
Antimicrobial compound from
Zone of inhibition was measured supernatant was evaporated
Evaluation of Antimicrobial Activity
Well or Cup agar diffusion methods
Cup agar were filled with bacterial crude extract and swapped by
• Staphylococcus aureus
• klebsiella pneumonia
• Enterococcus faecalis
• Pseudomonas aeruginosa
• Candida albicans
Identification by 16s rRNA
Genomic Agarose Gel Amplificatio
ng of 16s
DNA Electrophor n of 16s Sequence
Isolation esis rRNA gene Analysis
Isolation of Endophytes
Screening for Antimicrobial Activity