Janine dances .
Sort the Adverbials
Adverbials can also be phrases as well as individual words. Prepositional
phrases can also sometimes act as adverbials.
Crumple tissue paper to fill the cone up to the top and glue this in.
Roll the brown paper into a cone shape and glue together.
Gather all the equipment needed, including paper, glue, cotton wool, beads, scissors and
Draw diagonal lines on the brown paper so that it looks like an ice-cream cone.
Drizzle PVA glue over the cotton wool so that you can stick beads on to look like
Drizzle PVA glue over the tissue paper before sticking cotton wool to look like vanilla
Adverbials of Number Answers
Can you order these instructions and use adverbials of number to add cohesion?
Firstly, gather all the equipment needed, including paper, glue, cotton wool, beads,
scissors and pens.
Secondly, draw diagonal lines on the brown paper so that it looks like an ice-cream cone.
Thirdly, roll the brown paper into a cone shape and glue together.
Next, crumple tissue paper to fill the cone up to the top and glue this in.
Then, drizzle PVA glue over the tissue paper before sticking cotton wool to look like
vanilla ice-cream.
Finally, drizzle PVA glue over the cotton wool so that you can stick beads on to look
like sprinkles.
Spin the Wheel
Spin the wheel to select an adverbial to use in your sentence.
Place: There are a large number of stray cats in the area /. outside
Manner: Maddie slid into the cool swimming pool as quick as a flash / cautiously
Firstly, we went into the museum for a workshop about the Ancient Egyptians.
The dog sat waiting by the door for its owner to come out of the shop.
Ms Williams says that I must finish my poem before the end of the day.
Without warning, a spider ran across the classroom floor which made us all scream.
Firstly, we went into the museum for a workshop about the Ancient Egyptians.
The dog sat waiting by the door for its owner to come out of the shop.
Ms Williams says that I must finish my poem before the end of the day.
Without warning, a spider ran across the classroom floor which made us all scream.