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Connective Tissue 3

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Beni-Suef University - Fac. Vet. Med.

Department of Cytology & Histology

lll) Adult supportive C.T :


General characters:
1- rigid, with some degree of flexibility because the matrix is formed of
chondrotin sulfate (sulfated GAG).
2- avascular (the cells receive their oxygen and nutrients by the diffusion
from the perichondrium)
3- formed of :
Cells: chondroblasts& chondrocytes
Fibers: either solely collagen or combined with elastic fibers depending on the
cartilage type.
Matrix: chondrotin sulfate which causes the basophilia of the matrix.
4- three types of cartilage depending on the type of
fibers embedded in the matrix :
a) Hyaline cartilage
b) Elastic cartilage
c) Fibrocartilage.
5- All types of cartilage are surrounded by perichondrium
except at the articular surface &fibrocartilage.
a) Hyaline cartilage
-most common type.
-called hyaline because in fresh state it has glassy, translucent, bluish white
1. Perichoderium
2. Cells: chondroblast & chondrocytes
3. Fibers: fine collagen fibers which have the same refractive index of the
surrounding matrix so the fibers cannot be seen at LM level.
4. Matrix: sulfated GAGs.
In embryos: forms most of temporary skeleton of embryos that replaced by bone after

In adults: it is persists as articular cartilage of joints, costal cartilages and cartilages of

respiratory passages (nose, trachea, bronchi and most of the cartilages of larynx)
vascular connective tissue membrane,
which surrounds the cartilage except the
articular surfaces.
formed of two layers:
- Outer fibrous layer: it is formed of dense
irregular C.T, fibroblasts, rich in blood
vessels and nerves.
- Inner cellular (chondrogenic) layer: it is less
fibrous and highly cellular (rich in
chondrogenic cells) which differentiate
into chondroblasts.
• absent in articular hyaline cartilage
2)Cartilage cells
a) chondroblasts(young b) Chondrocytes(mature cartilage
chondrocytes): cells):
• found singly parallel to the inner surface of • present singly or in groups (up to 8
the perichonderium. cells) surrounded by a condensed
matrix called lacuna that forming cell
• they are developed from UMCs . • When the chondrblasts secrete
enough matrix surrounding them, they
become mature cells (chondrocytes).
• flattened or oval cells • rounded cells
- cytoplasm: with deeply basophilic -cytoplasm: lightly stained, vacuolated
cytoplasm cytoplasm.
- nucleus: is oval, lightly stained with -nucleus: rounded, central and darkly
prominent nucleolus. stained nucleus.
E.M: protein synthesizing cells E.M:protein forming cells (abundant
(euchromatic nucleus, well ribosomes,
developed Golgi apparatus, abundant well developed RER and Golgi apparatus,
RER, ribosomes and mitochonderia). mitochondria as well as glycogen granules and
fat droplets).

Functions: Functions:
1- They secrete cartilage matrix 1- secretion and maintenance of cartilage
2- Essential in growth of cartilage matrix
from outside (appositional growth). 2- Responsible for growth of cartilage
(interstitial growth).
b)Elastic cartilage
1- Ear pinna (external ear).
2- Eustachian tube
3- Epiglottis and some of laryngeal cartilage.
Same structure of hyaline cartilage except:
• fibers: extensive network of elastic fibers
run in different directions around the
lacunae.(which are responsible for the
elasticity of this type of cartilage and for
its yellow color)
• The lacuna contains only 1-2
• All elastic cartilages are surrounded by
c)White fibrocartilage

1- intervertebral discs.
2- Pubic symphysis
• formed of thick, compact collagen
fibers arranged in parallel

• They are separated from each

other by narrow clefts that
contain the encapsulated
chondrocytes arranged singly or
in rows.

• No perichoderium
b) Bone
• highly vascular tissue.
• formed of bone cells and bone matrix.
• covered externally with periosteum and internally with endosteum.
1) Periosteum:
- vascular fibrous C.T membrane which covers the bone externally except
the articular surfaces.
- two layers:
a) Outer fibrous layer which is formed of dense irregular C.T rich in
blood vessels.
b) Inner cellular (osteogenic) layer: which is mainly formed of
osteogenic cells and osteoblasts.
2) Bone matrix:
- It is formed of closely packed layers of calcified C.T (called bony lamellae)
embedded in amorphous calcified intercellular substance.

- It consists of organic components :

 collagen fibers type 1 which give acidophilic reaction in decalcified bone
sections with H&E
 sulfated GAGS

-Inorganic components:
 bone minerals as calcium phosphates, carbonates which is the cause
of bone hardness)
3) Endosteum:
-lines the
internal surface of
bone (bone marrow cavities).

-similar in the structure to the

inner osteogenic layer of
Types of bone
A) compact bone:
- It is solid and hard.
- sites:
• in the shafts of long bones
• outer and inner tables of flat bones of skull
• outer covering of vertebrae, ribs.
- covered externally with periosteum and internally
with endosteum.
- characterized histologically by the regular
arrangement of bony lamellae into a definite pattern
called Haversian system or osteon.
Haversian system (Osteon):
- The structural unit of compact bone.
- consists of a central Haversian canal surrounded by concentrically arranged bony
lamellae (calcified collagen fibers which house osteocytes inside lacunae and
- Haversian canal run parallel to the long axis of bone and contains blood vessels,
lymph vessels and nerves.
- calcified collagen fibers of bony lamellae are parallel to each
other in one lamella and perpendicular to those in the next one So in C.S the lamellae
appear alternately striated.
-Haversian canals are connected together and with the periosteum as well as
endosteum by Volkmann’s canals
-The bone lamellae
are organized in 4
lamellar structure
from outward to
1- outer circumferential
2- concentric lamellae
(Haversian system)
3- interstitial lamellae.
4- inner circumferential
B) Spongy bone(Cancellous bone)
- Itappears as thin irregular branching and
anastomosing bony specules or trabeculae,
leaving spaces which house blood forming
cells of bone marrow.
- This structure gives the spongy
- It doesn’t have the regular arrangement
of bony lamellae.
- There are no Haversian systems.
- sites:
1- epiphysis of long bone
2- short bones
3- flat or irregular bones

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