Personal Growth and Breaking Out Of Your Comfort Zone - Perhaps the
biggest (and least discussed) benefits of volunteering are the chances to
break out of your daily routine and shatter your comfort zone. Whether
you volunteer locally in your neighborhood or travel to the other side of
the world, volunteering almost always comes with challenges that
broaden your skill set and push your limits. Those challenges could be
anything from public speaking to teaching a class or trying out a new
Building Community - In a world that is becoming
more and more individualistic as people struggle to
achieve financial success, the benefits of
community are gradually being lost. Volunteering is
a great way of regaining this and building
community, whether it be in your neighborhood or a
far-flung destination abroad. It helps to cultivate
friendships as you work towards the greater good
and reduces the isolation and loneliness felt by
many people in the modern world.
Gaining More Time - Volunteering can actually make you
feel like you have more time. It’s similar to the idea that
those who donate money to charity feel wealthier, with
participants expressing that they felt more “time affluent”
when they spent less time on themselves or wasting time
doing nothing of a positive nature.
BeingHappy - Researchers found that the more people
volunteered, the happier they felt. While “happiness” is a
hard feeling to quantify, it’s likely a result of a
combination of the above benefits of volunteering and how
they resonate with each and every individual.