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• Fluid properties
• Pressure (gage and absolute)
• Converting pressure to pressure head
• Resultant force on a horizontal, planar surface
• Center of pressure
• Resultant force on a vertical, rectangular

Pressure Measurements

Figure 3.7 (p. 42)

Figure 3.6 (p. 41) U-tube manometer
Piezometer or
simple manometer Better for higher
Possible to measure
pressure in gases.
Find pressure at center of pipe:

Can start either at

open end or inside

Here we start at open


p at Change Change p in
open in p in p pipe
end from 1 from 3
to 2 to 4
Differential Manometer

Figure 3.8 (p. 44)

Used for measuring pressure differences

between points along a pipe.
Fluid Statics
When a surface is submerged in a fluid at rest,
hydrostatic forces develop on the surface due to
the fluid pressure. These forces must be
perpendicular to the surface since there is no
shear action present. These forces can be
determined by integrating the static pressure
distribution over the area it is acting on.

Example: What is the force acting on the bottom of

the tank shown? Fluid with density 

Tank area A
Hydrostatic Forces on Plane Surfaces

The white area

AB in the figure
is a plane of
irregular shape.
Line A-B is an
edge view of
that area.

What is the net

force due to
pressure acting
on the sloping
plane AB?
t, note that hydrostatic pressure increases along y as
(since y is not vertical)
This figure is
absolutely awful

Line AB represents
the true location of
the surface.

The white surface is

not drawn in its
actual location.

Line 0-0 is horizontal; the white area has been

rotated about axis A-B from its proper location. In
other words, the apparent depth of the white area
within the fluid is not as it appears.
Hydrostatic Forces on Curved Surfaces

We could integrate the vector forces along

segment AB, but it is often easier to find
equivalent forces on a free body as illustrated
FAC acts at the center of pressure as from
previous section,
Example 3.14:

Find magnitude and line of

action of equivalent force

Force balance in x and y:

he line of action of the horizontal force is

here we just read directly off the figure.

The line of action for the vertical force can be

found by summing the moments about C (or any
other point…)

(notice that we could add a constant to every x-

coordinate since )
From Appendix p. A-5 (Figure A.1):

Distance from C to centroid is:

So that xcp is found to be

The complete result is summarized below:
Buoyancy, Flotation and Stability
• When a stationary body is completely
submerged in a fluid, or floating
(partially submerged), the resultant
fluid force on the body is the buoyant
• A net upward force results because
• Buoyant force has a magnitude equal
to the weight of the fluid displaced by
body and is directed vertically upward.
• Archimedes’ principle (287-212 BC)
FB  F2  F1  W
F2  F1   ( h2  h1 ) A

FB   (h2  h1 ) A  (h2  h1 ) A  V ]
FB  V
FB y  F2 y1  F1 y1  wy2

Buoyant force passes through the centroid of

the displaced volume
Figure 2.24 (p.
70) force on submerged and floating bodies.
Example 1

A spherical buoys has a diameter of 1.5 m, weighs 8.50 kN

and is anchored to the seafloor with a cable. What is the
tension on the cable when the buoy is completely immersed?
Stability of Immersed and Floating Bodies
• Centers of buoyancy and gravity do not coincide
• A small rotation can result in either a restoring or overturning
• Stability is important for floating bodies
Stability of an immersed body

Stability of a completely Stability of a

immersed body – center completely immersed
of gravity below entroid. body – center of
gravity above
Stability of a floating body
Stability of Floating Bodies
• If body is bottom heavy (G
lower than B), it is always
• Floating bodies can be
stable when G is higher than
B due to shift in location of
center buoyancy and
creation of restoring
• Measure of stability is the
metacentric height GM. If
GM>1, ship is stable.
Stability of Immersed Bodies

• Rotational stability of immersed bodies depends upon relative

location of center of gravity G and center of buoyancy B.
– G below B: stable
– G above B: unstable
– G coincides with B: neutrally stable.
Stability &
• Principles of Stability
• Archimedes Principle
• Terminology of ship’s hydrostatics
• Stability & moments -> staying upright
• Metacenter, Center of Gravity, Center of
Buoyancy, etc.
• Stability curves
Principles of Stability
• Floating object is acted on by forces of gravity and forces of buoyancy
– Static equilibrium Fi = 0
• Three conditions of static equilibrium:
– Stable: return to same position if tipped
– Neutral: when rotated, will come to rest in any position
– Unstable: will come to rest in new position if force acts on it
• Law: Principle
a body floating or submerged in a
fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the
weight of the water it displaces
• Depth to which ship sinks depends on
density of water ( = 1 ton/35ft3 seawater)
• Ship Principle
sinks until weight of water displaced
by the underwater volume is equal to the
weight of the ship
– Forces of gravity: G = mshipg =Wship
– Forces of buoyancy: B = waterVdisplaced

Wship = waterVdisplaced
Archimedes Principle
• Forces act everywhere on ship -> too tough
to analyze
• Center of Gravity (G): all gravity forces as
one force acting downward through ship’s
geometric center
• Center of Buoyancy (B): all buoyancy
forces as one force acting upward through
underwater geometric center
• Center Principle
of Gravity (G):
– Changes position only by change/shift in mass
of ship
– Does not change position with movement of
• Center of Buoyancy (B):
– Changes positionG with movement of ship ->
underwater geometric center moves
– Also affected by displacement
Hydrostatics Terminology
• Displacement: total weight of ship = total
submerged volume of ship (measured in tons)
• Draft: vertical distance from waterline to keel at
deepest point (measured in feet)
• Reserve Buoyancy: volume of watertight portion of
ship above waterline (important factor in ship’s
ability to survive flooding)
• Freeboard: vertical distance from waterline to main
deck (rough indication of reserve buoyancy)
Hydrostatics Terminology

• As draft & displacement increase, freeboard

and reserve buoyancy decrease
• Def’n: tendency of a force to produce
rotation or to move an object about an axis
– Distance between the force and axis of rotation
is the moment arm
• Couple: two forces of equal magnitude in
opposite and parallel directions, separated
by a perpendicular distance
– G and B are a couple
• Depending on location of G
and B, two types of moments:
– Righting moment: tends to
return ship to upright position
– Upsetting moment: tends to
overturn ship
• Magnitude of righting
– RM = W * GZ (ft-tons)
– GZ: moment arm (ft)
• Def’n: the intersection
of two successive lines
of action of the force of
buoyancy as ship heels
through small angles
– If angle too large, M
moves off centerline
• MetacentricMetacenter
– Determines size of
righting/upsetting arm
(for angles < 7o)
GZ = GM*sin
– Large GM -> large
righting arm (stiff)
– Small GM -> small
righting arm (tender)

Relationship between G and M
– G under M: ship is stable
– G = M: ship neutral
– G over M: ship unstable

Metacenter v. Stability Curves
• At this point, we could use lots of
trigonometry to determine exact values of
forces, etc for all angles -> too much
• GM used as a measure of stability up to
7°, after that values of GZ are plotted at
successive angles to create the stability
Stability Curve
Stability Curve
• Plot GZ (righting arm) vs. angle of heel
– Ship’s G does not change as angle changes
– Ship’s B always at center of underwater portion of hull
– Ship’s underwater portion of hull changes as heel
angle changes
– GZ changes as angle changes
‫ﺍﷲ ﻮﺍﻫﻲ‬


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