Human Rights Law .
Human Rights Law .
Human Rights Law .
A Right is a common privilege given to all citizens for example the right to vote,
the right to property, the right to worship, the right to information
Freedom is when you have no constraints to conduct your actions ‘“freedom of
speech, freedom of the press, freedom to religion, freedom to complain.
In modern language both words refer to similar things like Freedom of the Press
and Right to Information. Freedom means having a good environment where
Rights and Duties are honorably preserved. If you are entitled to something, you
have a Right towards it. Freedom itself is the fundamental human right
Legal Rights, Constitutional Rights and
Human Rights
Legal Rights, Constitutional Rights and Human Rights
Legal rights refer to a set of rights formulated by the legal system of a
government. They are given as privileges to the citizens of that particular state.
Thus, they are those liberties or protections of individuals that are originated
through the laws
In brief, legal rights are the privileges given to citizens by their governments.
Hence, these liberties/right are created and enforced by the legal system of
governments, which also means that they can also be redefined or altered by the
same parties
Legal Rights, Constitutional Rights and
Human Rights Cont’d
Constitutional rights are the most highly guaranteed freedoms within a legal
system. A constitutional right can be a prerogative or a duty, a power or a restraint
of power, recognized and established by a sovereign state.
Constitutional rights may be expressly stipulated in a national constitution, or they
may be inferred from the language of a national constitution, which is the
supreme law of the land, meaning that laws that contradict it are considered
unconstitutional and invalid
. e.g. the right to vote article 46, the right to pension benefit article 187, the right
to request for presidential pardon article 97(2), right to petition and make
comments on legislation and decision of national assembly article 88, right to
challenge constitutionality of statutory instrument article 67(3).
Legal Rights, Constitutional Rights and Human Rights
In the late 1970s, when Karel Vasak offered his concept of the three generations of
rights it was inclusive enough to embrace the whole spectrum of existing human rights
Karel Vasak was a Czech-French international official and university professor
it is probably the most practical, commonly used, and comprehensive categorization of
human rights
it encompasses the dichotomies (division or contrast) used in major attempts of human
rights classification: negative vs. positive rights, individual vs. collective rights, and
national vs. international liability.
The classification is into three categories, namely:
First generation rights
Second generation rights
Third generation rights
The first generation regards negative rights and corresponds to civil and political
liberties. The second generation presumes a positive action of the state and
includes social, economic, and cultural rights
The first two generations of rights have their corresponding covenants signed in
1966: the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR) for the
first and International Covenant on Economic Social and Cultural Rights
(ICESCR) for the second
The sharp distinction between the two covenants lies in the parties’ obligations
stemming from the respective Article 2.1. for each of them. The ICCPR relevant
provision requires states’ “respect and insurance” of the rights enlisted in the
Covenant, whereas the ICESCR binds countries only of “taking steps” in certain
direction aiming at the fulfillment of the Covenant’s provisions
While differentiating between the first and second generations of rights, Vašák
contrasted the negative character of the former and the positive of the latter
Finally, Vašák’s third generation of human rights is referred to as “rights of
solidarity.” They require collective action of individuals as well as states and other
political units
First generation rights
The first generation also has a long history of accenting (emphasizing) liberty, dating back to the Magna
Carta (1215) and including such milestone documents as the United States Bill of Rights (1791) and the
Declaration of Rights of Man and of the Citizen (1789)
They refer to the civil and political rights as set forth in articles 2 to 31 of the universal declaration of human
Since the UDHR is not legally binding the civil and political rights where given a binding force in 1966 when
they were put together in the international covenant on civil and political rights
The first generation rights can be enforced against their violators through the courts of law
This enforcement process is called justiciability
First generation rights cont’d
In comparison with the second and third generation rights, civil and political
rights are easier to enforce in that their implementation only requires the act of
persuading a state to abstain from interfering with individual rights. E.g. asking
the state through a Habeas Corpus application to set free a citizen whom it has
wrongfully detained.
Among those rights are the right to life, freedom of speech, freedom of religion,
right to fair trial, equality before the law, and other civil and political rights
Also included in this category are political rights, which guarantee individuals the
right to participate in their government either directly or through elected
representatives. It should be noted, however, that some first generation rights also
impose positive duties on the state. For example, the state has a duty to ensure a
fair and prompt trial for anyone accused of an offence.
The second generation rights
Comprises the economic social and cultural rights as stated in articles 22 to 27 of the universal declaration of
human rights 1948
Their distinct feature is the prerequisite for active state involvement.
They promote the free development of personality through national effort, such as the right to clean water, right
to education, the right to work
These are difficult rights to implement in developing countries like southern African states because they
demand large amounts of material, financial and human resources which are in short supply in these countries.
Third generation rights
These are also known as the solidarity rights, collective rights or people’s rights
They relate to the idea of human solidarity or universal brotherhood
They are also referred to as group rights such as women’s rights and children’s rights
Article 1 of the UDHR represents these rights, 1972 Stockholm (Sweden) declaration of the united
nations conference on human environment Rio Declaration (UN General Assembly 1992), and other
international documents of declaratory character
They include the right to self determination of a people that occupy a definite territory with the same
language and culture, economic and social development, healthy environment, natural resources, and
participation in cultural heritage
Third generation rights cont’d
Laws and policies are able to restrict human rights, but only in a way that is reasonable and justifiable
Not all human rights principles enjoy the same level of protection. Instead, they can have different legal
characteristics, being absolute or non-absolute in nature or having inherent limitations.
Examples of human rights which are recognised as absolute rights and cannot be limited for whatever reason:
Freedom from torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment (ICCPR Article 7)
Freedom from slavery and servitude (ICCPR Article 8)
Freedom from imprisonment for inability to fulfil a contractual obligation (ICCPR Article 11)
Prohibition against the retrospective operation of criminal laws (ICCPR Article 15)
Right to recognition as a person before the law (ICCPR Article 16)
The absolute character of these rights means that it is not permitted to restrict these rights by balancing their
enjoyment against the pursuit of a legitimate aim
Restriction of rights by the state (derogation clause and
limitation clauses) cont’d
Human rights can only be restricted to achieve an important and legitimate purpose.
Protecting the lives and health of people during the COVID-19 pandemic is such a purpose.
Decisions to restrict people’s rights should be based on evidence that the restriction is
needed to achieve that purpose.
If circumstances change, and the restriction is no longer needed to achieve the purpose, it
will no longer be justifiable.
The specific or “legitimate aim” criterion essentially requires that the authorities act to
achieve a goal specified in the limitation clause when restricting rights. Legitimate interests
include national security; territorial integrity and public safety; the economic well-being of
the country; the prevention of disorder or crime; the protection of health or morals; the
protection of the rights, freedoms, and reputation of others; the prevention of disclosure of
information received in confidence; and the impartiality of the judiciary
Restriction of rights by the state (derogation
clause and limitation clauses) cont’d
The principle of proportionality- an important criterion for assessing whether an
interference with a right is "necessary in a democratic society"- has been used by
many national constitutional courts
The means used to enforce these measures (such as fines and ‘move on’ powers)
must be proportionate to their purpose.
The courts have used the proportionality test as a means of controlling the breadth
and reach of state restriction of rights; it serves to balance the legitimate purpose
of the state with individual rights in each case brought before the judiciary
Restriction of rights by the state (derogation clause and
limitation clauses) cont’d
The Constitution of Zambia makes provision for legal limitations on the exercise and
protection of rights contained in Part III of the Constitution of Zambia
Declaratory article 11. [Fundamental rights and freedoms]:
It is recognized and declared that every person in Zambia has been and shall continue to be
entitled to the fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual, that is to say, the right,
whatever his race, place of origin, political opinions, color, creed, sex or marital status, but
subject to the limitations contained in this Part…
Art 12. [Protection of right to life] of Zambian constitution:
(1) No person shall be deprived of his life intentionally except in execution of the sentence
of a court in respect of a criminal offence under the law in force in Zambia of which he has
been convicted.
Article 25→ allows laws passed when Zambia is at war or under a state of emergency (art
30) to derogate from all of the rights and protections in the Constitution