Connective Tissue 3
Connective Tissue 3
Connective Tissue 3
General characters:
1- rigid, with some degree of flexibility because the matrix is formed of
chondrotin sulfate (sulfated GAG).
2- avascular (the cells receive their oxygen and nutrients by the diffusion
from the perichondrium)
3- formed of :
Cells: chondroblasts& chondrocytes
Fibers: either solely collagen or combined with elastic fibers depending on the
cartilage type.
Matrix: chondrotin sulfate which causes the basophilia of the matrix.
4- three types of cartilage depending on the type of
fibers embedded in the matrix :
a) Hyaline cartilage
b) Elastic cartilage
c) Fibrocartilage.
5- All types of cartilage are surrounded by perichondrium
except at the articular surface &fibrocartilage.
a) Hyaline cartilage
-most common type.
-called hyaline because in fresh state it has glassy, translucent, bluish white
1. Perichoderium
2. Cells: chondroblast & chondrocytes
3. Fibers: fine collagen fibers which have the same refractive index of the
surrounding matrix so the fibers cannot be seen at LM level.
4. Matrix: sulfated GAGs.
In embryos: forms most of temporary skeleton of embryos that replaced by bone after
Functions: Functions:
1- They secrete cartilage matrix 1- secretion and maintenance of cartilage
2- Essential in growth of cartilage matrix
from outside (appositional growth). 2- Responsible for growth of cartilage
(interstitial growth).
b)Elastic cartilage
1- Ear pinna (external ear).
2- Eustachian tube
3- Epiglottis and some of laryngeal cartilage.
Same structure of hyaline cartilage except:
• fibers: extensive network of elastic fibers
run in different directions around the
lacunae.(which are responsible for the
elasticity of this type of cartilage and for
its yellow color)
• The lacuna contains only 1-2
• All elastic cartilages are surrounded by
c)White fibrocartilage
1- intervertebral discs.
2- Pubic symphysis
• formed of thick, compact collagen
fibers arranged in parallel
• No perichoderium
b) Bone
• highly vascular tissue.
• formed of bone cells and bone matrix.
• covered externally with periosteum and internally with endosteum.
1) Periosteum:
- vascular fibrous C.T membrane which covers the bone externally except
the articular surfaces.
- two layers:
a) Outer fibrous layer which is formed of dense irregular C.T rich in
blood vessels.
b) Inner cellular (osteogenic) layer: which is mainly formed of
osteogenic cells and osteoblasts.
2) Bone matrix:
- It is formed of closely packed layers of calcified C.T (called bony lamellae)
embedded in amorphous calcified intercellular substance.
-Inorganic components:
bone minerals as calcium phosphates, carbonates which is the cause
of bone hardness)
3) Endosteum:
-lines the
internal surface of
bone (bone marrow cavities).