6f Vishnu.c Forests
6f Vishnu.c Forests
6f Vishnu.c Forests
Name –
Vishnu.C Submitted To :-
Class – 6 ‘F’ Namratha
Roll No. - 40 Didi
Forests – An Introduction
Earth is covered by 75% Water and 25% Land.
Forest is an important natural resource, it is the home for
varies Trees, Birds, Animals, Worms and Insects. Tiny
organisms called microorganisms which are not visible to
our naked eyes are also present in the forest. Some of the
forest areas are inhabited by people even today. These
people are called tribals.
Forestsare called Aranya, Kānana, Atavi, Vipin gahan,
Van, Satra, Dava, Daava in Sanskrit.
Types of Forests
1. Tropical Forests
a. Tropical Rain Forests
Tropical Rain Forests are found above and below the Equator in the
tropical zone. They are called rainforest’s because they receive a high
amount of rain throughout the year.
b. Tropical deciduous Forests
In the Tropical Deciduous Forests, The trees shed their leaves in summer
and regrow in the monsoon season.
Deciduous forests receive an average rain fall of 70cm to 200cm
c. Tropical Thorn Forests
A type of Forest that has vegetation mainly made up of Shrubs and Thorny plants.
The annual rainfall is less than 70cm.
These regions are also called Arid Regions or Arid Forests.
2. Montane Forests
These are forests found in the mountains or hill regions with
higher altitudes.
The vegetation depends on the altitude. They are found
between 1300–5300 meters above sea level.
The temperature is low due to higher altitude conditions.
Southern montane forests are found in the Western Ghats,
Nilgiris, and Vindhyas
3. Swamp or Littoral Forests
Swamps are filled with water. They ay be filled with freshwater
or salt water.
Freshwater swamps are found near lakes and rivers. Saltwater
swamps are found near coastal areas. These trees develop stilt
roots which prevent uprooting of trees due to water. When the
water level is low, the roots are exposed.
Layers of Forests
Emergent Layer
It Includes high tree tops that rise above everything else.
Trees that grow as tall as 40m from the ground are found in this
Preying birds like Hawks live in this layer as it is easier to spot
their pray
It is made up up of thick branches and leaves of tall trees.
Trees that are 20m to 40m in height from this layer.
It has an abundance of food and hence a dwelling place for Birds,
Insects and Monkeys
It is the warm Damp and Shetered layer below the canopy.
Trees that grow up to 20m from the ground are found here.
Small Trees, Shrubsad bushes are also found here.
Bird, Deer, Bison and Elephants are found here