Semi Group
Semi Group
Semi Group
• In this example, we will take the two natural numbers or two real
numbers and perform binary operations such as addition,
multiplication, subtraction, and division on these numbers.
• The algebraic operation on two natural numbers or real numbers
will generate a result. If we get a natural number or real number
as a result, then we will consider that binary operation in our set.
• Addition:
• We will learn about addition, which is a binary operation.
Suppose we have two natural numbers(a, b). Now if we add
these numbers, then it will generate a natural number as a
result. For example: Suppose there are 6 and 8 two natural
numbers and the addition of these numbers are
• 6 + 8 = 14
• Hence, the result 14 is also a natural number.
So, we will consider an addition in our set. The
same process will be followed for real
numbers as well.
• +: N + N → N is derived by (a, b) → a + b
+: R + R → R is derived by (a, b) → a + b
• Multiplication:
• Now we will learn multiplication, which is a
binary operation. If we multiply two natural
numbers (a, b), then it will generate a natural
number as a result. For example: Suppose
there are 10 and 5 two natural numbers and
the multiplication of these numbers are:
• 10 * 5 = 50
• Hence, the result 50 is also a natural number.
So we will consider multiplication in our set.
The same process will be followed for real
numbers as well.
• +: N × N → N is derived by (a, b) → a × b
+: R × R → R is derived by (a, b) → a × b
• Subtraction:
• Now we will learn subtraction, which is a binary
operation. If we subtract two real numbers (a, b), then it
will also generate a real number as a result. The same
process will not be followed for natural numbers,
because if we take two natural numbers to perform
binary subtraction, then it is not compulsory that it will
generate a natural number. For example: Suppose we
take two natural numbers 5 and 7 and the subtraction of
these numbers are
• 5 - 7 = -2
• Hence, the result is not a natural number. So
we will not consider subtraction in our set.
• - : R x R → R is derived by (a, b)→ a - b
• Division
• Now we will learn division, which is a binary operation. If we
divide two real numbers (a, b), then it will also generate a real
number as a result. The same process will not be followed for
natural numbers, because if we take two natural numbers to
perform binary division, then it is not compulsory that it will
generate a natural number. For example: Suppose we take two
natural numbers 10 and 6 and the division of these numbers is
• 10/6 = 5/3
• Hence, the result 5/3 is not a natural number. So we will not
consider division in our set.
• - : R - R → R is derived by (x, y) → x - y
Properties of Algebraic structure
• Commutative: Suppose set G contains a
binary operation *. The operation * is called to
be commutative in G if it holds the following
• x * y= y * x for all x, y in G
• Associative: Suppose set G contains a binary
operation *. The operation * is called to be
associative in G if it holds the following
• (x*y)*z = x *( y*z) for all x, y, z in G
• Identity: Suppose we have an algebraic system
(G, *) and set G contains an element e. That
element will be called an identifying element
of the set if it contains the following relation:
• x * e = e * x = x for all x
• Here, element e can be referred to as an
identity element of G, and we can also see
that it is necessarily unique.
• Inverse: Suppose there is an algebraic system (G, *),
and it contains an identity e. We will also assume that
the set G contains the elements x and y. The element
y will be called an inverse of x if it satisfies the
following relation:
• x*y=y*x=e
• Here, element x can also be referred to as inverse of
y, and we can also see that it is necessarily unique.
The inverse of x can also be referred to as x-1 like this:
• x * x-1 = x-1 * x = e
• Cancellation Law: Suppose set G contains a
binary operation *. The operation * is called to
be left cancellation law in G if it holds the
following relation:
• x * y = x * z implies y = z
• It will be called the right cancellation law if it
holds the following relation:
• y * x = z * x implies y = z
Types of Algebraic structure
an an*an
• The empty in the jth row and the kth column
represent the elements aj*ak.
• Example: Consider the set A = {1, 2, 3} and a
binary operation * on the set A defined by a *
b = 2a+2b.
• Represent operation * as a table on A.
• Solution: The table of the operation is shown
in fig:
* 1 2 3
1 4 6 8
2 6 8 10
3 8 10 12
Properties of Binary Operations